Absolutely heartbroken. Gutted

So sorry to hear of your great loss

Believe me when i say they never leave he will always be with you love that strong dosent die

RIP blue
Sorry for your loss Bumbleblue, you have been lucky to have had such a great uncle and this is what life is about, it hurts when you lose the ones you care most for.
A great tribute to your uncle, but the greatest tribute you can give him is to pass on what he passed on to you, so that one day you will have a nephew that says "my uncle was the greatest, he took me to see the only team from Manchester" and the Blue family will never die !
I'm sure your Uncle would love that !
Thank you for sharing that BB very moving you have really captured what it is to be a blue and Ted sounded a great one

RIP Blue
So sorry to hear your bad new bumble, sounds like he was a true gent, what you have said im sure would have made him proud. I know how your feeling mate im still missing my dad and the bugger was a red. RIP TED AND GOD BLESS.

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