A message to all City fans from red cafe

de niro said:
mcfcliam said:
Funny as fuck as we were a laughing stock and they mocked us for years and thought it would be like that forever.

Well suck my cock you rag cunts, you took football for granted, you glory hunted and now it's biting you on the fucking arse.

Long may it continue, they'll all be quivering wrecks in 10 years time, sat on that shite forum with dribble on the keyboard whilst posting from whatever part of the globe they are from.

Get fucked.

your best ever post.

He certainly makes his point forcefully.
fathellensbellend said:
i love the irony that they seem to think every penny that have earnt has been earnt "honestly", sky have been so far up united arse for 2 decades that they have had the lions share of exposure, lions share of coverage and more importantly the lions share of sky's money, in fact when the glazers took over sky were that scared that the glazers were going to sell utds matches to the internet as opposed to sky, they afforded utd a special meeting, which we can all guess how that went.

and isnt their a certain irony in the fact that despite mocking our owners they spend every waking hour wanting rid of theirs, why?, not to invest in the team, surely.

wankers the lot of em

They have been in the tightest most corrupt cartel (Champions League) ever. They were there at the start and have benefitted from the money ever since - they really are delusional.

Why dont the Champions League and television money get spread evenly across all the leagues and clubs? We all know why, they wouldnt like it!!

Now they are as jeaslous as fuck because we have owners who are giving us money as opposed to owners who are pimping us on the street cornere to every kerb crawler that passes by
After today, I wouldn't mind Qatar Investment Authority buying United...just to avoid similar crap like what we had to live through in these ninety minutes from hell

their success is tainted, if they win the title, it will only because of a filthy rich arab pouring money onto the club to buy whoever they want....

No hypocrisy there, then!

Wankers the lot of thm!
Arrogance personified. Hypocritical in the extreme just like the pisscan. Hate them with a passion. Wonder how that float is coming along?
Prestwich_Blue said:
And here's a message back from Bluemoon:

How did they generate all this money? Through success on the pitch and the shameless exploitation of a disaster, after which they got former players to lend them memorabilia to put in their museum then charged those players to see their own exhibits.

How did they get to be so successful? Matt Busby initially won them a first title for 41 years then Alex Ferguson (who in 1993 won this "successful" club their first title in 26 years). That set them up for a financial bonanza via Sky's money.

And who appointed Busby? James Gibson did.

And who was James Gibson? Well he was the person (not a football fan) who was living in Trafford during the Depression and heard the local football club was about to go out of business due to debts it couldn't pay. He thought that was a shame and put in £40k (a fortune in those days) to save them.

What would have happened if he hadn't done that? They'd have gone out of business and been replaced by the up-and-coming Manchester Central club.

So they "won the lottery" even though it was 80 years ago but without that they wouldn't be such a successful club.

Well said my Blue friend!<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:51 pm --<br /><br />
Uno's_My name said:
Why do any of you read redcafe? its a well known dump for non matchgoing glory kids who know jack shit about football, tbh why do any of you read a United forum full stop?? its wierd and i dont get it, its like rags who read our forum and i ask why??

My only conclusion is blues who read United forums are as obsessed with them as Rags who read City forums, bad as each other.

100% Not Guilty & NEVER will be.
MCC said:
I like rags. The world is a better place with them. Whenever you are having a shit day they always pick you up. Their stupidity, bitterness and general ragishness knows no limits. We`ve only just started, just going through the warm ups and touching our toes.

Mike Summerbee predicted what we all knew......

"We`ll come here and we`ll take them apart. Simple as that."


Jamie redknapp is a twat an needs to learn a bit about football an some respect the jumped up useless cockney shitbag.
We let them use Maine Road when Old Trafford got bombed
They also used it for European Cup games
We gave Matt Busby his career in football
We gave Dennis Law his career in football
They found a 14 year old Ryan Giggs in our academy

Without any of them things happening they wouldn't be half the club they are today, they should be greatfull of us.

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