A smell and a sound that remind you of Maine Road...

sound, i'll mind your car for 10 bob sir
no sorry lads
alright fuck you then tight arse
those were the days<br /><br />-- 04 Aug 2010 01:31 --<br /><br />
Lee-ManCity said:
Niall Quinn's Disco Pants said:
The smell of a freshly laid, steaming horse turd in the alley between the Kippax and the Platt Lane, and the sound of the pissed up/strange guy who week after week tried starting "City, City, the best team in the land and all the world".............it caught on eventually!!!
that will probably be my dad or his mate lol
yeah i was gonna say lol thats my dad :S or lee's dad
park up next to the alexander park.......*about 15 kids run over*.......can i mind yer car?

i'll always remember when a bloke came back to his car next to ours to find it on bricks, he chased some lad who said he would mind his car (did he really think the kid would mind it) the lad runs into this house on the other side of the street facing, then this massive lady comes out with a broom chasing the man shouting at him in some caribbean accent whilst the lad scoots off across the park, was proper funny at the time lol

also a bloke who sat behind us, who would shout 'keep it on the deck city' about 300 times a game!
Surprised no ones mentioned the classic " Even if were playing down at maine road or if were playing a million miles away....... they'll always be a loyal fan behind us to cheer us on our way City " ....... etc.

A f**king brilliant tune and one that brings back fond memories of Maine Road.
Smell:Freshly Printed Programmes (Cant beat it) With Eike Immel Pull out poster
smell-cigars and bovril.
sound-That song rush hour they used to play at about quarter to 3.
Greasy fried onions and the sound of the police horses hooves as you reached the stadium. Best at night with that eerie glow above the terraced houses as you snaked through the dog shit filled alleys.
Will always remember the first game in Division 2. We were playing Blackpool. It was boiling hot. And the whole of the North Stand stunk of balti pies.

Only other smell I really associate with Maine Road was that of the rather large unwashed old chap who sat in front of us. Always had a huge thick jacket on, even in blistering heat. Thankfully we lost him when we moved to COMS.
Not exacly maine road, but the smell walking past yew tree lane chippy on the way in.

Sound. Champagne SuperNova playing trough the speakers. And the half time tickets guy.
citymad said:
Surprised no ones mentioned the classic " Even if were playing down at maine road or if were playing a million miles away....... they'll always be a loyal fan behind us to cheer us on our way City " ....... etc.
Before it gets around:

Even if we're playing down at Maine Road or if we play a million miles away,
there'll always be our loyal fans behind us to cheer us on our way..."

Sound: Helen's bell

Smell: Got to be the stewed onions smell that so offended Lord Taylor and meant we had to sit down. ("The refreshments .. are sold in surrounding streets from mobile carts and inside many grounds from other carts or shoddy sheds.......There is a prevailing stench of stewed onions....there is no reason why the fare available should not be wholesome, varied and decently served from clean and attractive outlets...." (Hillsborough report, #30) We wouldn't remember that, though...

Sight: the pelican on the Platt Lane roof!

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