Adebayor/Barca and Robbie

*singingtheblues* said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm probably more insecure regarding Robinho's presence at the club than most mate. Since being a kid I've seen my favourite players leave routinely and it's hard for me to accept that maybe Robinho will stay for the long haul BUT I do stand by my interpretation of his comments regarding Barcelona.

I think that come the end of the season if we aren't top 4 then Rob will look to move. This worries me in so much that losing Rob would be a blow to the entire squad and the morale but maybe, just maybe, we will make the top 4.

I'm not telling you not to worry, rather I'm telling you not to worry too much! He didn't say anything about Barca we don't know and to continue the girlfriend analogy, it's kinda like knowing she'd love a night with Brad Pitt but you don't think about it too much or you'd go mental. I'm sure Rob knows we'd all love Messi at the club which is a bit like your missus knowing what you're thinking when you're watching Girls Aloud on TV but blocking it from her mind!


But there's a difference between fantasising about a night with Brad Pitt to actively seeking a night with him - isn't there?

I hope I'm wrong, I just hoped that Robinho wouldn't go down the Ronaldo route to find himself a move from the club.

With that said, most of us expected that it'd be a short stay - a shooting star so to speak, short and sweet.

I do however agree with you that where we finish these season is pivotal in our hopes of keeping Robbie - lets just hope it all goes well this season!

Fingers crossed.

I disagree. I don't think he's necessarily engineering a move although I do agree that he didn't rule out a move to Barca in the future. For the sake of my own sanity I'm sticking by my original interpretation but I'm more than willing to admit that it is just MY reading of the situation and I could be wrong.

This season is key and we all know deep down that anything less than 4th, despite 6th being the official line, could have far reaching repercussions, Robbie being one of the most notable.

I'll cross my fingers too and hey ho, if it does go tits up at any point it still can't be as bad as it was...surely? Dear god!
TheMightyQuinn said:
*singingtheblues* said:

But there's a difference between fantasising about a night with Brad Pitt to actively seeking a night with him - isn't there?

I hope I'm wrong, I just hoped that Robinho wouldn't go down the Ronaldo route to find himself a move from the club.

With that said, most of us expected that it'd be a short stay - a shooting star so to speak, short and sweet.

I do however agree with you that where we finish these season is pivotal in our hopes of keeping Robbie - lets just hope it all goes well this season!

Fingers crossed.

I disagree. I don't think he's necessarily engineering a move although I do agree that he didn't rule out a move to Barca in the future. For the sake of my own sanity I'm sticking by my original interpretation but I'm more than willing to admit that it is just MY reading of the situation and I could be wrong.

This season is key and we all know deep down that anything less than 4th, despite 6th being the official line, could have far reaching repercussions, Robbie being one of the most notable.

I'll cross my fingers too and hey ho, if it does go tits up at any point it still can't be as bad as it was...surely? Dear god!

Yeah I can't say I'm certain or convinced that he's engineering a move, though if I was given a "push" I'd say he was.

But then again we'll find out over the coming months of post match interviews and Daily Fail "exclusives" whether his comments were the dreaded "come and get me" plea, or just Robbie's way of keeping his options open if it goes tits up at City.

But like you said yourself we're used to a lot worse, and in all honesty as it stands we're blessed with a genuine "world-class" talent - a player who has made the years of suffering and ridicule well worth it, even if it is just a brief but very thrilling affair.

I for one will be forever grateful that it's Robinho who's our topic of discussion and not Bernardo (f-ing) Corradi!

Ahhhhh... the "good ol' days"!
*singingtheblues* said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I disagree. I don't think he's necessarily engineering a move although I do agree that he didn't rule out a move to Barca in the future. For the sake of my own sanity I'm sticking by my original interpretation but I'm more than willing to admit that it is just MY reading of the situation and I could be wrong.

This season is key and we all know deep down that anything less than 4th, despite 6th being the official line, could have far reaching repercussions, Robbie being one of the most notable.

I'll cross my fingers too and hey ho, if it does go tits up at any point it still can't be as bad as it was...surely? Dear god!

Yeah I can't say I'm certain or convinced that he's engineering a move, though if I was given a "push" I'd say he was.

But then again we'll find out over the coming months of post match interviews and Daily Fail "exclusives" whether his comments were the dreaded "come and get me" plea, or just Robbie's way of keeping his options open if it goes tits up at City.

But like you said yourself we're used to a lot worse, and in all honesty as it stands we're blessed with a genuine "world-class" talent - a player who has made the years of suffering and ridicule well worth it, even if it is just a brief but very thrilling affair.

I for one will be forever grateful that it's Robinho who's our topic of discussion and not Bernardo (f-ing) Corradi!

Ahhhhh... the "good ol' days"!

Ah you say that now but we both know we thought he'd score loads if he had better service :)
TheMightyQuinn said:
*singingtheblues* said:
Yeah I can't say I'm certain or convinced that he's engineering a move, though if I was given a "push" I'd say he was.

But then again we'll find out over the coming months of post match interviews and Daily Fail "exclusives" whether his comments were the dreaded "come and get me" plea, or just Robbie's way of keeping his options open if it goes tits up at City.

But like you said yourself we're used to a lot worse, and in all honesty as it stands we're blessed with a genuine "world-class" talent - a player who has made the years of suffering and ridicule well worth it, even if it is just a brief but very thrilling affair.

I for one will be forever grateful that it's Robinho who's our topic of discussion and not Bernardo (f-ing) Corradi!

Ahhhhh... the "good ol' days"!

Ah you say that now but we both know we thought he'd score loads if he had better service :)

Haha... well the same would've applied to myself if Stuart would've selected me!
I didn't agree with the booing of Ade at all, but let's be fair in this... he wasn't a completely innocent party in that. He's your player now and I fully expect you guys to protect him, but what I'm saying isn't meant to be an insult --- I guess you had to have been a Gunner at the time to have understood. Before the booing even started, we were seeing newspaper stories with full quotes from him actively pushing for a move to Barca, and then to Milan. We had traitors like Flamini saying how great Ade would be at Milan and then quickly followed by more quotes from Ade talking about how much money Arsenal would make from his sale to Milan. None of that happened and we didn't hear one word from him quashing the story (ex. Fabregas always would go straight to the journos and deny any transfer link within 24 hours). Instead he was demanding an almost doubling of his pay, and when he was given that he came back to the Emirates and was half the player he was.

That was when the booing started. It was the culmination of a lot of shit taken by the fans. I'll always love him as a player and never forget the great things he did with us, but both parties are guilty in this. Both Ade and the fans acted in a way that ended up forcing him out of the club.
Arshavin23 said:
I didn't agree with the booing of Ade at all, but let's be fair in this... he wasn't a completely innocent party in that. He's your player now and I fully expect you guys to protect him, but what I'm saying isn't meant to be an insult --- I guess you had to have been a Gunner at the time to have understood. Before the booing even started, we were seeing newspaper stories with full quotes from him actively pushing for a move to Barca, and then to Milan. We had traitors like Flamini saying how great Ade would be at Milan and then quickly followed by more quotes from Ade talking about how much money Arsenal would make from his sale to Milan. None of that happened and we didn't hear one word from him quashing the story (ex. Fabregas always would go straight to the journos and deny any transfer link within 24 hours). Instead he was demanding an almost doubling of his pay, and when he was given that he came back to the Emirates and was half the player he was.

That was when the booing started. It was the culmination of a lot of shit taken by the fans. I'll always love him as a player and never forget the great things he did with us, but both parties are guilty in this. Both Ade and the fans acted in a way that ended up forcing him out of the club.

Fair do's mate. That's your take on it and I'm not doubting you just choosing to side with Ade as it's how us footy fans work :)
Arshavin23 said:
I didn't agree with the booing of Ade at all, but let's be fair in this... he wasn't a completely innocent party in that. He's your player now and I fully expect you guys to protect him, but what I'm saying isn't meant to be an insult --- I guess you had to have been a Gunner at the time to have understood. Before the booing even started, we were seeing newspaper stories with full quotes from him actively pushing for a move to Barca, and then to Milan. We had traitors like Flamini saying how great Ade would be at Milan and then quickly followed by more quotes from Ade talking about how much money Arsenal would make from his sale to Milan. None of that happened and we didn't hear one word from him quashing the story (ex. Fabregas always would go straight to the journos and deny any transfer link within 24 hours). Instead he was demanding an almost doubling of his pay, and when he was given that he came back to the Emirates and was half the player he was.

That was when the booing started. It was the culmination of a lot of shit taken by the fans. I'll always love him as a player and never forget the great things he did with us, but both parties are guilty in this. Both Ade and the fans acted in a way that ended up forcing him out of the club.

I don't think u're being perfectly honest.

Adebayor was never a favourite of Gunner fans. He was never truly accepted by the Gunner fans. Many gunner fans doubted his ability even after his 30 goal season.

The fact is Ade was not being paid his worth to the club. He was on less than 20 quid a week which is a peppercorn wage when compared to the likes of what Torres, Rooney and Ronaldo receive. Adebayor used Milan's interest as an opportunity to secure better terms for himself.0

The fans booed Ade because they never truly liked, wanted or respected him. The guy felt unloved and disrespected and I don't blame him for wanting to leave.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Interesting to read and hear Ade's comments on the official site and in the new City magazine.

He says that the Arsenal fans turned on him when Barca showed interest despite him never once saying he wanted to move to them or leave Arsenal. Tellingly he says this treatment of him will remain with him until the day he dies.

Food for thought for some of the lesser beings on here to bear in mind when Ade goes a game without scoring.

Also incredibly ironic that Ade should reveal all of this towards the end of a week in which we've read some 'people' on here questioning Robinho due to the fact that.....Barca have been linked with him!

I've never seen the logic of turning on your own players and it's something I'd never do. Sure, I can dislike players or not rate them highly but I was blessed with a level of intelligence and insight that means I'm aware that 40'000 people booing a lad won't exactly help them to set the world on fire. Quite the opposite in fact.

Anyway I thought I'd share my musings with you all due to me being ill and unable to sleep.

No doubt I'll be in for a torrid time of it later today as I'm forced to read hundreds of posts about Robinho and the mythical tracking back and how it was better when we had battlers like Pollock in the midfield as opposed to flashy international Brazilian world stars who can score 15 goals in less than a full season.

These are exciting times for us as a club and as fans. So far this season we've endured the likes of Celtic, Palace etc booing Tevez, Ade etc and we need to get behind our lads. All of them, no matter what. We need to be the 12th man. If we go a goal down or are under the cosh it's a well known fact that the fans can change the tide of a game with their support or lack of. Let us never forget that in the dark days of the mid/late 90's opponents used to come to Maine Road under instructions to keep it tight for 20mins, wait for the fans to turn on the team, then step it up and batter them whilst their own fans harangue them. Fuck that! This could be our one shot of making a break from mediocrity and actually winning something!

Peace be with you blues

great post couldnt have put it better my self!! i think its daft turnin on our own team its not going to make tham play any better by giving them abuse!! if everyone truly loves the club which im sure u all do then we've got 2 support every1 even through the bad times were not going to win anythin if we dont!!
Aberforth said:
Arshavin23 said:
I didn't agree with the booing of Ade at all, but let's be fair in this... he wasn't a completely innocent party in that. He's your player now and I fully expect you guys to protect him, but what I'm saying isn't meant to be an insult --- I guess you had to have been a Gunner at the time to have understood. Before the booing even started, we were seeing newspaper stories with full quotes from him actively pushing for a move to Barca, and then to Milan. We had traitors like Flamini saying how great Ade would be at Milan and then quickly followed by more quotes from Ade talking about how much money Arsenal would make from his sale to Milan. None of that happened and we didn't hear one word from him quashing the story (ex. Fabregas always would go straight to the journos and deny any transfer link within 24 hours). Instead he was demanding an almost doubling of his pay, and when he was given that he came back to the Emirates and was half the player he was.

That was when the booing started. It was the culmination of a lot of shit taken by the fans. I'll always love him as a player and never forget the great things he did with us, but both parties are guilty in this. Both Ade and the fans acted in a way that ended up forcing him out of the club.

I don't think u're being perfectly honest.

Adebayor was never a favourite of Gunner fans. He was never truly accepted by the Gunner fans. Many gunner fans doubted his ability even after his 30 goal season.

The fact is Ade was not being paid his worth to the club. He was on less than 20 quid a week which is a peppercorn wage when compared to the likes of what Torres, Rooney and Ronaldo receive. Adebayor used Milan's interest as an opportunity to secure better terms for himself.0

The fans booed Ade because they never truly liked, wanted or respected him. The guy felt unloved and disrespected and I don't blame him for wanting to leave.

Everyone's views are colored by their opinion, so I won't get into that. In the end, I'm happy for him and hope he has nothing but success. He could have gone down as a legend for us, but at least he will end up making history with you -- instead of being sucked dry and thrown away by the likes of Milan/Barca/Madrid. Things happened and we'll move on.
Aberforth said:
Arshavin23 said:
I didn't agree with the booing of Ade at all, but let's be fair in this... he wasn't a completely innocent party in that. He's your player now and I fully expect you guys to protect him, but what I'm saying isn't meant to be an insult --- I guess you had to have been a Gunner at the time to have understood. Before the booing even started, we were seeing newspaper stories with full quotes from him actively pushing for a move to Barca, and then to Milan. We had traitors like Flamini saying how great Ade would be at Milan and then quickly followed by more quotes from Ade talking about how much money Arsenal would make from his sale to Milan. None of that happened and we didn't hear one word from him quashing the story (ex. Fabregas always would go straight to the journos and deny any transfer link within 24 hours). Instead he was demanding an almost doubling of his pay, and when he was given that he came back to the Emirates and was half the player he was.

That was when the booing started. It was the culmination of a lot of shit taken by the fans. I'll always love him as a player and never forget the great things he did with us, but both parties are guilty in this. Both Ade and the fans acted in a way that ended up forcing him out of the club.

I don't think u're being perfectly honest.

Adebayor was never a favourite of Gunner fans. He was never truly accepted by the Gunner fans. Many gunner fans doubted his ability even after his 30 goal season.

The fact is Ade was not being paid his worth to the club. He was on less than 20 quid a week which is a peppercorn wage when compared to the likes of what Torres, Rooney and Ronaldo receive. Adebayor used Milan's interest as an opportunity to secure better terms for himself.0

The fans booed Ade because they never truly liked, wanted or respected him. The guy felt unloved and disrespected and I don't blame him for wanting to leave.

Once you starting comparing him to Torres and Rooney I stopped reading.
Torres went to Liverpool with a massive rep. He regularly scored for Athletico. He decided to remain on the same wages when he signed for Scouse, and proved himself in his first season, that's why Scouse HAD TO give him a wage increase.
Who the feck was Ade before he came to us? We got him cheap cos none of the big clubs wanted to take a punt.
After the 07-08 season he started carping on about how he's worth more than what he was on. ONE season! It's not like the previous season he showed any potential to score 30. The only telling contribution I remember him making in 06-07 was scoring the winner at Old Toilet.
Anyhow, after publicly courting both Meelan and Barca (only one hour after a press conference professing his love of Arsenal, might I add) he got what he wanted. He was now one of the highest paid players at the club. We were well within our rights to demand another productive season from him. It was up to him to convince US he wanted to stay and wasn't a one season wonder.
He failed.


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