Adebayor the pundit

I love how last week.. can't remember the game. Lineker said he spoke to fast so he slowed down his words to such a slow pace everyone in the studio was laughing. I got that. he speaks english well enough.. just a little fast like a lot of people who have english as their first language..
terryphelan said:
Sorry but the BBC's decision to give Adebayor a punditry job when no-one can understand 90% of what he says, and what they can understand is pure nonsense, is quite frankly ludicrous. The BBC have done this so as to promote racial equality in their organisation, and also because Manu is from the same continent as the host nation (a tenuous link at best).

What next? Steven Hawking on the GB high-jumping team? Stevie Wonder employed as a scout?

Nothing against Adebayor, this is the BBC's decision not his, but it's a fucking stupid decision.

Well I've understood every word he's said! and tonight I thought he spoke very well, very intelegently and he's come across as a really decent fella!

When speaking of his new daughter, the shootings in January, and the new season with City ("it's gonna be a good season next season"); I was very impressed and after me slagging footballers off in another thread, he's balanced out my view a lot with the dignity Manu can come away from working with the BBC!

Well done Manu, and good luck with your new family and your future at City!
Tricky_Trev said:
He's going to out-score Tevez next sesaon. No African Nations Cup, no terrorist attacks, no emotional turmoil, hopefully less than 7 games missed through suspension. He got 1 in 2, despite all the chaos of his last season. He's got a baby daughter, and look at how that inspired Tevez! Ade will be immense next season. Do we really need to sign another striker? Just go with Ade and Tevez, buy a left-sided midifelder so that we can treat Bellamy as a striker, not a winger (if he stays... all seems to have gone quiet on the Bellamy exit front). Then there's RSC as 4th choice (nobody will bid enough to take him off us, and nobody will match his wage demands, so he'll still be here) Then there's the Academy lads like Nimely and Guidetti as 5th/6th choice. What's wrong with that? Nothing, imo.
Yep don't tinker with the strikers, just sort out that defence.Oh and don't be negative Mancini let's go for it.
Hahaha just checking the forum and saw another great thread from Mr "blacks commit more crime than whites. THATS FACT" terryphelan. Mr "Ade looks like a black SCATMAN" terryphelan. Mr "We are being taken over by Muslims and Black Criminals" terryphelan. Glad the lads caught on and saw you for what you are Tel.

You do realise the club is owned and bank rolled by "dumm dumm DUMM, MUSLIMS". By next season probably more than half the players wont be white whatever will you do Tel? A racist football fan is like a gay homophobe, stupid really.

Thanks for the laugh lads and yes how does Mr terryphelan keep getting away with his racist agenda? I said it in another thread to one of his KKK coherts why not just come out and say I dont like non whites from the gate and let people know?? Then we can just ignore your posts instead of you making stupid posts to try and get civil, open minded people to agree with your bigotry? I actually respect people who are open with their hate more than those who always say "I am not racist" yet obviously ARE.

I understand Ade perfectly, I find it harder to understand how Chris Coleman is ever allowed to work on TV as him I can not decypher. Even Shearer when he gets into one is annoying.
I thought he was ok as a pundit and as some one stated earlier he's Togolese, a country that shares borders with Ghana and very close to Nigeria and Ivory Coast plus he's not playing in the World Cup so who better to have as a pundit on a tournament being held in Africa?

Anyway all the best to you Ade and your new family and hope you bang in the goals for City next season.
Tricky_Trev said:
He's going to out-score Tevez next season. No African Nations Cup, no terrorist attacks, no emotional turmoil, hopefully less than 7 games missed through suspension. He got 1 in 2, despite all the chaos of his last season. He's got a baby daughter, and look at how that inspired Tevez! Ade will be immense next season. Do we really need to sign another striker? Just go with Ade and Tevez, buy a left-sided midifelder so that we can treat Bellamy as a striker, not a winger (if he stays... all seems to have gone quiet on the Bellamy exit front). Then there's RSC as 4th choice (nobody will bid enough to take him off us, and nobody will match his wage demands, so he'll still be here) Then there's the Academy lads like Nimely and Guidetti as 5th/6th choice. What's wrong with that? Nothing, imo.

plus robinho if he returns

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