A song to counter "where were you, when you were sh*t."

KippaxCitizen said:
bluemoon risin' said:
KippaxCitizen said:
I sing back to fans of clubs who get like 20-odd-000 who sing "where we you..."; "we got more than you get now, WE...GOT...MORE...THAN...YOU...GET...NOW!" to the same tune. One bloke at Stoke looked at me, raised his eyebrows and nodded in agreement as if to say "fair enough, maybe I shouldn't be singing that.

The thing is as well, if you don't like opposition fans singing shit at us, maybe the football isn't for you!

Has any1 still got any of their old Paper Season Tickets lying around the house?
"We got more than you get now". I like it. "maybe the football isn't for you" Let me put it this way mate, I've been going since I was a nipper, some 40 years. Been there in the wilderness of the 80's and 90's when we "were shit" and I still go now. This is the best team I've seen so I ain't gonna throw the towel in anytime soon! : )
Was only joking mate!

The "we got more than you get now" was just a one-off reply I shouted back on my todd, nobody joined in with me but the Stokie on the other side of the divide heard me and I could see his reaction - so it worked.

-- Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:25 pm --

Simon the Zealot said:
28,000 in division 2
When we were shit we had more fans than you..
28,000 in division 2
When we were shit we had more fans than you..
28,000 in division 2
When we were shit we had more fans than you..
28,000 in division 2
When we were shit we had more fans than you..

Over and over and over again....
Tune: 35 years and we're still here.

There were games when we got 30000+ and "thirty thousand" is fewer syllables so maybe that would be easier to sing.
Re: A song to counter

City Raider said:
35 years and we're still here

Says it all

This chant is the one thing that I miss from before we won the FA Cup, always made me really proud to sing. Amazes me how many teams give us the 'where were you?' bollocks now. I think Newcastle were the first ones I heard sing it to us the season we won the cup, couldn't believe my fucking ears, they were getting something like 8000 when they got relegated?
In the case of many clubs the chant could be 'Chasing you round 'insert ground'
It'd be good to flash up on the big screens a graphic of our attendances back in the 2nd & 3rd div......maybe even compare it to the team we are facing?
ie. Man City ave att 1999 = 28,261 Div 3
Watford. ave att 1999 = 11,288 Div 2

Or when they sing "where were you when you were shit"? just reply "at Maine Road, why?"!
When I hear opposition fans sing this I think of it as a compliment. This song is only ever sang for top teams and we've only heard this in recent years which shows the progress of the club. Besides everyone knows the shit we've been through and the quality of our support down the years I can't see how anyone would be bothered by this cheap dig. Let 'em sing !
Bit ironic hearing the Cardiff fans singing it on Saturday. I used to know a good number of Cardiff and Swansea fans back around 2005. To a man, they all "supported" Man Utd or Liverpool too.
jknight said:
When I hear opposition fans sing this I think of it as a compliment. This song is only ever sang for top teams and we've only heard this in recent years which shows the progress of the club. Besides everyone knows the shit we've been through and the quality of our support down the years I can't see how anyone would be bothered by this cheap dig. Let 'em sing !

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