Adam Johnson admits he may quit City???

DD said:
There's no point in ever arguing. They have been brainwashed into believing that flare and excitement are unneccesary evils; that a player who can run at defenders and actually frighten them a bit from time to time is not required. A bit of unpredictability should be consigned to the 1960s where it belongs. A couple of bad games and he's a bad egg, yet if Balotelli had the same amount of poor games, he'd be asked to be given time, because Mancini knows a player when he sees one.

It isn't even a question of being brainwashed, mate. It's a wierd cod-loyalty thing from the same names every time.

If anything negative happens at the club it is the fault of the media, the players, the backroom staff, the ex-players, Lawro, Ferguson, our plastic fans, Bellamy, Stephen Ireland, me, PRestwich Blue, Billy Shears or Platini.

Saint Bob can do no wrong. Haven't you seen his nice hair?
Didsbury Dave said:
johnny crossan said:
I still would like to know who the nineteenth Premiership manager is though?
Let me give you a little clue.
there are 19 clubs int he premiership. One already has Adam Johnson.
Are you getting warm yet?

DD said:
If you took the 18 managers of the premier league and asked them "Would you want Adam Johnson in your squad" you'd get 18 Yes's.
Didsbury Dave said:
colin's bell helmet said:
he hasn't lost any argument....have you ever actually read somebodies comment before talking bollocks about it?

He's clearly not read the thread so I didn't deem it worthy of a reply to be honest. I just smiled.

Maybe you don't read your own sh*te...?

Didsbury Dave said:
Don't take this the wrong way, Johnny, but anyone who wants Johnson to leave the club has no knowledge of the game. It really is as simple as that.

If you took the 18 managers of the premier league and asked them "Would you want Adam Johnson in your squad" you'd get 18 Yes's.

If you took the entire England squad and asked them "would you like Adam Johnson in your club you'd get 100% Yes.

If you took every football pundit and ex-player in the media and asked them "Are Manchester City better or worse with Adam Johnson in the squad" you'd get 100% Yes.*

It isn't a bold, brash, or contraversial statement. It's stating the bleeding obvious.

* What the fook is that bit about??

I'm saying AJ IS in the squad, not the FIRST team cos he doesn't deserve it!! You make out like he's left out, but he's not. He's made to sit on the subs bench and itch to play and GET IT RIGHT! Make himself un-droppable.
gio's side step said:
Failsworth_Blue said:
He may be young but the comparisons with Ronaldo aren't fair when you consider the age Ronaldo was when he first came compared to the age Johnson is now, he's not a kid, he's 23 years of age. I'm happy that we have Adam Johnson at the club but i also believe he doesn't offer enough when he starts to start on a consistant basis which is basically the whole point with regards to his comments. I think he can go on to be a very good player but i don't think he'll go on to be top drawer because his use of the ball in the final 3rd isn't good enough and hasn't shown many signs of improvement. I'm not saying this because i like Mancini, it's a completely seperate issue and it's something i'm commenting on based on what i've seen of Johnson not because of what Mancini has said about him

Well I think you have forgot his impact at the end of last season. He was the most consistent, important ingredient (with Tevez) in pushing us on to have a hell of a chance to get 4th. This season, I expected us to kick on in terms of performances. Especially at home. I wasn't comparing him directly to Ronaldo. And I accept the age difference. But he was a victim of Boro's decline and many clubs were interested - knowing the talent was there. He proved that with the England U21's. And subsequently has been Englands best player post-world cup. In terms of this season and his peformances, I don't think he has benefited from being utilised sporadically. He has not been involved in as many games from the start as he should in my opinion, which has contributed to the sporadic performances. But that is epidemic of the whole team. Not just Johnson. Equally, as good as Silva is, you could apply it to him. He's played some sublime killer passes, but equally wasted many too. It's about balance. But about having the players in the team who can hurt the opposition. Milner doesnt. I would have him playing more central. We dont need him, Barry, De Jong and Yaya all playing. But at some point, we are going to have to trust the players. Which includes Johnson. Otherwise, we might as well not have him as member of the squad. Because to me, he is going to develop into a top player, but one who requires a run in the team. And in a team who does WANT to win games. Not HOPE to win them

I'm not forgetting his contribution last season he played very well in quite a lot of games at the back end of last season but i still said then that he has to use the ball better, he gets in good positions but time and time again he wastes good oppurtunities, that was the same last season and the same this season only last season he was a little more productive than he has been so far. I completely agree that players like him need runs in the team but can a team who want to challenge for the title or at least the top four afford to start a player who at present offers very little in terms of quality when he starts? Silva is in a different leauge in terms of his use of the ball to Johnson, he does waste the ball but time and time again he picks out sublime passes, he does it a consistant basis and that for me is the difference

I too would play Milner in the middle, i don't think he's good enough from the wide areas but then again i don't think at present Johnson is good enough to warrant starting games so it's difficult. Thankfully when Balo is back we'll more than likely go with Tevez, Silva and Balo as the front three and surely no-one can argue thats the right way to go?
Bigga said:
gio's side step said:
How about you shut the fook up and apply all of your pathetically constructed crap to Milner? He doesnt drink excessively? Bravo James. What else has he done consistently? Other than produce nothing. He's playing out of position. It's a complete waste of a player in terms of attacking.

Apart from being a dunce, let me explain this to you; even IF Milner hasn't produced much YET, he hasn't complained, he has knuckled down and worked whatever position he has been given. He has made some VERY crucial back track tackles which could have seen our defence opened up. Worth every bit as much as "two dribbles and two crosses". In fact, more so.

Milner is showing he's a team player how will get his chance in the position he wants soon enough. Right now, he's playing to wear the shirt every week.

Top pro.

Can you say that of moaning AJ?
easy to say that of milner when he's started nearly every fuckin game!!!.....i'm sure if milner had a barnstorming game for us then went off with england and scored 2 in 2games and then got back to his club full of confidence and then found himself on the bench for a month after it would get on his tits as well don't you?. i like johnson and imo he's the best out and out winger we have at the club and also the best we have in that position and i'm delighted he's not happy being sat on the bench and i'm sure if we get an edin dzeko type forward in the transfer window then johnson will be absolutely fuckin vital because dzeko thrives on quality balls knocked into the box.
I don't think it's right that any player should be making comments to the media if there not happy,but I can understand there frustration at the tactics being played.In my opinion RM is stifling any attacking flair we have.Maybe things might change when Balotelli returns.But surely thats why teams have large squads to replace injured and banned players so why isn't he using other opitions,people say Jo,RSC arent good enough well if thats the case ship them out in January.

And also further proof that he is playing "must not lose at all costs" football,he had the chance to play Ade against a United team who I thought were there for the taking,he could have started him or give him a reasonable amount of time to make a impact,so what does he do,brings him on with seconds remaining just to run down the clock.

To be honest I'm getting a bit fed up with the excuses I keep hearing ie the team need to gel etc.Either we are good enough to challenge the better teams or were not.But to keep on making excuses for this style of football we are playing is getting annoying.
Didsbury Dave said:
rastus said:
Dissapointed in the young man as MCFC has done so much for him.
Hes a good player and can/ needs to improve, sometimes looks like Messi and others a school boy.
To me this article looks like hes advertising for a move and shown us a degree of disrespect.
His comments on Mancins tactics show this.
Johnson said: "A lot of the players are attacking-minded players and want to attack.

"But I think what has been important to the manager is getting the shape right and working on our defensive shape.

"It has been about not conceding goals first and keeping clean sheets and then maybe nicking one."

Right or wrong these comments are pretty bad with the recent negative press on Mancins tacticts which he is feeding.

He has to go imo

I also noticed the subtext of those comments.

Yet another little window into the player's feelings.

But we won't go down that road...let's leave this comedy thread as it is. Nice little moronometer for the Bluemoon regulars.

Dont get me wrong, I dont want him to go, I think he wants to.
It's telling when you hear the questions the interviewer puts to the players, all the questions put to City players these days are loaded to try and get a response like AJ has given...even a slight mention of discontent will be warped out of shape like with SWP last week 'wanting to go on loan' (who to be fair to him, didn't get drawn out and said he was more interested in Christmas than thinking about his future, it took the interviewer saying 'would you consider a loan spell?' and all they got was a 'possibly').
It's good AJ is pissed off he's not playing, but like others have said he needs to keep it to himself and work harder in training etc...gobbing off is just gonna get him shipped out or benched.

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