Adebayor on strike.

blue_taff said:
VinceYoungisaBLUE said:
zangatangring said:
Completely true. Almost always happens in the press. People are dogmatic suckers for always falling for it. I think the most of the stories deemed true by the majority of speculators are always rubbish. However, if you dare challenge the portrayal you'll just be called an idiot.

Action speak louder than words, Ade scores 3 and then is never seen again being replaced by the Jo.. Mancini didnt have to say anything, his actions were clear him and Ade will not co exist

this was fucking nuts. Ade and Bellamy both could have effected the campaign last year and would have scored goals. as much as i think dzecko will be a success, we already had 2 proven forwards ready to go.

a bigger effort should have been made to accomodate, there were obviously problems, but i don't like the idea of making examples of people. unfortunately in football there will be highly strung characters, who will be selfish. the manager understands this with ballotelli and tevez why not these 2.

if last season had come undone, as many round about march thought it was. i think we would all be looking back to ade being forced out as a major mistake.

But it didn't so does that mean you're looking at it as the correct thing to have done?
zangatangring said:
macmanson said:
oakiecokie said:
And what makes you think that Ade has been training with the 1st team ??
It shows him walking away,if you ask me,as he`s been training with the kids !!

The fact that Mancini doesn't speak ill of him. Do you think with all the so called negative things he's said about the club that he'd be spoken of at all? How come nobody's actually questioned Mancini on this? I've never seen any quotes from him addressing the situation. All manufactured bull shit. I do believe that he's trying to engineer a move to Real but that the club are doing what they can to move him on at a reasonable offer and that it's all mutually agreed with no hard feelings as the press would like to portray it.

Completely true. Almost always happens in the press. People are dogmatic suckers for always falling for it. I think the most of the stories deemed true by the majority of speculators are always rubbish. However, if you dare challenge the portrayal you'll just be called an idiot.

Well seeing that we saw the "misfits" all training together suggests otherwise.
blue_taff said:
if last season had come undone, as many round about march thought it was. i think we would all be looking back to ade being forced out as a major mistake.

Ifs buts & maybes! Mancini made it very clear from the off it was his way or the highway. In a team full of big egos, the manager stamped his authority and I think we can all see the team is the better for it. The likes of Manu and Bellamy really didn't like it and were told in no uncertain terms their attitude was bad for the team, so were not allowed any where near the team. Tevez, trained & played well, although the crap in the press all the time must have been an irritation to Mancini, he got on with it, for the good of the club. Balotelli has been shown that he must knuckle down and play for the team, and we're starting to see the benefits of that with the performance against Inter.

Yes, we might have had a few good performances from Manu and Bellamy, but the disruption to the team spirit would have had us calling for Mancini's head for not delivering! As it is, we are looking forward to the coming season, having already got past the hurdle of no silverware for, like, forever, and with more optimism than I can ever remember! The team spirit is there for all to see, so the press are no longer saying we're made up of a bunch of individuals, but rather a team with a real shout at the title. We're not scared of losing Tevez! (that in itself speaks volumes in terms of where we're at now!) And if Mancini had to upset Manu and Bellamy to get us here, then as far as I'm concerned they should have towed the party line instead of whinging to the press and manoeuvring away from the club.

In Mancini I trust, not just because he's our manager, but because he's earned my trust by delivering on his promises (how many managers in our past can we say that about?)

So bye bye Manu, bye bye Bellamy, and probably bye bye Tevez. Thanks for the memories. But to infinity and beyond with Mancini!
BlueBas said:
blue_taff said:
if last season had come undone, as many round about march thought it was. i think we would all be looking back to ade being forced out as a major mistake.

Ifs buts & maybes! Mancini made it very clear from the off it was his way or the highway. In a team full of big egos, the manager stamped his authority and I think we can all see the team is the better for it. The likes of Manu and Bellamy really didn't like it and were told in no uncertain terms their attitude was bad for the team, so were not allowed any where near the team. Tevez, trained & played well, although the crap in the press all the time must have been an irritation to Mancini, he got on with it, for the good of the club. Balotelli has been shown that he must knuckle down and play for the team, and we're starting to see the benefits of that with the performance against Inter.

Yes, we might have had a few good performances from Manu and Bellamy, but the disruption to the team spirit would have had us calling for Mancini's head for not delivering! As it is, we are looking forward to the coming season, having already got past the hurdle of no silverware for, like, forever, and with more optimism than I can ever remember! The team spirit is there for all to see, so the press are no longer saying we're made up of a bunch of individuals, but rather a team with a real shout at the title. We're not scared of losing Tevez! (that in itself speaks volumes in terms of where we're at now!) And if Mancini had to upset Manu and Bellamy to get us here, then as far as I'm concerned they should have towed the party line instead of whinging to the press and manoeuvring away from the club.

In Mancini I trust, not just because he's our manager, but because he's earned my trust by delivering on his promises (how many managers in our past can we say that about?)

So bye bye Manu, bye bye Bellamy, and probably bye bye Tevez. Thanks for the memories. But to infinity and beyond with Mancini!

Fuck me !! Common sense does prevail on here now and again.
Well put BlueBas.
They were both told before pre season,they along with 3 others,would NOT feature in Bobby Mancs plans for this coming season.
So why did they not travel to the States and Dublin ??
Think some of these blinkered tools need to take their sky blue tinted glasses off and look at the reality of the situation.
They are trouble END OFF.
don't get me wrong i think it is right to get rid of them, and actually think tevez was more of a disruption to the team last year than the out of favour bellemy and adebayor, goals or not. if they are not willing tow the company line ie mancini, or make it obvious they want to move, then a move must be engineered thats is ffair to both parties.

i just think it came accross as spiteful to ade in particular, who is known to be a very 'complicated' young man, but is a great footballer, who if managed in the right way will do the job at the highest level, and just wasnt given a chance in the premiership last year.

all in the past now really, just don't want anything happening like this again. ie top level players sidelined. even if the player is unproffessional they must be treated properly not publicly humiliated. the club has got to start thinking about PR. if AJ stays, I will be interested on how he is dealt with this season, as he is unlikely to be first choice but in his own head will think of himself as world class
This has got the special one's dibs all over it. His comment about ade always being ' always one of them' (after 6 months FFS) says it all
blue_taff said:
don't get me wrong i think it is right to get rid of them, and actually think tevez was more of a disruption to the team last year than the out of favour bellemy and adebayor, goals or not. if they are not willing tow the company line ie mancini, or make it obvious they want to move, then a move must be engineered thats is ffair to both parties.

i just think it came accross as spiteful to ade in particular, who is known to be a very 'complicated' young man, but is a great footballer, who if managed in the right way will do the job at the highest level, and just wasnt given a chance in the premiership last year.

all in the past now really, just don't want anything happening like this again. ie top level players sidelined. even if the player is unproffessional they must be treated properly not publicly humiliated. the club has got to start thinking about PR. if AJ stays, I will be interested on how he is dealt with this season, as he is unlikely to be first choice but in his own head will think of himself as world class

Sorry blue_taff, but Bellamy and Manu are both after screwing our beloved club and therefore us. Bellamy went on loan to his beloved Cardiff all last season, funded 100% by City. He was a big fish in a smaller pond and barely set the championship on fire with his performances. Now he's back, he's trying to engineer another fully funded loan move, because he wants his full pay. What's he offering in return for that full pay? Bad mouthing Mancini and City for the way he's been treated to anyone who'll listen. If he wants respect he needs to earn it. Keep his mouth shut and respect the club who are paying his wages! If he doesn't like it, then do one. But he wants it all. The high wages with nothing to City in return. City should gag him with a fine every time he slags us off!

I do feel sorry for Manu, with all he's been through. But now all he's after is a cut price move to Real. They're making noises like they don't want him, so they can drive the price down. Manu's helping this by rejecting moves elsewhere, and even going on strike!

I have no sympathy! They're paid big wages to deliver. In order for Mancini to gauge how they fit in to his plans, they need to train with the team. Both made it clear they didn't want to put the work in last year, so both are no longer part of Mancini's and therefore City's plans. I think Mancini does right keeping their poison as far away as possible from the team! The sooner they're gone the better! We all say we want players to want to play for the shirt. Mancini's shown he's building that ethic. Anyone who doesn't show the willingness and desire, is rightly shown the door. So lets stop worrying about these spoilt brats and start enjoying a very bright blue future!
To be a truly special team everyone has to pull together. The last thing you need is a pain in the arse me me me type of person. It doesn't matter how good they are they do more damage to the team than they can contribute.

Adebayor is one of those. Tevez to a certain extent. Bellamy is one of those. And if he is not careful Balotelli, he is well on the way to being one. The special attention these players seem to require is bound to unsettle and piss off the other players who cause no problems and just get on with doing their jobs.
macmanson said:
Does anyone else think that this whole thing might have just been made up by the press and has absolutely nothing to do with reality? The following article has a picture showing Adebayor in training with Sergio Aguero.

In addition, Mancini is recently quoted on Adebayor and Bellamy saying the following:

Another out of favour striker, Togolese Emmanuel Adebayor, was loaned to Real Madrid for the second half of 2010/11.

Mancini is happy for the former Arsenal man to join Real on a permanent deal, but it remains to be seen if the Spanish giants are interested in acquiring the 27-year-old.

“He wants to go to Real Madrid and if they want to take him, they can. We have four top strikers and it is really difficult,” Mancini said.

“Manu is a good striker. We can’t carry six strikers. He needs to play and I would be happy for him to go back to Real Madrid.”

“I hope he can go back there. It is like with Craig. We have a lot of strikers, but I can’t play six in the same strikers.”

“It’s important we find a good solution for them. I understand their situations.”

It amazes me how everyone just assumes that anything written, with quotes is automatically 100% indisputably true.

Well even today an article by Mike Whalley ref in the MEN clearly states that Ade is training with the youngsters,so the Daily Fail or your local columnist ??

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