A sense of perspective?

FantasyIreland said:
dancity19 said:
The reason that doesn't hold up as providing perspective for many of us, is because, in context, we may as well be a different club entirely to the one pre the investment.

It's great to look back upon for a bit of nostalgia and think how far we have come, but in terms of perspective, it's pointless. We have spend hundreds of millions. If our growth had been completely organic then you would have a point.

Ultimately though, when the investment came in, we effectively became a different club to the one before, so looking at those players adds no perspective.

Don't baffle them with reality and fact mate.

Its appears too hard a concept for many to

We are all very grateful the Sheikh chose us,however,that doesnt mean we can be happy when the team does not perform to its full potential.

Many of us can be happy if the team are giving 100% and the fans are behind the team.

We are still the same club because the vast majority on Blues haven been through the bad times together. We have better players and richer owners but we are still City
BringBackSwales said:
I was looking at my lad's first every City with him last night, it was as recent as 2007 and the 4 players on the front were Dickov (fair enough), Hamman, Dabo and Corradi - 6 years ago only. Maybe we could occasionally be thankful for how far we have come in such a short space of time?

For the love of God! A public thrashing for the first arsehole to mention York.

Just to clarify, we are all grateful for what Sheikh Mansour has done and where we are now. However, that does not mean we have to self flagellate like St Therese of Lisieux on amphetamine sulphate, every time we start dreaming of the stars. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best we can be (something we are not doing at the moment by a long chalk), or debating that point on this site. FFS!
strongbowholic said:
Unfortunately far too many do not hold this as a reasonable consideration. We have money, we have players ergo why is the cabinet not bulging with Champions League Trophy, The Cheltenham Gold Cup and the Premier League of Darts Cup.

One poor season is no longer permissible - despite having witnessed at least 25 utterly abject ones in the last 40. If you call it out in such fashion, it is seen as being weak and not having that winning mentality.

Those in charge seem infinitely more patient than us having backed both Clueless and Mancini, creating an environment within which they could succeed and taking the appropriate action when necessary.

Thankfully, those in charge are not us!

Cock on with the sentiment, however, would winning the FA Cup (quite possible) and finishing second in the Prem constitute a poor season? Perspective required.
When you think of where we've come from and where we find ourselves and factor in the fact that it was never going to be an entirely smooth ride, it would be astonishing if there weren't tensions between our supporters along the way.

This is especially the case when you consider that we've always bickered as fans and our support base has always seemed, to me at least, to be a mixture of those expecting the worst and those hoping for the best.

Those factors were always going to throw up some who were grateful for whatever came our way and others whose expectations would rise in direct correlation with the money invested.

In most given situations in life the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle and this situation is no exception. We cannot expunge from our memory banks where we've come from. It defines us as fans and as a club. It is a remarkable story and one which we, as supporters, played our part. Without our steadfast support the club, especially in the late 90's, would not find itself where it is today. So those that say York away is not relevant are wholly wrong. The day a couple who win the lottery stop telling each other how fortunate they are to find themselves where they are, is a day that something dies inside them. York away is relevant, because it should always give us a sense of perspective of who we are.

But it can't go on defining our expectations for ever. It is right that supporters get pissed off when the team doesn't perform to anything like its potential, just as the lottery winning couple shouldn't be expected to endure the same standard of hotels and restaurants as they did before they had their good fortune - but they shouldn't be spoilt arseholes about it when things go wrong either. In fact you would hope that their sense of grounding should help them accept that sometimes in life things don't always go your way.

I guess a lot of the points I've made are obvious ones, but the reality is that it is unreasonable to expect rich people to live in the same shoes that they did when they were poor, but it's equally wrong for them to forget where they came from in the first place.

That sense of perspective from both sides in this debate at times wouldn't go amiss.
Ive been reading this debate for the last few days now so I would like to ask a genuine question to the "Mancini outers."

Where should we be as a club right now in your opinion..on the pitch and if you want as well off the pitch? What are your expectations. What should we be achieving every year?
BringBackSwales said:
I was looking at my lad's first every City with him last night, it was as recent as 2007 and the 4 players on the front were Dickov (fair enough), Hamman, Dabo and Corradi - 6 years ago only. Maybe we could occasionally be thankful for how far we have come in such a short space of time?
Why does perspective only go back as far as 2007, why not 1968, 1956, 1934? I could go on but being selective in the perspective suits a purpose.
Exeter Blue I am here said:
BringBackSwales said:
I was looking at my lad's first every City with him last night, it was as recent as 2007 and the 4 players on the front were Dickov (fair enough), Hamman, Dabo and Corradi - 6 years ago only. Maybe we could occasionally be thankful for how far we have come in such a short space of time?

For the love of God! A public thrashing for the first arsehole to mention York.

Just to clarify, we are all grateful for what Sheikh Mansour has done and where we are now. However, that does not mean we have to self flagellate like St Therese of Lisieux on amphetamine sulphate, every time we start dreaming of the stars. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best we can be (something we are not doing at the moment by a long chalk), or debating that point on this site. FFS!
Yep. The 'York police' still patrol the forum, shouting about 'perspective' whilst displaying absolutely no perspective on the quality and expectations of the squad.

That's why they all go to war with the entire media: because in general neutrals have a lot more perspective on the new City, and The Sheikh's ambitions, than them.
It's perspective that allows one to be ok with the results of some of the past teams -- they maximized their talent (or didn't, heh) and you never expected them to win the CL or anything.

It's realistically the same calculus today, only the outlay of resources and the expectations of the squad due to its players is much larger. With that, the ambition shifts and as a result the expectations.

As a fan, I want the team to perform to the best of its ability. That's true today and it will be true if the Sheikh were to leave and we were to drop some depths again. Right now, some feel that we're not performing to the best of our ability, some perspective about the heights we've already climbed isn't going to negate the basic desire to want to see the team maximize or come close to maximizing what it is capable of.
strongbowholic said:
Unfortunately far too many do not hold this as a reasonable consideration. We have money, we have players ergo why is the cabinet not bulging with Champions League Trophy, The Cheltenham Gold Cup and the Premier League of Darts Cup.

One poor season is no longer permissible - despite having witnessed at least 25 utterly abject ones in the last 40. If you call it out in such fashion, it is seen as being weak and not having that winning mentality.

Those in charge seem infinitely more patient than us having backed both Clueless and Mancini, creating an environment within which they could succeed and taking the appropriate action when necessary.

Thankfully, those in charge are not us!
This season is a poor season?

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