Adam Johnson admits he may quit City???

Balti said:
Soulboy said:
Woah! Hold on a sec DD... A Mancini "fan"? That's a bit strong!

I've not been a fan of a player or a manager since John Bond sold Steve Mackenzie and broke my heart! I'm ONLY a fan of City... players and managers come and go, so I have little attachment to them. They are paid to do a job... and that's it!

I supported Mancini last season because I felt it was still his honeymoon period, and I'm an advocate that you can't judge a manager (or a player) for at least a few months while they settle in.

But once he reached the end of the season, Mancini's honeymoon period was over and he would be judged by his achievements, and only his achievemnents.

I stated a few months ago that I thought he cocked up the summer transfer window with a few questionable signings and a fair few gaps still apparent in the squad line-up. I felt he'd sort out the probelms behind the scenes... but he's still failed to do that. And I feel that the team is not being coached properly this season... now whether that is the fault of Platt, it's still Mancini's head on the block.

The only reason I am still "supporting" Mancini is that there is no realistic alternative. And until that happens, we are going to have to stick with him and hope it all pans out alright. Do I think he is capable of bringing success? Yes. But there are other factors in play at the moment as well...

But come the end of the season (and we both agree that there is no point in making an unenforced change before then...) I would expect the club to take stock. Irrespective of where we finish, 6th. or 2nd. , or even 1st. I would still expect the club to review his position. If we can get better, then just like any player, we replace. But if we can't find better, then we have to stick.

My views are actually more in accord with yours than I think you realise, it's just that I am willing to wait for the right opportunity to present itself, or hope that Mancini can be the manager we all hope he can be.

Bang on. There is clearly a significant majority that want Mancini to stay until the end of the season at least. That does not mean that they are all happy with the style and the tactics of the football they are witnessing although a fair proportion do seem to be. Ultimately it's a results business and the end of the season will tell all.

There are some Mancini fans around - Forza Mancini and all that crap - but they are in a distinct minority.

Another poll perhaps:

Mancini in - no problems
Mancini in for the rest of the season - but I'm not happy with the football
Mancini out

My money would be on the top two choices being the clear majority but fairly evenly split between the two.

Balti. I enjoy your posts. They are well thought out. And are honest.
gio's side step said:
Don't be a cock.

Ha I'll take that one but be assured my comment was in no way aimed at you.<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:40 pm --<br /><br />And I agree, Balti is a top, well balanced poster.
Balti said:
Soulboy said:
Woah! Hold on a sec DD... A Mancini "fan"? That's a bit strong!

I've not been a fan of a player or a manager since John Bond sold Steve Mackenzie and broke my heart! I'm ONLY a fan of City... players and managers come and go, so I have little attachment to them. They are paid to do a job... and that's it!

I supported Mancini last season because I felt it was still his honeymoon period, and I'm an advocate that you can't judge a manager (or a player) for at least a few months while they settle in.

But once he reached the end of the season, Mancini's honeymoon period was over and he would be judged by his achievements, and only his achievemnents.

I stated a few months ago that I thought he cocked up the summer transfer window with a few questionable signings and a fair few gaps still apparent in the squad line-up. I felt he'd sort out the probelms behind the scenes... but he's still failed to do that. And I feel that the team is not being coached properly this season... now whether that is the fault of Platt, it's still Mancini's head on the block.

The only reason I am still "supporting" Mancini is that there is no realistic alternative. And until that happens, we are going to have to stick with him and hope it all pans out alright. Do I think he is capable of bringing success? Yes. But there are other factors in play at the moment as well...

But come the end of the season (and we both agree that there is no point in making an unenforced change before then...) I would expect the club to take stock. Irrespective of where we finish, 6th. or 2nd. , or even 1st. I would still expect the club to review his position. If we can get better, then just like any player, we replace. But if we can't find better, then we have to stick.

My views are actually more in accord with yours than I think you realise, it's just that I am willing to wait for the right opportunity to present itself, or hope that Mancini can be the manager we all hope he can be.

Bang on. There is clearly a significant majority that want Mancini to stay until the end of the season at least. That does not mean that they are all happy with the style and the tactics of the football they are witnessing although a fair proportion do seem to be. Ultimately it's a results business and the end of the season will tell all.

There are some Mancini fans around - Forza Mancini and all that crap - but they are in a distinct minority.

Another poll perhaps:

Mancini in - no problems
Mancini in for the rest of the season - but I'm not happy with the football
Mancini out

My money would be on the top two choices being the clear majority but fairly evenly split between the two.

More or less how I see it too.

Every City fan I know in person has distinct reservations about him but most realise that sacking him now is not the right thing to do. I don't think I know a single City fan who want him gone tomorrow - because there is no natural replacement.

I'd say that 70% of City fans fall into your middle category and the rest between the two. Even if the season tails off now we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, partly because of the Hughes sacking.

Common concensus is that people want him to succeed but are worried that he won't.
Balti said:
Soulboy said:
Woah! Hold on a sec DD... A Mancini "fan"? That's a bit strong!

I've not been a fan of a player or a manager since John Bond sold Steve Mackenzie and broke my heart! I'm ONLY a fan of City... players and managers come and go, so I have little attachment to them. They are paid to do a job... and that's it!

I supported Mancini last season because I felt it was still his honeymoon period, and I'm an advocate that you can't judge a manager (or a player) for at least a few months while they settle in.

But once he reached the end of the season, Mancini's honeymoon period was over and he would be judged by his achievements, and only his achievemnents.

I stated a few months ago that I thought he cocked up the summer transfer window with a few questionable signings and a fair few gaps still apparent in the squad line-up. I felt he'd sort out the probelms behind the scenes... but he's still failed to do that. And I feel that the team is not being coached properly this season... now whether that is the fault of Platt, it's still Mancini's head on the block.

The only reason I am still "supporting" Mancini is that there is no realistic alternative. And until that happens, we are going to have to stick with him and hope it all pans out alright. Do I think he is capable of bringing success? Yes. But there are other factors in play at the moment as well...

But come the end of the season (and we both agree that there is no point in making an unenforced change before then...) I would expect the club to take stock. Irrespective of where we finish, 6th. or 2nd. , or even 1st. I would still expect the club to review his position. If we can get better, then just like any player, we replace. But if we can't find better, then we have to stick.

My views are actually more in accord with yours than I think you realise, it's just that I am willing to wait for the right opportunity to present itself, or hope that Mancini can be the manager we all hope he can be.

Bang on. There is clearly a significant majority that want Mancini to stay until the end of the season at least. That does not mean that they are all happy with the style and the tactics of the football they are witnessing although a fair proportion do seem to be. Ultimately it's a results business and the end of the season will tell all.

There are some Mancini fans around - Forza Mancini and all that crap - but they are in a distinct minority.

Another poll perhaps:

Mancini in - no problems
Mancini in for the rest of the season - but I'm not happy with the football
Mancini out

My money would be on the top two choices being the clear majority but fairly evenly split between the two.
fantastic post
forevercity said:
Balti said:
Bang on. There is clearly a significant majority that want Mancini to stay until the end of the season at least. That does not mean that they are all happy with the style and the tactics of the football they are witnessing although a fair proportion do seem to be. Ultimately it's a results business and the end of the season will tell all.

There are some Mancini fans around - Forza Mancini and all that crap - but they are in a distinct minority.

Another poll perhaps:

Mancini in - no problems
Mancini in for the rest of the season - but I'm not happy with the football
Mancini out

My money would be on the top two choices being the clear majority but fairly evenly split between the two.
fantastic post

Pretty much nail on the head

Its the stamping of the feet and booing 13 games into the season that particularly has got my fucking goat.

Even Stevie Wonder can see its not the best football on the eye (yet)

Is it too much to ask to just get behind the team and manager(especially at home)and see what happens at the end of the season?

Ive got my reservations though wether he will see it out-i wouldnt blame him to be honest if he stuck two fingers up and left us deep in the shit-now that would be a disaster in a season where we must qualify for the CL.

Happy clappers DD is a bit of a sweeping generalisation.

Anyway fellas see you at Fulham
ThreeTeamSupporter said:
DD said:
Not to confuse DD's by the way because this one was as impressed with him as he is with Mancini!:)

Back to Didsbury Dave though and he is one of about 5% of people on this forum whose opinions I take seriously. One of the few that has the guts to say things as he sees it without being brainwashed by the happy-clappy masses who are so up their own arses, they fail to see what's staring them in the face.

Actually, I'm not so sure it's they they don't see, it's that they don't want to see because they are scared it will ruin their little dream.

9th in the league eh? By the end of the decade, the fisherman's tale will have it we were in a relegation battle. When Mancini took over we were in 6th place with a game in hand on the clubs above us and we finished in 5th, as sterile tactics cost us dearly in the run-in.
Hughes was given a mandate to get 70 points. So was Mancini. Hughes may have got it, we'll never know. Mancini failed to get it and that is certain.

Now, for me, despite £100 million or so being spent in the summer, we look less like winning games than we did over the last six months of the season. We actually look to be going backwards

I don't really want to intrude on this, but I couldn't let the bit in bold pass without comment. So in other words: I take his opinion seriously because he has the same opinion as me. Great work.

-- Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:15 pm --

WNRH said:
If this forum allowed signatures this would be mine. Classic!

Is this really true though? Given the length of time you've been here DD, you'll undoubtedly know the workings of this forum better than I do, and I respect that. But I can't imagine why an internet forum would operate in the manner you described.

People 'judge the way the wind's blowing' etc when they have something to gain - the classic example, being, of course, political power. You try and judge who you think will win so you can strengthen your position relative to where you were before.

But there is ultimately nothing to gain from this forum! It's a triviality, a nothingness, it won't affect our life positions. In my experience of this forum so far, people come here with an initial set of positions; they agree with some, disagree with others, they modify and revise their opinions based on good points they hear which seem to be generally consistent with their set of views.

I may be missing something here, but I honestly can't fathom the reason why you would feel the need to 'ingratiate yourself' with a particular camp. Surely is it not more just a classic case of particular issues tending to be 'polarizing ones'? i.e. it's difficult to sustain a middle ground on Mancini in the face of blinkered attitudes on both sides; you inevitably tend to be drawn into the defence of the set that you most agree with. I find the whole idea of posters judging 'which way the wind is blowing' extremely dubious.

Sorry, 8th, "With City slipping to eighth, they are also now closer in points to the bottom half of the table than the top-four Champions League position that is widely believed to be the minimum aim of the club’s Abu Dhabi owners." Telegraph after the Spurs game, incase you forgot Hughes' was actually sacked before the Sunderland game, that was what all the fuss was about!

Please don't call me a Happy Clapper, I just have the guts to stand out from the media, pundits and the people that boo at the game, I would suggest that put me in the minority!!
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 262296.200</a>

Just an update from my mate who knows Adam Johnson. I'll quote him:

word put in about half hour ago, no real commitment but he did comment that Stevie has already been stuck into his ribs to get him to ditch City and come to Liverpool. Adam is good friends with Gerrard and they chat often about the situation at City.

apparently, Mancini has his favourites of which Adam is not one. In fact Mancini has pretty much said he doesn't rate Adam at all.

From Adam... "Mancini makes all the players eat nothing but pasta, all the time, every fuking meal fuking pasta. I went out a few weeks ago to buy a watch, me and a mate went into pizza hut for a pizza, the press snapped a few pictures and next training day Mancini is laying into me about eating pizza saying it's not aloud and I can't do that while I'm at his club - fuk that, I dont need this sh!t".

I've just emailed him back so I'll keep ya informed if owt else gets said.

:D give the lad some pizza bobby!!!
WNRH said:

Just an update from my mate who knows Adam Johnson. I'll quote him:

word put in about half hour ago, no real commitment but he did comment that Stevie has already been stuck into his ribs to get him to ditch City and come to Liverpool. Adam is good friends with Gerrard and they chat often about the situation at City.

apparently, Mancini has his favourites of which Adam is not one. In fact Mancini has pretty much said he doesn't rate Adam at all.

From Adam... "Mancini makes all the players eat nothing but pasta, all the time, every fuking meal fuking pasta. I went out a few weeks ago to buy a watch, me and a mate went into pizza hut for a pizza, the press snapped a few pictures and next training day Mancini is laying into me about eating pizza saying it's not aloud and I can't do that while I'm at his club - fuk that, I dont need this sh!t".

I've just emailed him back so I'll keep ya informed if owt else gets said.

:D give the lad some pizza bobby!!!

i thought Italians liked pizza
WNRH said:

Just an update from my mate who knows Adam Johnson. I'll quote him:

word put in about half hour ago, no real commitment but he did comment that Stevie has already been stuck into his ribs to get him to ditch City and come to Liverpool. Adam is good friends with Gerrard and they chat often about the situation at City.

apparently, Mancini has his favourites of which Adam is not one. In fact Mancini has pretty much said he doesn't rate Adam at all.

From Adam... "Mancini makes all the players eat nothing but pasta, all the time, every fuking meal fuking pasta. I went out a few weeks ago to buy a watch, me and a mate went into pizza hut for a pizza, the press snapped a few pictures and next training day Mancini is laying into me about eating pizza saying it's not aloud and I can't do that while I'm at his club - fuk that, I dont need this sh!t".

I've just emailed him back so I'll keep ya informed if owt else gets said.

:D give the lad some pizza bobby!!!

mancini is ruining AJ , obviusly.

and is doing of him just new SI , part of the payment for torres. what a shame
Mancio said:
WNRH said:

:D give the lad some pizza bobby!!!

mancini is ruining AJ , obviusly.

and is doing of him just new SI , part of the payment for torres. what a shame

there's already been articles about Mancini making pizza part of the diet...

what a load of absolute cobblers.

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