Advice to my 8 yr old. "Just punch him in the face"

brass neck said:
Its all the bollox we all have to put up with doctrins from on high, devised by middleclass tossers who the nearest they went near a rough school was when passing one on the way to Pony club!!!........Do you know that teachers are now "encouraged" or "told" not to use the phrase "stop being naughty"..... NOW we have to say "Class, Stop fussing" can you belive that!!! We reap what we sow!!!

Sadly, this is true. The very same middle class tossers are also going straight from school, to Uni, then straight to politics and are therefore oblivious to how the world really works.
agree, sometimes a good whack stops the cunts.

i kept getting stick off this one rag at school i remember, being the only city fan in a class of 30 after they won the treble was hard.

this one **** kept nicking my city bag and chucking it in mud and shit so one day i lamped him.

got in deep shit but he never did it again.
Blumers Bloomers said:
I have told my lads they will never, ever get in trouble for hitting back, but they will get a bollocking if they ever lash out first

Thats how I got raised and I turned out well rounded enough!

I had some little shitbag who thought he was the business on my rugby team when I was growing up who would always try sly digs at me etc with a few of his henchmen until I put him on his arse one day in training he tried to punch me so I layed into him and got no bother afterwards, apart from the coach who threw me out of that training session.

It's ridiculous what schools are like for it these days, I once got an absolute bollocking for having a fight with my brother at school as though I had just battered a random lad, its not like it wasnt a weekly occurrence!

My dad told me about when he was at school there was a lad who was giving him sly digs when going in for tackles during a rugby match, when he complained to the teacher about it the response was 'Well go on the pitch and smack him back or else I'm subbing you off'.
Unknown to me my son told his teacher about my advice, her reaction "i dont blame him".

found this out today on a walk with him. My faith is a little bit encouraged.
Bullied for 3 years at school until the chief ring leader and his 5 cronies surrounded me one day taunting me. I took the ring leader out, the hardest but thickest one and his chief lieutenant gobshite. The other 2 ran off.

The taunts continued and next day some younger kid who lived near the bully thought it was fair game to taunt me. After I'd given him a swift kick in the bollocks I soon got caught as the deputy head was walking past and he found this kid writhing about on the floor in agony. The kid grassed and I got called to see the Deputy Head and Head. Well, I was a good kid, they knew I wasn't a trouble causer so when the story came out and other kids backed me up about the years of bullying and the previous day's events 3 were suspended and 2 given a warning- (the 2 that ran away were just hangers on and were usually only making the numbers up).

All this was after 3 years! The names that I was called I hated, I had this nickname at school that I hated because this twat had given it to me and it stuck. The other kids at school called me this name and didn't know that I hated the name. (What could you do, they'd just carry on calling you by that name as if to make a point). Luckily at home there were only a few kids who went to my school and I was respected in my peer group so I didn't have this nickname.

Even though the bullying stopped I hate being singled out for criticism when doing something in a group. I always put it down to this..

Those of you who have kids who told you are lucky, I felt ashamed to tell my parents until they found out when these kids were suspended. The important thing is to encourage them to sort it out by whatever means they feel necessary by themselves in the first instance if at all possible and they need to do it as soon as possible to nip it in the bud and to stop the spread of bullying towards them from other kids.

There have been some good replies in this thread, the one with the girl on the way home from school I don't know what the school was doing getting involved for with an incident outside school. Ifthe reason was that it was first reported by the other child at school then surely the parents of both children should have been brought in if PCSO's were getting involved?
glen quagmire said:
talkativesprout said:
I am sorry to say but, today i have given my son permission for my son to bust someone's nose as hard as he can. I will take total blame for it, and tell the head it was my advice and teachings.

I am sick to the back teeth of teaching my son to "play by the rules" when wankers of parents don't do the same.

When i asked him why he didn't fill him in "Dad if i do i will end up on the SAD SIDE"

Time for a change in all this non retaliate bollox and the teachers who support it!

Mate, i am not sure if you read my post on this a while back...

My youngest was 10 at the time. A great kid who was really popular at school. There is a lot of scumbag parents and feral kids, where i live. Anyhoo one wanker in particular, who used to routinely beat up other kids, decided my daughter was next..... She sent her text messages, msn and blackberry messages that she was going to do this and that to her. I am lucky i have a great relationship with my kids, she told me about it. The little cow attacked my daughter on the way home a few days later, the bully had a dozen or so with her, which could be intimidating at any age.

As i'd already spoken to my daughter previously, she not only retaliated but leathered the little shit all over the show. The next day, my daughter phoned me from the toilets in floods of tears, telling me she had been screamed at by, her teacher, head teacher AND TWO WANKER PCSO's! This post is too long as it is, but the end of the story is: the school's advice to my daughter, if she was being attacked was to cover her head with her arms and repeat "please stop hitting me". Could you imagine witnessing that?
Anyhoo my advice won the day, the bully is so far up my daughters arse since that day, it's unreal.

Stick to your guns pal.

good luck.

And thats why my 5 year old son goes to Karate lessons already.
I read this thread with interest because I had two young kids. I am a bit conflicted.

For one I have no problem with bullies getting hit back. If I had done that sooner at school it would have been a much more enjoyable experience.

On the other hand, I hated and still hate violence. It's not a middle class after-uni-trend thing. I joined a boxing club and as a tall lad could keep my opponents at bay, but, I just hated it.

So, not only was I bullied, I felt shit about letting my family down because I would not take the advise and hit them back.

Be careful of your advice to kids.
I'm so glad my school days are long over, some kids in this new generation are scary, spitting at other people is unacceptable under any circumstances!

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