Adebayor has done nothing wrong....

I know this is of no use to anything but I have e-mailed the FA before and they have got back to me with reasons when I have questioned something. This is what I sent them this morning.

Good morning.

I presume I am not the first and will not be the last person to e-mail in regarding the incidents on Saturday at The City of Manchester Stadium.

I am a Manchester City fan and was at the game. The alleged stamp happened right in front of me and happened so quickly that I, like the large majority including the Arsenal players, thought it was an innocuous challenge. Having seen the footage I agree with everybody that it was out of order and deserves a 3 game ban which would have come with a straight red card which it did warrant.

However, when the disciplinary panel sits down to review the incident I would like to know whether they would also be taking any action again Robin Van Persie for his lunge at Adebayor which obviously provoked the stamp. Both Alan Shearer and Alan Hansen agreed that Van Persie could have been red carded himself for the tackle. I am not condoning the actions of Adebayor, far from it, but I hope the media hate campaign doe not deflect the review and analysis away from Van Persie himself.

Whilst on the subject of Robin Van Persie I would like to point out that during the second half of the game when he was taking a corner he made a gesture towards the City fans. Also, when he scored he ran over celebrating in front of our fans repeatedly shouting "fuck off". You didn't see our fans rushing to the front of the stand attempting to get on to the pitch and throwing food, coins and even plastic chairs at him.

When the time came of Adebayor's goal he had put up with over 80 minutes of taunting, goading and abuse (some of it racial) from the Arsenal fans. As he said in his immediate apology emotion can take over and it clearly did. He was rightly yellow carded and the matter was dealt with. So the talk from the media in what is clearly a vindictive hate campaign from them, for him to be banned further is absolutely appalling on their part, Gary Neville and his badge kissing, Robbie Fowler every time he scored against Everton and United, Thierry Henry running 90 yards to celebrate in front of Tottenham fans, all provoked an angry reaction from opposition fans for their celebrations but none were given a match suspension, just a fine. Here is a reply I have had from a previous e-mail questioning a refereeing decision regarding Cristiano Ronaldo last year.

FIFA rules prevent the "re-refereeing" of matches. FIFA are the world governing body of football and The FA is just one of 208 member associations, all bound to the same set of rules. This particular rule prevents The FA from taking disciplinary action on incidents which are seen and dealt with at the time by match officials (this includes the referee taking no action). Therefore if the match officials confirm to The FA they have seen an incident, The FA cannot act retrospectively.

If that is truly the case then Adebayor will get a ban for the stamp which he fully deserves but will possibly face a fine for his goal celebration.

Finally. Why is the behaviour of the Arsenal fans not being quesitoned? If grown men cannot control themselves in such a situation then they should simply not be allowed to attend games. they can give out the abuse but can't take it when somebody responds to them in the simplest of manners.

I would appreciate a response to my queries.
kiam06 said:
Glasgow Man City said:
If the stamp was deliberate, he deserves a ban, and he will get one. As for the celebration, in my view he shouldn't even have been booked. He didn't gesture, he didn't leave the field of play, it's not his fault that fans who give it out can't take a bit back.

RVP should have had a straight red for his 2 footed, both feet off the ground lunge at Adebayor just before he headed Adebayor's boot.

The thing is he has come out and said he didn't mean it. That should be it in a case where it is hard to judge surely we should take the word of a professional.

Yeah, because professional players never lie ;-)
We'll never really know whether or not it was intentional - only Ade knows that.
But,as we are City and not one of the "bent four" clique,I fully expect the FA to demote us to the Blue Square Premier League,make us play our next 500 matches on Pluto,fine us the National Debt of Belgium and insist on tying our defenders legs together for Derby games.
On the other hand,if this were manure,Rubbish Van Pisstain would be paying compensation to Ade for damaging his studs.
The stamp will get him a lengthy ban and although I don't think they can dish out a ban for the celebration (as the ref saw the incident and booked him) it will not out the FA bods in a good mood when they come to decide how man matches he will have to miss.

But as a previous poster said, he isn't the first person to wind up fans after celebrating in front of them

Thing is though, how quickly will the ban be given out? Will he miss next weekend?
He said he did not stamp deliberately and I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. He is the one and only person on the planet who nows whether or not he meant it.
I'll be mightily annoyed if he is charged for the celebration. Yellow card justified. End of the matter.

As for the stamp well every incident will have to be reviewed in super slo mo from here on in.
Looks more like the cleat just scrapped RVP's face than an actual stamp. Can't prove it was 100 percent without a doubt on purpse because some angles there is a doubt. The ref who saw it in real time along with every player but RVP didn't see it was on purpose.
They are now saying it will be a 6 match ban which is a complete joke. Trial by media the FA have been completely dictated to on this. They are saying 3 match ban for each offence.

How he can get a 3 match ban for that celebration and RVP gets nothing for running up to our fans and telling them to fuck off is completely beyond me. Maybe we should act like animals as well then ?

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