Adebayor back at Carrington yesterday.

Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

Exactly,i don't blame either of them,we created our own monsters through our ability and desire for rapid success - however,the positives are still vastly outweighing the odd negative!!
King Of All Geordies said:
You can see both players going out on loan again with City continuing to pay the bulk of the wages.

I thought the reason Spurs were getting Adebayor so cheap is that they could then stump up the wages?

absolutely if he wasn't on big wages we would be wanting 15 - 20 mill he's totally proven in the prem - Spuds should be giving him a lump sum to make the change easier. Other clubs just seem to think we will give our players away like a charity. If spuds don't get Ade they will suddenly have to find 20 mill to get someone as good
Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

The only argument I'd have with that is that most people work to surive and have a bit over to spend on pleasure.

Adebayor has already earnt more money than he could ever hope to spend no matter how extravagent a lifestlye he leads.

A footballers career is incredibley short in comparrison to most and you would think most players would want to cram as many games as they can in that short time as before you know it, they will be mid to late 30's and it's all over.
tidyman said:
Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

The only argument I'd have with that is that most people work to surive and have a bit over to spend on pleasure.

Adebayor has already earnt more money than he could ever hope to spend no matter how extravagent a lifestlye he leads.

A footballers career is incredibley short in comparrison to most and you would think most players would want to cram as many games as they can in that short time as before you know it, they will be mid to late 30's and it's all over.
Oh yeah, granted but some of them don't even like the game. The boy Assou-Ekkoto at Spurs openly admits to only being in the game for the money, and i'm sure there are many others like it. My brother fucking detests his job, but for some reason they pay him shit loads to do it and he makes a very nice living for himself and for that reason will stick it out. Money's money at the end of the day, and I dare say with these multi-millionaire footballers the ego will kick in too. Being seen to drop £40k a week, (for example), will damage some of their precious little ego's. All said and done though, if one club is daft enough to pay £145k a week and another club is sensible enough to only offer £80k a week, (again, just examples), then the player in question has every right to stick around for the big cash, regardless of how rich he is already.
Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

In some cases fair enough, BUT I think it depends on;
1) Age - if players are young enough to work towards another big 4 year contract, then it's very short sighted to sit in the reserves as they are in a weak position when it ends
2) How big the drop is (to state the obvious).

In reality Adebayor will have more money than he can reasonably spend either way, so it shows a lack of ambition to turn down the chance to play at the highest level for the sake of extra dosh (although see 1 above), that in reality will make no difference to him whatsoever.

When he sits in his mansion as an old man, will he wish that he'd played more or earned more?
Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

Doesn't that change a bit once you're getting 100 grand plus a week? It's just greed at that point.
timschaefer86 said:
Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

Doesn't that change a bit once you're getting 100 grand plus a week? It's just greed at that point.

So would you take a £75'000 pay cut or carry on doin pretty much fuckall for £175'000?
timschaefer86 said:
Pigeonho said:
Why should Ade, RSC or the cleaner take anything less than what they're already on? Only an idiot would do that. Fair play to the lot of them for getting what they can.

Doesn't that change a bit once you're getting 100 grand plus a week? It's just greed at that point.
All depends on the player/person in questions attitude. Someone from poverty may never think enough is enough, and will coin in as much as is humanly possible. Some might just be greedy. Who knows? All depends on their appetite for the job in question, too. Some labelled Stuart Taylor greedy for warming our subs bench for the last few years, knowing full well he won't get a game. I didn't, I agreed fully with him if that's his chosen path. I wouldn't mind dossing about with my mates for a few hours, knowing it's unlikely i'll have to stand still for a large portion of a game on some wet, cold Tuesday night somewhere horrible for £X amount of thousands per week. Easy life, easy money.

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