A song for Erling...

Sadly it appears that the 2 Unlimited shite is here to stay. The greatest city to ever produce music and we're rehashing a song from a decade ago.

I haven’t heard it sung by that many people yet - I don’t think it’s taken off. It’s a boring and lazy effort.

We seem to have lost any creativity we had with creating new songs. Most of the players now don’t have anything

We can surely come up with something better.
Something simple and easy for everyone to join in with. Great for encouragement when we need a goal, even better for celebrating when he's scored.

Feed the viking, feed the viking, feed the viking he will score...

Think of maine road after the goat robbed chuckle brother
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I haven’t heard it sung by that many people yet - I don’t think it’s taken off. It’s a boring and lazy effort.

We seem to have lost any creativity we had with creating new songs. Most of the players now don’t have anything

We can surely come up with something better.
Loads doing it in the South Stand last night. It was like being at the darts, City fans would sing Sweet Caroline if we had a player that fitted in with the syllables
Come on Eileen

Come on Erling
The best that I've ever seen
When he's scoring in blue
He's City through and through

(I'll get my coat...)

P.s. has a football chant ever been started by being taken from a fans forum? We could have 1,000 pages on this but at the end of the day some lads on an away day will come up with something.
Depeche Mode Just Can’t Get Enough:

Der der der der der der, der der der der der der, der der der der der der Erling Haaland!

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