Adverts that drive you mad

The vast range advertising cremations and funerals as if it's some happy fun thing to book. While I realise everyone needs them we don't need them ramming down our throats every five minutes.
All those adds for donkey sanctuaries, water in Africa, everything to pull at people's heartstrings. There are so many people become immune to them.
On a lighter note that fucking super noodles one which shouts one word really loudly and drags it out. There is a new one for chewing gum or something that screams loudly too.
The we buy any car one. Annoying as fuck.

My sister records most programmes and fast forwards through the adverts. Another great tip if you're watching TV live is to hit the mute button on the remote control unit the program resumes.
I sometimes do that during the match too.
The Irish woman doing the Fairy washing detergent ads and how it's so good for your baby's skin. Who is she ? She talks like she's known in every household in the land and is instantly recognisable. Nauseating and shown what seems like every 5 minutes.
The guy from the sun life ad. Some old dear talks to him about life insurance and he pops up with the sun life number on his mobile.

My issue is this. Why does he have his life insurance providers number on his phone? Is it so he can call them and put a claim in when he’s dead?
It's Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuune dad

This, this fucking family. Everything that is wrong with the English abroad. I fuck hate this with a passion. If my lads were fighting that fat kid I'll turn a blind eye, as I slap the dad. Fucking arrogant little twaty family bet their from dipperpool !!

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