Alan Hansen, why is he so bitter?

At least he admitted to being an ex Liverpool player who didn't want to see his former club becoming a cup team
He knows liverpool just aren't good enough to finish anywhere near the top four and once you're off the Champions league gravy train, it's frighteningly difficult to get back on it
He knows they're finished as a top English side and will not be competing for the League or Champions league for the foreseeable future

Oh, and I can't stand the outdated punditry on MoTD.
Someone somewhere must have better ideas on how a match can be analysed
Re: Why is he so bitter?

moomba said:
He certainly does seem to struggle with giving us any credit at all when there is crisis talk, and slagging to do.

Another one is Mark Saggers, just seems to despise the club for some reason. Heard him yesterday on Talkshite, as soon as they announced the team he went on about Micah "he doesn't have the awareness to play centre half, this is a real opportunity for Chelsea". Not so much what he said but the sneering tone he said it in.

Will make our success all the more sweet when these knobends finally realise that they are going to have to deal with their hatred and our success for a long time to come.

Saggers is a dyed in the wool rag, he has even admitted as much, but remember he is employed to prompt reaction and will say (within reason), whatever he has to, to get people calling and listening.
I don't see the need for a presenter and a couple of pundits.Jimmy Hill managed it all on his own.
The Pink Panther said:
At least he admitted to being an ex Liverpool player who didn't want to see his former club becoming a cup team
He knows liverpool just aren't good enough to finish anywhere near the top four and once you're off the Champions league gravy train, it's frighteningly difficult to get back on it
He knows they're finished as a top English side and will not be competing for the League or Champions league for the foreseeable future

Oh, and I can't stand the outdated punditry on MoTD.
Someone somewhere must have better ideas on how a match can be analysed
never ever thought i'd ever say this but Hansen needs to take leaf out of the slightly less uglier neville brother on sky and put his own allegiance to one side as he is supposed to be an impartial observer giving his expert (pah ha ha) opinion on football in a totally unbiased professional manner....instead he's a **** week in week out.
Ian Paisley said:
I don't see the need for a presenter and a couple of pundits.Jimmy Hill managed it all on his own.

The difference then was Jimmy Hill only had two games to watch and analyse.
Now there are cameras at every game and there could be six, although I do wonder if the "pundits" actually watch the whole of the games and are not shown just brief highlights
It seems ex Liverpool players have a chip on their shoulder. I see Ronnie Whelan on RTE and he has the same attitude. I think they find it hard to accept Liverpool dropping out of the top 4.
I seem to remember back in the early 1990's (Peter Reid days) Hansen always seemed to be quite positive about City - tipping us to win cups and stuff. I don't know what changed.
Funniest bit was when he said ' Tottenham deserve Champions League football for entertaining us all season'.

So the league is not about accumulating the most points over 38 games any more then? They certainly have been entertaining if you like watching a team of long ball runners with no plan B. They would be fighting relegation were it not for Bale. Harry has been a barrel of laughs and worth the licence fee for his MOTD interviews and court japers all by himself. Not to mention the sudden implosion, which will be blamed on the threat of losing Redknapp, not that other teams have sussed them out. The jesters of the premier league deserve exactly what they have got, to be fighting for a CL/EL spot and no more.

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