Advice to my 8 yr old. "Just punch him in the face"

metalblue said:
Batter the kids dad until he is lying in his own excrement and crying, barely able to utter "what have I done?" then rip your shirt off, do some moves with some nunchucks and tell the little **** he's fucking next.

Or what you've done.

Either works for me.
as it happens i'm not to shabby with the nunchucks (plastic ones that dont crack your kneecap if you get it wrong).
I dont think i would need them anyway, what pisses me off is a fuckin notorious idiot getting the same punishment as my son should he try to stick up for hmself
I just shown my dad this post and he started laughing. Laughing because I got bullied in school at around the same age lad knocked my teeth out pinched my coat all that crap. My dad used to say why don't u fight back and I used to say the teachers would be cross with me he said he'd have a word with the teachers (which was a lie) anyway next day this lad spat at me playing football and pushed me into the net I went home sobbing and very angry. My dad said "what's up?" I told him and he said I've spoke to your teacher and said if he does anything to me again I've got to hit back I believed it :) anyway next day in school he pinched my bag and started running off I ran after him for him to punch me in the face I fell to the floor looked to the side and there was a brick I picked it up and hit him on the head with it. Bad I know but I was 8 and hated going to school but he never bullied or tried anything with me again. Tell him to fight back but not to use weapons my dad was gutted at what I did but happy I hit back the lads mum and dad were furious with me but my dad just said u had plenty of times to sort the bully out ya never did.

I left that school 2 years later to move town but went High school in the same area and yes 1st year I was in his class. He had a nice scar and I just remember thinking that's from me because u was a bastard. He was a different lad in high school never spoke to me but never bullied anyone maybe he learnt? Hope your lad gets through it I hate bullies and I'd tell my kids to hit back as well it's the only way somebody learns.
I'd advise the lad to belt the other lad in the stomach. It'll wind him and put him down. Smacking the other lad in the face could leave a mark or a nosebleed. You know what things are like these days if evidence is on show for all to see.
I'll stand and fight or I'll walk away. It all depends on the circumstances and, admittedly, whether I think I can win.
Its all the bollox we all have to put up with doctrins from on high, devised by middleclass tossers who the nearest they went near a rough school was when passing one on the way to Pony club!!!........Do you know that teachers are now "encouraged" or "told" not to use the phrase "stop being naughty"..... NOW we have to say "Class, Stop fussing" can you belive that!!! We reap what we sow!!!
corky1970 said:
SWP's back said:
glen quagmire said:
Mate, i am not sure if you read my post on this a while back...

My youngest was 10 at the time. A great kid who was really popular at school. There is a lot of scumbag parents and feral kids, where i live. Anyhoo one wanker in particular, who used to routinely beat up other kids, decided my daughter was next..... She sent her text messages, msn and blackberry messages that she was going to do this and that to her. I am lucky i have a great relationship with my kids, she told me about it. The little cow attacked my daughter on the way home a few days later, the bully had a dozen or so with her, which could be intimidating at any age.

As i'd already spoken to my daughter previously, she not only retaliated but leathered the little shit all over the show. The next day, my daughter phoned me from the toilets in floods of tears, telling me she had been screamed at by, her teacher, head teacher AND TWO WANKER PCSO's! This post is too long as it is, but the end of the story is: the school's advice to my daughter, if she was being attacked was to cover her head with her arms and repeat "please stop hitting me". Could you imagine witnessing that?
Anyhoo my advice won the day, the bully is so far up my daughters arse since that day, it's unreal.

Stick to your guns pal.

good luck.
I shall re-visit this thread in 8 years for a well timed joke.[/quote]

first time for everthing eh ?
They all want me,
They can't have me,
so they just come and post beside me

Eeeey Macarena!

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