Advice to my 8 yr old. "Just punch him in the face"

I have told my lads they will never, ever get in trouble for hitting back, but they will get a bollocking if they ever lash out first
thanks a lot for the replies fella's.
Right now we have trained for left,right to the head, knife hand to the solar plexus, personally i think a straight kick down the middle works well here, but the wife thinks thats going to far :)

Only time will tell if he will smack him back. He will face no punishment from me or school.
talkativesprout said:
thanks a lot for the replies fella's.
Right now we have trained for left,right to the head, knife hand to the solar plexus, personally i think a straight kick down the middle works well here, but the wife thinks thats going to far :)

Only time will tell if he will smack him back. He will face no punishment from me or school.

pay a bigger kid a tenner to give him a smack for you ;-)
Spot on advice, and fuck the Lilly livered twats who state any different...this is where many of the problems within our society begin due to the fuck wits running schools etc no life experience at all and to think these clowns are educating our kids
not having my son get bullied. If anyone does bully him i'll let his my son kick shit out of him and if he's older than my son, i'll find out where the little shit lives and will 100% kick his dads skull in.

my son wasnt born into this world to be bullied and made to feel upset and threatened by some little underclass scrote who se parents dont deserve to have kids. if schools were more on the victims side and would allow the twatting of little shithead bullies, there wouldnt be as many in the schools.

if i was a headmaster it would be a policy that ''if you bully, you get put in the stocks at dinnertime on the yard and will get punched in the face of everyone who pays 10p to do so, thus at the same time, raising funds for the school.<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:57 pm --<br /><br />not having my son get bullied. If anyone does bully him i'll let his my son kick shit out of him and if he's older than my son, i'll find out where the little shit lives and will 100% kick his dads skull in.

my son wasnt born into this world to be bullied and made to feel upset and threatened by some little underclass scrote who se parents dont deserve to have kids. if schools were more on the victims side and would allow the twatting of little shithead bullies, there wouldnt be as many in the schools.

if i was a headmaster it would be a policy that ''if you bully, you get put in the stocks at dinnertime on the yard and will get punched in the face of everyone who pays 10p to do so, thus at the same time, raising funds for the school.
My eldest was bullied and robbed a few times by this **** a few years older than him.
This **** would draw him in and make him feel safe for a month or two and then BANG he'd twat him.
Anyway this thug ended up doing 18 months for beating some other poor sod.
When he was released (2006 w.cup) he decided to do my lad again whilst he and his girlfriend were sat down in a pub after the England game.
He came home with his face smashed and blood all down his new England shirt.
I was like "ok fucker enough's enough" especially after all the years of wanting to whack him but couldn't because of his age.
I got the breadknife to drive me (im boozy) into town and we find this **** at the very first pub we come to arguing with the doorstaff.
I jump out of the moving car and before he gets a chance to turn around I give this fucker a flying headbutt. Then whilst he's getting up I convince him its in his interests to follow me and I continued his education around the corner.
The police turn up. All gets explained(by him) and off I go back to the car,although not before a thumbs up from the doorstaff;).
Strangely enough we've not had any problems with him since.
But more to the point I hope this proves that the longer these things get left the worse they become.
There's only one way to teach a bully and that is to give them a taste of their own nasty medicine.

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