A rational reason for creating life/having a child

I'm 63.
I know a few couples who didn't have kids who feel their lives are empty and none who don't.
I know no couples with kids who regret it.
I reckon when you see people in their 60's enjoying the grand kids you see people enjoying it more than the parents . Before kids I couldn't imagine having them now I can't imagine not and whilst it can be expensive and knackering it's worth it every second.

Took my two year old for her first swimming lesson without me in the pool with her today, thought she would meltdown, would by for me to come in but no..... She was perfect and tried everything - proud as punch. Last night I laughed my head off as she danced round the kitchen to thunderstruck. This morning my 7 year old who is a legend presented me with a special go City picture she had drawn for me and engaged me in a long chat about the intricacies of scooby doo. how could all those things rationally make you happy ? But they do
Usually you don't plan it, least we didn't. They just came along. And it's the greatest thing to watch them grow, and develop. I was twenty when I found out she was pregnant. Shit myself. So glad we had her though, 5 years later, again! They are born exactly a month apart, both on the 24th, January and February. Absolute sweethearts. So close to each other. My eldest looks after the youngest, the youngest appreciates it with hugs, they play dolls, my eldest reads stories. It's beautiful. That's what makes it worth it. And I can play lego and nintendo with them.
Sometimes I walk past the cemetery near me and think 'you lucky, lucky bastards'
I used to wear a t shirt that said Life is unfair kill yourself or get over it, got a few weird looks but I sometimes feel that people are oblivious to the fact that life is utterly absurb and we're all being slowly ushered into an invisible prison, we've al been conned, no one understands we're in one big maze with no exit and the powers that be are laughing at us.

But then, I'm a bit weird.
Here you go BT, cheer up.

It has words to follow along.

Condemned at birth, when they give you a slap
Their gonna steal your mind & there's no worse crime than that
Condemned at birth, you might as well cry
You're gonna be condemned till the day that you die
Condemned at school, you don't like that
But there's worse to come
Condemned to work, you can't stand that
So you're on the dole 'cos you got the sack
Condemned to boredom, worse than before
No money so you steal and you're messing with the law
Condemned to the cell, you learn how to hate
Stamp on your pride, try to fight the state
Condemned to be sent down or learn to settle down
They don't care, it's going to hurt
Dragging your pride through the fucking dirt
Condemned to have kids, you might even have a mortgage
I don't normally share this but fuck it. I was at the birth of both my daughters. The first time, I cried as soon as I saw the head. Their mother was struggling and stirruped up. As soon as she came out I couldn't help it. The next time I thought it was out of my system. Nope. As soon as I saw the head I fucking cried again!
Sometimes I walk past the cemetery near me and think 'you lucky, lucky bastards'
I used to wear a t shirt that said Life is unfair kill yourself or get over it, got a few weird looks but I sometimes feel that people are oblivious to the fact that life is utterly absurb and we're all being slowly ushered into an invisible prison, we've al been conned, no one understands we're in one big maze with no exit and the powers that be are laughing at us.

But then, I'm a bit weird.

Might get that on a shirt
Sometimes I walk past the cemetery near me and think 'you lucky, lucky bastards'
I used to wear a t shirt that said Life is unfair kill yourself or get over it, got a few weird looks but I sometimes feel that people are oblivious to the fact that life is utterly absurb and we're all being slowly ushered into an invisible prison, we've al been conned, no one understands we're in one big maze with no exit and the powers that be are laughing at us.

I like you.
Sometimes I walk past the cemetery near me and think 'you lucky, lucky bastards'
I used to wear a t shirt that said Life is unfair kill yourself or get over it, got a few weird looks but I sometimes feel that people are oblivious to the fact that life is utterly absurb and we're all being slowly ushered into an invisible prison, we've al been conned, no one understands we're in one big maze with no exit and the powers that be are laughing at us.

But then, I'm a bit weird.
I never understand this view.

If you're unhappy with your life, change it. Bet big. (Not in a William Hill type way).

Just shuffle the pack and go all in. What's the worst that can happen if you're already unhappy?
I never understand this view.

If you're unhappy with your life, change it. Bet big. (Not in a William Hill type way).

Just shuffle the pack and go all in. What's the worst that can happen if you're already unhappy?

Completely agree - I've recently taken a gamble(ish) in changing careers. I was unhappy and moved, what's the alternative? Stay and moan - that's not for me

The difficulty is that people are happy being unhappy, they are settles and their friends/family accept thier views and outlook. It's easy being in a comfort zone not matter how unhappy you are, I used to work with drug addicts so know a bit about being 'stuck'. And when I say stuck, that's more mental than physical - we can all change

The long and short of it is, I like being alive. I'm 32 and hopefully I will live a long(ish) life - like I said, if the OP, or anyone else, are unhappy with thier lot then change it

As for the rational behind having children - words fail me

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