Realistically, how much do you stand to lose (per member) having Adblock ?
Well that depends on the member. This issue is an incredibly simple one that idiots have attempted to make into a complicated one because they are SO inconvenienced by having to ignore a small image at the top and bottom of a page
Every time you visit a Bluemoon page, this is what happens.
First you tell your browser to go to the next page of a thread or whatever. It sends a request to our content delivery network which costs a set fee. The content delivery network then sends it to our load balancer which costs a set fee. Then it sends it to our webserver which looks at the page you are trying to access and "builds it", this traffic costs money. This needs processing power which costs us money and then traffic between it and the database which costs us money. The database also costs (a lot of) money. Then it builds the page and sends it back to the load balancer which costs money and then onto you. This is for a single page visit. Most users here visit hundreds of pages per visit due to tabbed browsing and long threads. We generally have between 750-1500 users online at any one time and serve thousands and thousands of pages per day.
This cost has to be paid by somebody. Let's say for a roundtrip it's 10p; it's not but it's a nice round number. This would include all of the processing and all of the traffic and a bit towards the set fees.
Ric sets up an agreement with the ad company - if in that page visit we allow them a bit of space to put a couple of images then they will pay 8p for that visit. This means that it only costs Ric 2p for that page to be served to you. When you block an advert, the ad company will not pay a single penny towards the page so Ric pays the full 10p.
This might not sound like a big deal, I mean what is 10p?
Then remember that we serve thousands of pages every single day, some from long term members, some from guests having a bit of a look.
People who are guests here and aren't visiting the site regularly will naturally use AdBlock because why do they give a shit about the site? I can understand that. What I can't understand is when people who are long term members of this site, and have had this explained to them on numerous occasions, then turn round and say "well I'm blocking ads anyway". We should change the way people say this, what they should say instead is "Ric I'm going to personally cost you money because I can't be arsed with a few ads" because that is the actual reality of this discussion.
The choice is whether Ric has to pay for the full cost out of his own pocket every time you load a page, or whether he only has to pay some of the cost every time you load a page. Yes, the site often runs slower with ads because I don't control their servers and have no way of optimising. Yes, sometimes the ads are a little intrusive.
And this is the most stupid thing about this whole situation that these idiots haven't realised. More intrusive ads generally pay better then non-intrusive ads. When we have non-intrusive ads and they are blocked then the only way to generate the type of money that can keep the site going is by having more and more intrusive ads which then leads to more people blocking them and even more intrusive ads. This hasn't happened yet on Bluemoon and the dodgy ads are slipped in by the ad company usually by mistake but this is how the war is fought.
Just to make this clear; this isn't some fantasy but is the reality of internet sites. They don't cost buttons, they cost tens of thousands per year to keep going and that money is generated solely by ads with the rest coming directly out of Ric's wages. If today everybody turned on AdBlock then by the 3rd August the forum would be shut down and the site would be gone forever.
This has previously happened to a site that I ran years ago just as AdBlock took off. Overnight I went from happily paying the bills to having an insurmountable bandwidth bill that I couldn't pay and forced me to shut down a rather busy site out of the blue. It happens every single day and numerous sites are now just holding on as user entitlement becomes an absolutely ridiculous problem where people not only complain about having to ignore ads on the page but now are so fucking entitled that they are complaining that we are attempting to tell them about the problem of ignoring ads on the site.