
I still maintain that if Adebayor goes ANYWHERE WORTHWHILE , he probably won't start as many games as he wants ....... so where IS he gonna setlle?
Lordeffingham said:
STFU with all your bullshit stats, bet the stats suggest the rags are better than us, well guess what, they aint, bet someone could put some bullshit stats up suggesting Manure are financially sound, well they aint, and I don't give a shit what any stats tell me about Adebayor, I watch him week in week out underperforming and certainly for the last 8 months, he's been shite.

In fact sounds like premier league manager 2011 might be better for you than chatting shit about lazy Ade.

Hahaha so if stats mean nothing what does, your opinion? Are you a club manager? Do you pick the players? If all big managers rate Adebayor and he scores more goals than anyone else in the Prem based on his shots on goal BUT you think he is "shit" then he must be shit. What bollocks. He is a quality striker and your opinion means nothing unless you back in up with numbers showing why you say he is shit.

I dont like Wayne Rooney or C.Ronaldo guess they are both shit too because I say they are. You sir are an idiot and Ade is far from lazy, again the stats that you disregard show that every game last season he was in the top 3 players for distance covered during a game. Now that is FACT not rambling opinion based on watching games on TV or from the stands. And he scores goals which is what strikers are supposed to do.
didactic said:
Lordeffingham said:
STFU with all your bullshit stats, bet the stats suggest the rags are better than us, well guess what, they aint, bet someone could put some bullshit stats up suggesting Manure are financially sound, well they aint, and I don't give a shit what any stats tell me about Adebayor, I watch him week in week out underperforming and certainly for the last 8 months, he's been shite.

In fact sounds like premier league manager 2011 might be better for you than chatting shit about lazy Ade.

Hahaha so if stats mean nothing what does, your opinion? Are you a club manager? Do you pick the players? If all big managers rate Adebayor and he scores more goals than anyone else in the Prem based on his shots on goal BUT you think he is "shit" then he must be shit. What bollocks. He is a quality striker and your opinion means nothing unless you back in up with numbers showing why you say he is shit.

I dont like Wayne Rooney or C.Ronaldo guess they are both shit too because I say they are. You sir are an idiot and Ade is far from lazy, again the stats that you disregard show that every game last season he was in the top 3 players for distance covered during a game. Now that is FACT not rambling opinion based on watching games on TV or from the stands. And he scores goals which is what strikers are supposed to do.

Just for the record, can I say, was just having a bit of a laugh with you two about the name calling aspect, couldn't really give a fuck whatever you say about me as a person.

To give that lazy twat any possitive feedback, you're either a couple of Fucktards, and I know there are plenty of other Blind and simple Ade lovers out there, But since I've been a true, Blue blooded City fanatic, going back to the 60's, I can honestly say I've not seen any other City players that have had as lazy and laid back approach to playing for our great club.

All I posted innitially still stands:

"He is world class on his day, but only has about 4 of them per season.

His touch is generally poor and he loses possession more times than not.

He is far too lazy to ever put a shift in for a full 90 minutes.

He cant even be arsed keeping himself onside and considering the amount of other work he does (very little indeed) I find this frustrating and spoils numerous potentially good breaks/attacks.

His shooting is generally poor, almost Anelka like, mostly skews his shots wide and misses his kick a lot too.

Prima donna, Loves being in the limelight and talking himself up, good job really, not too many others talk highly of him.

too inconsistant to be relied on by a genuine top 4 contender, wenger isn't stupid.

Considering his height, he's shite in the air and has never struck me as a good header of the ball (see Dzeko on you tube) different league to this clown.

Although some may point out he scored a good few goals last season, considering his titty lining style, and the number of games he started, who fucking wouldn't.

If he had half of sweeps grit and determination he'd be a world beater, but he hasn't, and he's too cowardly to even let oposing centre halves know they've been in a game.

Lazy, cowardly, poor in the air for his size, thinks he's bigger than this Club, attention seeker and consistantly shit for the past 8 months."

So, there you have it, Don't rate him as worthy of our Club and would be happy, once we find someone who could replace him, if he left.

And by the way, anyone who starts a post Hahaha should not be up at the time you posted, fucking right couple of numb nut, underage, stato's without an ounce of fucking brain power between you, bye for now off to work!
i agree, its up to him when he plays to make it difficult to drop him, he didnt do that on thursday
lord eff you may have an abrubt way of saying things but i have to say i agree with so much about what your saying about ade, and i think bobby manc is agreeing also, ive said it lots of times here,i will not shed any tears when / if he goes, i genuinely think hes not good enough, maybe a decent squad player, but for me, there is so much better out there.
Well Marwood aint standing for any shit either fight or fuckoff so i dont think he will be here much longer he hasnt got fight in him bye bye lazy.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -down.html</a>
rossie said:
lord eff you may have an abrubt way of saying things but i have to say i agree with so much about what your saying about ade, and i think bobby manc is agreeing also, ive said it lots of times here,i will not shed any tears when / if he goes, i genuinely think hes not good enough, maybe a decent squad player, but for me, there is so much better out there.
Never thought much of him from day 1, I've been proudly slagging him off, along with Robingho right from the start. Couldn't give a shit what he says, where he goes or when it happens, he's shit, lazy and thick. He must be to keep doing the same things wrong over and over, that's why Wenger gave up.
Lordeffingham said:
didactic said:
Hahaha so if stats mean nothing what does, your opinion? Are you a club manager? Do you pick the players? If all big managers rate Adebayor and he scores more goals than anyone else in the Prem based on his shots on goal BUT you think he is "shit" then he must be shit. What bollocks. He is a quality striker and your opinion means nothing unless you back in up with numbers showing why you say he is shit.

I dont like Wayne Rooney or C.Ronaldo guess they are both shit too because I say they are. You sir are an idiot and Ade is far from lazy, again the stats that you disregard show that every game last season he was in the top 3 players for distance covered during a game. Now that is FACT not rambling opinion based on watching games on TV or from the stands. And he scores goals which is what strikers are supposed to do.

Just for the record, can I say, was just having a bit of a laugh with you two about the name calling aspect, couldn't really give a fuck whatever you say about me as a person.

To give that lazy twat any possitive feedback, you're either a couple of Fucktards, and I know there are plenty of other Blind and simple Ade lovers out there, But since I've been a true, Blue blooded City fanatic, going back to the 60's, I can honestly say I've not seen any other City players that have had as lazy and laid back approach to playing for our great club.

All I posted innitially still stands:

"He is world class on his day, but only has about 4 of them per season.

His touch is generally poor and he loses possession more times than not.

He is far too lazy to ever put a shift in for a full 90 minutes.

He cant even be arsed keeping himself onside and considering the amount of other work he does (very little indeed) I find this frustrating and spoils numerous potentially good breaks/attacks.

His shooting is generally poor, almost Anelka like, mostly skews his shots wide and misses his kick a lot too.

Prima donna, Loves being in the limelight and talking himself up, good job really, not too many others talk highly of him.

too inconsistant to be relied on by a genuine top 4 contender, wenger isn't stupid.

Considering his height, he's shite in the air and has never struck me as a good header of the ball (see Dzeko on you tube) different league to this clown.

Although some may point out he scored a good few goals last season, considering his titty lining style, and the number of games he started, who fucking wouldn't.

If he had half of sweeps grit and determination he'd be a world beater, but he hasn't, and he's too cowardly to even let oposing centre halves know they've been in a game.

Lazy, cowardly, poor in the air for his size, thinks he's bigger than this Club, attention seeker and consistantly shit for the past 8 months."

So, there you have it, Don't rate him as worthy of our Club and would be happy, once we find someone who could replace him, if he left.

And by the way, anyone who starts a post Hahaha should not be up at the time you posted, fucking right couple of numb nut, underage, stato's without an ounce of fucking brain power between you, bye for now off to work!

Fukin love this this one of the best i have ever read funny and true thanks lord f for brightning my day (THIS BELONGS IN CLASSICS)
Sabster said:
Lordeffingham said:
Well, I find your insulting remark about me being a wanker a little strong, but I am not prepared to reciprocate such behaviour, and will leave it there, but still believe everything I wrote about him is true, lets beg to differ.

Suppose I'm just extremely passionate about my Club, and quite clearly Ade isn't.

TBH, you read the comments from him at the begining of the summer, and he seemed really happy and passionate to be involved. But he has been gradually forced out undeservedly.

I have noticed that this comment about players being forced out about Given, Ireland and now Adebayor.

It is completely wrong to say players are being forced out. The manager has to pick a squad and from that squad he has to chose a team some players are in some are out those that are out of the squad can leave those in the squad can stay.

Mancini has the final say if a player in his opinon is good enough for the squad which in Irelands case was that he wasnt so he was sold. That happens at every club and is not about being forced out its about not being good enough in the eyes of the manager.

As for Given and Adebayor they are wanted for the squad but maybe are not felt good enough for the team well they either except that and try harder in training and when they do get opportunities or they ask to leave but no-one is forcing them out.

It was clear from the start of the season that Mancini would have to rotate the squad otherwise players would be burnt out. Already Adebayor has played in 2 out of the 4 games and no doubt Given will get his opportunity players either need to wise up or go
The ghost of Burnage lane said:
He's shit, I've always said it. A touch like an elephant. Any the sneaky git had has agent ring the Rags and Chelsea after agreeing terms with us, just to see if they would match the offer. Bacon face said in a press conference that they laughed down the phone. A few hours later he was holding a city shirt at Eastlands. Good riddance I say.
If there is any truth in this story, he should not be wearing a City short. It smells like bullshit, however. Meanwhile, we should be looking for back-up anyway as we have already lost Bellamy, Caiceido and most probably RSC and Robinho too.

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