Adam Johnson admits he may quit City???

forevercity said:
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Adam Johnson is not as good as he thinks he is. He's a young lad though, so he's time to develop! I just hope he gets his head down, works hard, and tries to keep his lifestyle out of the national press!

he does work hard, harder than most.

i would imagine its abit disheartening when players work their arses off in training, see other players taking the piss and the boss turning a blind eye to their antics.

mancini's job is to manage his players. with stories like this coming out daily surely some people can see that he clarly isnt managing them.

look at chelsea. their manager has kept massive ego's at bay, terry, lampard, drogba, anelka, cole, kalou etc. he doesnt alienate his players in the press.

look at fergie. how many times does he protect his players? lie for them? how many young players has he come out and publicaly cristicised on numerous occasions?

adam johnson et al are not being managed properly

This thread went amusingly quiet after he was England's main threat last night.

I'm curious as to what Marwood makes of the whole Johnson situation as I 'believe' it was he who encouraged the signing (whether this is true or not)
gio's side step said:
I'm curious as to what Marwood makes of the whole Johnson situation as I 'believe' it was he who encouraged the signing (whether this is true or not)
Was just gonna post what you've just said !
gio's side step said:
I'm curious as to what Marwood makes of the whole Johnson situation as I 'believe' it was he who encouraged the signing (whether this is true or not)

My understanding too. He was on City's radar for some time.
Didsbury Dave said:
gio's side step said:
I'm curious as to what Marwood makes of the whole Johnson situation as I 'believe' it was he who encouraged the signing (whether this is true or not)

My understanding too. He was on City's radar for some time.

Your understanding? It's common knowledge!!

If that is what makes you in the 5% then I bow to your superior wisdom.
Soulboy said:
Didsbury Dave said:
No. Didn't you read my previous post?

m27, Soulboy, Tomlie's Hairdo, 1 Barry Conlon, Pigeonio, giossidestep...I could go on.

All Mancini fans and all people I respect. All bright enough to realise an opinion on something on the club doesn't make you less of a fan. And happy to argue the toss without abuse and childishness.

Woah! Hold on a sec DD... A Mancini "fan"? That's a bit strong!

I've not been a fan of a player or a manager since John Bond sold Steve Mackenzie and broke my heart! I'm ONLY a fan of City... players and managers come and go, so I have little attachment to them. They are paid to do a job... and that's it!

I supported Mancini last season because I felt it was still his honeymoon period, and I'm an advocate that you can't judge a manager (or a player) for at least a few months while they settle in.

But once he reached the end of the season, Mancini's honeymoon period was over and he would be judged by his achievements, and only his achievemnents.

I stated a few months ago that I thought he cocked up the summer transfer window with a few questionable signings and a fair few gaps still apparent in the squad line-up. I felt he'd sort out the probelms behind the scenes... but he's still failed to do that. And I feel that the team is not being coached properly this season... now whether that is the fault of Platt, it's still Mancini's head on the block.

The only reason I am still "supporting" Mancini is that there is no realistic alternative. And until that happens, we are going to have to stick with him and hope it all pans out alright. Do I think he is capable of bringing success? Yes. But there are other factors in play at the moment as well...

But come the end of the season (and we both agree that there is no point in making an unenforced change before then...) I would expect the club to take stock. Irrespective of where we finish, 6th. or 2nd. , or even 1st. I would still expect the club to review his position. If we can get better, then just like any player, we replace. But if we can't find better, then we have to stick.

My views are actually more in accord with yours than I think you realise, it's just that I am willing to wait for the right opportunity to present itself, or hope that Mancini can be the manager we all hope he can be.

Bang on. There is clearly a significant majority that want Mancini to stay until the end of the season at least. That does not mean that they are all happy with the style and the tactics of the football they are witnessing although a fair proportion do seem to be. Ultimately it's a results business and the end of the season will tell all.

There are some Mancini fans around - Forza Mancini and all that crap - but they are in a distinct minority.

Another poll perhaps:

Mancini in - no problems
Mancini in for the rest of the season - but I'm not happy with the football
Mancini out

My money would be on the top two choices being the clear majority but fairly evenly split between the two.

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