Ajax fans are jelous of us

VluggeHenkie said:
cleavers said:
So you have no none dutch players then ? I've no idea, and frankly couldn't care less, as I have no interest in Ajax.

As I said to your "mate" if you want to attack any English clubs then you're on the wrong forum, because we do actually have a number of English players in our team and squad, so I don't take your comments seriously either.

We're fortunate to have one of your best players just now (if you ignore your national manager that is), and have not so recently had one of your previous legends in Paul Bosvelt, so why the animosity to us, if you want to hate any english clubs go look elsewhere near Manchester or a couple in London, where they have been buying europe for nearly 2 decades.

Oh and I've never seen a banner at a City game about any Dutch teams, never.

Jealousy isn't good....

If you look at my posts you would have seen me say i think city is a beautiful club, and i still think it is! I just don't like where modern football is going and people need to have an example... that city is that example today doesnt mean i hate city or anything! I could also say Real Madrid for instance... i think you know what i mean... it isnt jealousy really... like i said before... you should enjoy every succes you'll get... but just be wary what could happen to your club too... where's your club when your sheik is bankrupt? It's in deep problems i can tell you that. No hate at all mate really, City is a beautiful club... and i understand you'll need the players to be succesful... once your teams stands and stops buying... another team will buy loads of players again and people will use that club as an example... i hope you get it... this is far from an attack towards your club... really
I get it. We all thought the same about Chelsea, Madrid, etc. I do appreciate your vein of thought. Who wouldn't? Thing is, this guy who bought our club hasn't just injected money into City, but he has given money into projects around Manchester. He has given the community money. We know he is here until he does what he wants to do. We CANNOT be any worse with him than we have ever beem without him - and we were really bad. You, Ajax, with your proud history and tradition, would love himn too. No doubt.
avoidconfusion said:
mergatroid said:
This translates as "Red Bull Salzburg, Man City, Chelsea, AZ, Vitesse, Red Bull Leipzig, Hoffenheim, Fuck you! Against Modern Football. Not for Sale." according to an email from a Dutch friend


Jelousy is a terrible thing!

Nowhere does it say "Fuck you" .

Above Not for sale it does.
VluggeHenkie said:
southern muppet said:
That's what I thought, and I don't even speak Dutch. Think Mergatroid is stirring the shit, although the banality of the Ajax fan's general sentiments displayed is still worth discussing.

I hate to admit it but there is a "fuck you" banner on the bottom if you look closely... I'm a big Ajax fan and i don't support saying "fuck you" to those clubs... i do support their vision about modern football tho... I think there will be measures within 10 years anyway... salary or tranfers caps will come... no doubt... it's just the question when....

There won't ever be salary caps in the EU, there can't be. It's a non-starter. European law.

Do you think the players will be in favour of it, either? Do turkeys vote for Christmas?

As for transfer caps....you simply can't say that €3m pounds is an acceptable fee for a top footballer but €20m isn't

Once you have reached the surreal situation where footballers are traded for millions, and paid six-figure sums - all bets are off.

since it's such a surreal situation to begin with, it's even more surreal to draw an arbitrary artificial line between two equally ridiculous things and say on one side is what's acceptable, on the other is what isn't.

Sorry, but this kind of regressive, simplistic ''sweep back the tide with a broom'' thinking you're displaying is the same as when the Luddites tried to smash up machinary so as to keep their jobs - you cannot hold back change, and you can even less reverse it. None of your 'vision' for football will ever, ever come to pass. Face it.

For better or worse, this is where we are.
VluggeHenkie said:
If you look at my posts you would have seen me say i think city is a beautiful club, and i still think it is! I just don't like where modern football is going and people need to have an example... that city is that example today doesnt mean i hate city or anything! I could also say Real Madrid for instance... i think you know what i mean... it isnt jealousy really... like i said before... you should enjoy every succes you'll get... but just be wary what could happen to your club too... where's your club when your sheik is bankrupt? It's in deep problems i can tell you that. No hate at all mate really, City is a beautiful club... and i understand you'll need the players to be succesful... once your teams stands and stops buying... another team will buy loads of players again and people will use that club as an example... i hope you get it... this is far from an attack towards your club... really

As mentioned above our academy has produced plenty of talent over the years, and continues to do so, and if you knew anything about our owner, you would know that it is a stated objective to be better at producing our own players, and not buying.

When he arrived we were so far from the top, he had to spend heavily to get there, and now the stated objective is to create the best youth setup in the world, these players won't all be from Manchester or England, just like Ajax when they were a success, that sir is football.

As I've said above you are on the wrong forum, because there are english clubs who produce NO players at all, and others who produce young talent from anywhere but England, we have a long history of bringing through English (or British) talent, and our owner has stated that this is his priority.

As for our Sheik becoming bankrupt, well wait right there until he does, but it'll be a long wait I'm afraid.....

Modern football, well you mean successful modern football really, involves spending large amounts of money generated by the greed of the G17 clubs own "Champions League", a UEFA organisation that doesn't want us part of of their clique, of which your club is, if I remember correctly a part.

So please stop patronising us, your banners are objectionable, you are just jealous of the fact we will overtake your club.
I'd agree with the anti-Red Bull sentiment.

Not just because the drink is shit but, taking over football clubs and re-naming them as one huge advertisement and then declaring the clubs history up to that point null and void?

That's the sort of thing that needs to be prevented.

Conflating that with anything to do with our club, Chelsea, or the two Dutch clubs named (which is perhaps the most telling sign that self-interest is the main driving force here, by the way) is just absolutely retarded and insulting though.
What if your sheik doesnt go bankrupt but just decides to pull out of man city for some reason? Oh btw... i've accepted that clubs will overtake us a loooooong time ago haha... till this day Barcelona still has less european succes btw but ofcourse they'll overtake us.. Man city has a long way to go but it's obvious you'll overtake us when given enough time.. Well so be it.. I'm not jealous... i honestly think Ajax still has a chance to produce a top team... our challenge of reaching that team will just be soo much harder but soooo much more satisfying... nothing is impossible... and once every few year we have a team that capable of doing big things... david and goliath stories... i love it.. ajax is going back to their roots now and i have really good hopes (wich i didnt had the last 10 years) you just do it your way and we'll try to do it our way... i hope (and yeah blabla i know that it pbb wont happen) Ajax - Man City will be a champions league final some day...

you'll just enjoy everything there is to come for your club... wich is a lot... i think man city just has a really big party right now... and you know what you have after big parties right? it's a hangover... let's just hope your club can avoid that....
VluggeHenkie said:
What if your sheik doesnt go bankrupt but just decides to pull out of man city for some reason?

I suggest you read more about him, he's not just investing in Manchester City, he's investing in a large part of Manchester the city, the people, the infrastructure, he's not doing that because he might pull out next year. Its a long term investment in much more than a football club.
VluggeHenkie said:
What if your sheik doesnt go bankrupt but just decides to pull out of man city for some reason?

The owner has plans for the club that will take at least 10 years to complete. The guy is a football fanatic aswell.


VluggeHenkie said:
What if your sheik doesnt go bankrupt but just decides to pull out of man city for some reason? Oh btw... i've accepted that clubs will overtake us a loooooong time ago haha... till this day Barcelona still has less european succes btw but ofcourse they'll overtake us.. Man city has a long way to go but it's obvious you'll overtake us when given enough time.. Well so be it.. I'm not jealous... i honestly think Ajax still has a chance to produce a top team... our challenge of reaching that team will just be soo much harder but soooo much more satisfying... nothing is impossible... and once every few year we have a team that capable of doing big things... david and goliath stories... i love it.. ajax is going back to their roots now and i have really good hopes (wich i didnt had the last 10 years) you just do it your way and we'll try to do it our way... i hope (and yeah blabla i know that it pbb wont happen) Ajax - Man City will be a champions league final some day...

you'll just enjoy everything there is to come for your club... wich is a lot... i think man city just has a really big party right now... and you know what you have after big parties right? it's a hangover... let's just hope your club can avoid that....
Like you say.. after Spike Island... what's next? Everyone has a day in the Sun, every one has a night.

We have done our things our way. Football didn't start when we got took over in 2008. We were the first English club to do a double including a Euro cup. We know our past. We lived through a horrific one. Most of our fans haven't even seen Wembley, yet we still get the fourth best support when we were a division belwo the Prem. We don't need foreign judges. We know who we are, where we were and where we need to be... and nowadays what that takes to get us there.

We had a season of youth acadamey coming through, and fair play to those little soldiers, we are where we are now.

We don't need no education.

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