Adam Johnson guilty - 6 year sentence

Seems the £3 million he has "earn't" whilst knowing he has been guilty may have cost him a year of his Freedom??

That's probably quite a good way to look at it, I think. Though I suspect that a big part of him pleading guilty so late was a calculated gamble that the victim would feel so much pressure with the proceeedings being dragged out that she might tell the police she wouldn't give evidence just to get the whole thing over with.

Shouldn't laugh but this did make me chuckle
Prison reception committee?
According to the 15yr old boy, they had intercourse at least 50 times!
I also think she was very lucky even to get just 2 years but without seeing the judge's sentencing remarks it's hard to say for sure. It was definitely done as a 1B offence so the assumption must be that the judge thought there wasn't a significant degree of culpability. Maybe for that reason, that she clearly didn't force him. But she was surely in a position of trust, which is regarded as an aggravating factor.
I also think she was very lucky even to get just 2 years but without seeing the judge's sentencing remarks it's hard to say for sure. It was definitely done as a 1B offence so the assumption must be that the judge thought there wasn't a significant degree of culpability. Maybe for that reason, that she clearly didn't force him. But she was surely in a position of trust, which is regarded as an aggravating factor.

IIRC, the psychological assessments of the victim in that case suggested that, in relative terms (emphasis), the victim hadn't been particularly traumatised. The judge today made clear that the opposite was true in Johnson's case, and specifically noted that people close to him had actively been stirring up harassment of her via social media.
By Martin Brunt, Crime Correspondent

It became clear early on in his trial that Adam Johnson wasn't very bright, even by footballer standards.But that didn't fully explain his apparent disinterest in the whole judicial process.His big problem is that he has no self-awareness; not of the consequences of grooming a schoolgirl for sex, not of the shame he should be enduring, nor of what lies ahead of him in prison.There was a moment during a court break when he turned to a friend and said: "I hope this is finished by Friday, it's a bit boring now."Another time, in the dock, the judge rebuked him for his "discourteous behaviour" when he saw him chatting and laughing with a security guard.
In the witness box he was asked to study a photograph - from his mobile phone - of his own "nether regions", as his barrister described them, and discuss the issue of shaved pubic hair.Not a hint of embarrassment at the indignity. Even I squirmed a bit.

In his daily walk in and out of court past a phalanx of cameras there was no sign of remorse He often strode yards ahead of his betrayed partner Stacey Flounders, even on the day she was brave enough to give evidence on his behalf. After the trial it was reported his family and friends threw a farewell party for him at his home two weekends ago.Nothing wrong in that, but did he really have to let one of his guests be photographed walking out barefoot at dawn and swigging from a bottle of booze?
Johnson's fall from grace - from star England footballer to jailed paedophile - is as big as any I've witnessed in my years of crime reporting.I can't help feeling a little bit sorry for him, but he's doing everything he can to stop me.

FFs.Can anyone be so brain dead or fked up in the head...Or if am being a total fk-whitt by saying he a very good actor at being portrayed as.a fking idiot....

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