Alan Henning - how should we respond?

daveiw1976 said:
Ban-jani said:
daveiw1976 said:
No offence, but would you wish to fill 2 of those boots?

I know what you're getting at.

My career path hasn't featured the military so far. If the issue became severe enough and ordinary people were asked to fight, for example like WW2, then yes I'd go.

I'm eternally grateful for our service men and women and I don't think it unethical to want your nation to apply military action to a situation, even if you don't put yourself forward to begin with.

It's far from unethical, but it's much harder if it's you or I that's dying for a cause and somewhat less simplistic is it not?

I agree.

But a soldier knows what he/she is signing up for, their job is specifically to fight the enemies of the nation.

I briefly considered joining a few years ago and I was fully aware of what if have to do.

I'm only in favour of military action as a last resort, and there's no negotiating with these scumbags so it's a must.
We've brought all this on ourselves, with 20 odd years of getting involved in business that has absolutely nothing to do with us. From the first Iraq war, when we decided to become the american lap dogs. And now its come to this. Time and time again we've interfered In stuff that doesn't concern us with the excuse that we are doing it for the freedom of the people and making the world a better place. These people don't want us there. They hate us with a passion, and I don't blame them. We have killed there woman, children, and destroyed there countries with our bombing campaigns and invasions. We would all feel the same if it was happening to us. and now we are at a point where there is no solution to the situation.. Cameron and his strong worded statements are getting tiresome. And if he had an ounce of sense about him, he would take the only option left to us, and that is to stop all involvement in the middle east and let them get on with it. Let it come to a natural conclusion and hope it all fizzles out in time. The more we keep getting involved, the longer its going to go on and get worse. Let them fight it out amongst themselves and hope when it does come to a conclusion, they don't remember who actually started all this in the first place "us the west" Its a conflict only they themselves in that region can resolve. And its a conflict we can never win. Even if we flattened the whole area, the real threat comes from the thousands if not millions of extremist Muslims that live all around the world in our cities and towns. The real threat is now on British soil. About time our government started addressing that issue.can you imagine the russians tolerating muslim extremists for instance.
shackattack said:
We've brought all this on ourselves, with 20 odd years of getting involved in business that has absolutely nothing to do with us. From the first Iraq war, when we decided to become the american lap dogs. And now its come to this. Time and time again we've interfered In stuff that doesn't concern us with the excuse that we are doing it for the freedom of the people and making the world a better place. These people don't want us there. They hate us with a passion, and I don't blame them. We have killed there woman, children, and destroyed there countries with our bombing campaigns and invasions. We would all feel the same if it was happening to us. and now we are at a point where there is no solution to the situation.. Cameron and his strong worded statements are getting tiresome. And if he had an ounce of sense about him, he would take the only option left to us, and that is to stop all involvement in the middle east and let them get on with it. Let it come to a natural conclusion and hope it all fizzles out in time. The more we keep getting involved, the longer its going to go on and get worse. Let them fight it out amongst themselves and hope when it does come to a conclusion, they don't remember who actually started all this in the first place "us the west" Its a conflict only they themselves in that region can resolve. And its a conflict we can never win. Even if we flattened the whole area, the real threat comes from the thousands if not millions of extremist Muslims that live all around the world in our cities and towns. The real threat is now on British soil. About time our government started addressing that issue.can you imagine the russians tolerating muslim extremists for instance.

You are getting ISI: mixed up with the rest of the Arab and Islamic world! They really don't want ISIL reining havoc and murder all over the place and are pretty powerless to stop them on their own, if we left well alone the consequences for us would be worse
shackattack said:
We've brought all this on ourselves, with 20 odd years of getting involved in business that has absolutely nothing to do with us. From the first Iraq war, when we decided to become the american lap dogs. And now its come to this. Time and time again we've interfered In stuff that doesn't concern us with the excuse that we are doing it for the freedom of the people and making the world a better place. These people don't want us there. They hate us with a passion, and I don't blame them. We have killed there woman, children, and destroyed there countries with our bombing campaigns and invasions. We would all feel the same if it was happening to us. and now we are at a point where there is no solution to the situation.. Cameron and his strong worded statements are getting tiresome. And if he had an ounce of sense about him, he would take the only option left to us, and that is to stop all involvement in the middle east and let them get on with it. Let it come to a natural conclusion and hope it all fizzles out in time. The more we keep getting involved, the longer its going to go on and get worse. Let them fight it out amongst themselves and hope when it does come to a conclusion, they don't remember who actually started all this in the first place "us the west" Its a conflict only they themselves in that region can resolve. And its a conflict we can never win. Even if we flattened the whole area, the real threat comes from the thousands if not millions of extremist Muslims that live all around the world in our cities and towns. The real threat is now on British soil. About time our government started addressing that issue.can you imagine the russians tolerating muslim extremists for instance.

you really cant see past your nose to imagine the horrific events that would take place if they are left alone

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