Alan Henning - how should we respond?

bobmcfc said:
Bigga said:
bobmcfc said:
I wouldn't want to nuke anywhere. The risk to innocent civilians would be too great. I hope our inteligence agencies are working hard to identify all responsible with the aim of capture and then making them not be here anymore. Nice and quite, make them disappear one by one with no trace

To be fair, I thought that would have happened by now and was wondering why it's been left so long.

Well they know who jihadi John is. I wonder what his families stance is sat in their £1m home in london

marco said:
shackattack said:
We've brought all this on ourselves, with 20 odd years of getting involved in business that has absolutely nothing to do with us. From the first Iraq war, when we decided to become the american lap dogs. And now its come to this. Time and time again we've interfered In stuff that doesn't concern us with the excuse that we are doing it for the freedom of the people and making the world a better place. These people don't want us there. They hate us with a passion, and I don't blame them. We have killed there woman, children, and destroyed there countries with our bombing campaigns and invasions. We would all feel the same if it was happening to us. and now we are at a point where there is no solution to the situation.. Cameron and his strong worded statements are getting tiresome. And if he had an ounce of sense about him, he would take the only option left to us, and that is to stop all involvement in the middle east and let them get on with it. Let it come to a natural conclusion and hope it all fizzles out in time. The more we keep getting involved, the longer its going to go on and get worse. Let them fight it out amongst themselves and hope when it does come to a conclusion, they don't remember who actually started all this in the first place "us the west" Its a conflict only they themselves in that region can resolve. And its a conflict we can never win. Even if we flattened the whole area, the real threat comes from the thousands if not millions of extremist Muslims that live all around the world in our cities and towns. The real threat is now on British soil. About time our government started addressing that issue.can you imagine the russians tolerating muslim extremists for instance.

you really cant see past your nose to imagine the horrific events that would take place if they are left alone

It beggars belief some people still hold this view... What must they think when they watch the news and see IS slaughtering women and children, raping, forcing men to join there network or get there head chopped off, seeing them chopping the heads of innocent aid workers, seeing them force other Muslims to dig there own graves before shooting them ???

There response " why don't we all just leave them to get on with it " !!!!

I think Rascal holds this belief aswell and went even further by saying we should all just allow them to have there own
state. Unbelievable.
Markt85 said:
marco said:
shackattack said:
We've brought all this on ourselves, with 20 odd years of getting involved in business that has absolutely nothing to do with us. From the first Iraq war, when we decided to become the american lap dogs. And now its come to this. Time and time again we've interfered In stuff that doesn't concern us with the excuse that we are doing it for the freedom of the people and making the world a better place. These people don't want us there. They hate us with a passion, and I don't blame them. We have killed there woman, children, and destroyed there countries with our bombing campaigns and invasions. We would all feel the same if it was happening to us. and now we are at a point where there is no solution to the situation.. Cameron and his strong worded statements are getting tiresome. And if he had an ounce of sense about him, he would take the only option left to us, and that is to stop all involvement in the middle east and let them get on with it. Let it come to a natural conclusion and hope it all fizzles out in time. The more we keep getting involved, the longer its going to go on and get worse. Let them fight it out amongst themselves and hope when it does come to a conclusion, they don't remember who actually started all this in the first place "us the west" Its a conflict only they themselves in that region can resolve. And its a conflict we can never win. Even if we flattened the whole area, the real threat comes from the thousands if not millions of extremist Muslims that live all around the world in our cities and towns. The real threat is now on British soil. About time our government started addressing that issue.can you imagine the russians tolerating muslim extremists for instance.

you really cant see past your nose to imagine the horrific events that would take place if they are left alone

It beggars belief some people still hold this view... What must they think when they watch the news and see IS slaughtering women and children, raping, forcing men to join there network or get there head chopped off, seeing them chopping the heads of innocent aid workers, seeing them force other Muslims to dig there own graves before shooting them ???

There response " why don't we all just leave them to get on with it " !!!!

I think Rascal holds this belief aswell and went even further by saying we should all just allow them to have there own
state. Unbelievable.

i seriously don't know mate, but i think its all that is what is wrong with this country as it stands, when we are dealing with people like this it has to be swift and effective 'no fucking about' and get the job done, honestly i think these posters are on a par with the guy who looks through your rubbish bin to check you recycling, do gooders i call them but these are the ones to come and cry first when it goes tits up
marco said:
Markt85 said:
marco said:
you really cant see past your nose to imagine the horrific events that would take place if they are left alone

It beggars belief some people still hold this view... What must they think when they watch the news and see IS slaughtering women and children, raping, forcing men to join there network or get there head chopped off, seeing them chopping the heads of innocent aid workers, seeing them force other Muslims to dig there own graves before shooting them ???

There response " why don't we all just leave them to get on with it " !!!!

I think Rascal holds this belief aswell and went even further by saying we should all just allow them to have there own
state. Unbelievable.

i seriously don't know mate, but i think its all that what is wrong with this country as it stands, when we are dealing with people like this it has to be swift and effective 'no fucking about' and get the job done, honestly i think these posters are on a par with the guy who looks through your rubbish bin to check you recycling, do gooders i call them but these are the ones to come and cry first when it goes tits up

I'm still a leftie at heart and was fully against the Iraq war under bush/Blair ... However I'm not one to turn a blind eye when innocent woman and children are being slaughtered, we should be providing as much aid as possible to the refugees of this conflict, we should be liaising with neighbouring country's to take action against ISIS, NOT arming other radical terrorist groups, we should be working with the EU and UN to stop all funding for ISIS, we should take military action if we are 100% targeting ISIS held areas... We have the resources and capability to work with America to take action. You can't use failures in our own past as an argument not to take any action.
Markt85 said:
marco said:
Markt85 said:
It beggars belief some people still hold this view... What must they think when they watch the news and see IS slaughtering women and children, raping, forcing men to join there network or get there head chopped off, seeing them chopping the heads of innocent aid workers, seeing them force other Muslims to dig there own graves before shooting them ???

There response " why don't we all just leave them to get on with it " !!!!

I think Rascal holds this belief aswell and went even further by saying we should all just allow them to have there own
state. Unbelievable.

i seriously don't know mate, but i think its all that what is wrong with this country as it stands, when we are dealing with people like this it has to be swift and effective 'no fucking about' and get the job done, honestly i think these posters are on a par with the guy who looks through your rubbish bin to check you recycling, do gooders i call them but these are the ones to come and cry first when it goes tits up

I'm still a leftie at heart and was fully against the Iraq war under bush/Blair ... However I'm not one to turn a blind eye when innocent woman and children are being slaughtered, we should be providing as much aid as possible to the refugees of this conflict, we should be liaising with neighbouring country's to take action against ISIS, NOT arming other radical terrorist groups, we should be working with the EU and UN to stop all funding for ISIS, we should take military action if we are 100% targeting ISIS held areas... We have the resources and capability to work with America to take action. You can't use failures in our own past as an argument not to take any action.

ok, you say you didnt support the Iraq war under bush and blair but you are not the type to turn a blind eye to what is going on today, well saddam murderd 10-20 times more than what ISIS have done to date plus the gassing of the kurds, so why did you not have that resentment then? me i was fully 100% behind the Iraqi war but where they went wrong was the after care, the UN should have gone in there to see over the re build of the infrastructure and peace keep elections etc, just a thought maybe our armed forces should go for permanent residency in Iraq
Markt85 said:
marco said:
Markt85 said:
It beggars belief some people still hold this view... What must they think when they watch the news and see IS slaughtering women and children, raping, forcing men to join there network or get there head chopped off, seeing them chopping the heads of innocent aid workers, seeing them force other Muslims to dig there own graves before shooting them ???

There response " why don't we all just leave them to get on with it " !!!!

I think Rascal holds this belief aswell and went even further by saying we should all just allow them to have there own
state. Unbelievable.

i seriously don't know mate, but i think its all that what is wrong with this country as it stands, when we are dealing with people like this it has to be swift and effective 'no fucking about' and get the job done, honestly i think these posters are on a par with the guy who looks through your rubbish bin to check you recycling, do gooders i call them but these are the ones to come and cry first when it goes tits up

I'm still a leftie at heart and was fully against the Iraq war under bush/Blair ... However I'm not one to turn a blind eye when innocent woman and children are being slaughtered, we should be providing as much aid as possible to the refugees of this conflict, we should be liaising with neighbouring country's to take action against ISIS, NOT arming other radical terrorist groups, we should be working with the EU and UN to stop all funding for ISIS, we should take military action if we are 100% targeting ISIS held areas... We have the resources and capability to work with America to take action. You can't use failures in our own past as an argument not to take any action.

Well said both of you.

I would say however the removal of Hussein was a necessity for the region, whether we went about it the right way is where I'm not sure, we definitely didn't stay in there long enough in my opinion.

The longer we wait now, the bigger our enemy will become, thankfully I believe another US and UK invasion is imminent.
marco said:
Markt85 said:
marco said:
i seriously don't know mate, but i think its all that what is wrong with this country as it stands, when we are dealing with people like this it has to be swift and effective 'no fucking about' and get the job done, honestly i think these posters are on a par with the guy who looks through your rubbish bin to check you recycling, do gooders i call them but these are the ones to come and cry first when it goes tits up

I'm still a leftie at heart and was fully against the Iraq war under bush/Blair ... However I'm not one to turn a blind eye when innocent woman and children are being slaughtered, we should be providing as much aid as possible to the refugees of this conflict, we should be liaising with neighbouring country's to take action against ISIS, NOT arming other radical terrorist groups, we should be working with the EU and UN to stop all funding for ISIS, we should take military action if we are 100% targeting ISIS held areas... We have the resources and capability to work with America to take action. You can't use failures in our own past as an argument not to take any action.

ok, you say you didnt support the Iraq war under bush and blair but you are not the type to turn a blind eye to what is going on today, well saddam murderd 10-20 times more than what ISIS have done to date plus the gassing of the kurds, so why did you not have that resentment then? me i was fully 100% behind the Iraqi war but where they went wrong was the after care, the UN should have gone in there to see over the re build of the infrastructure and peace keep elections etc, just a thought maybe our armed forces should go for permanent residency in Iraq

Had the war solely been about the removal of Saddam I would have supported it as he was clearly a evil dictator - however we were sold a pack of lies that chemical weapons were going to be used against us , even the US trying to link 9/11 with Saddam. We could have removed him or tried too without carpet bombing the country and stationing our troops to protect oil fields. Our actions created thousands more terrorists and spread terrorism everywhere, Everyone saw that we didn't go there for humanitarian reasons it was for cooperation profit. Saddam was a evil bast*rd no doubt but Iraq was 100x better under his command. We should have peacefully tried to compromise his removal, he was someone that would negotiate. IS are a different kettle of fish all together and they really do need eradicating
Markt85 said:
marco said:
Markt85 said:
I'm still a leftie at heart and was fully against the Iraq war under bush/Blair ... However I'm not one to turn a blind eye when innocent woman and children are being slaughtered, we should be providing as much aid as possible to the refugees of this conflict, we should be liaising with neighbouring country's to take action against ISIS, NOT arming other radical terrorist groups, we should be working with the EU and UN to stop all funding for ISIS, we should take military action if we are 100% targeting ISIS held areas... We have the resources and capability to work with America to take action. You can't use failures in our own past as an argument not to take any action.

ok, you say you didnt support the Iraq war under bush and blair but you are not the type to turn a blind eye to what is going on today, well saddam murderd 10-20 times more than what ISIS have done to date plus the gassing of the kurds, so why did you not have that resentment then? me i was fully 100% behind the Iraqi war but where they went wrong was the after care, the UN should have gone in there to see over the re build of the infrastructure and peace keep elections etc, just a thought maybe our armed forces should go for permanent residency in Iraq

Had the war solely been about the removal of Saddam I would have supported it as he was clearly a evil dictator - however we were sold a pack of lies that chemical weapons were going to be used against us , even the US trying to link 9/11 with Saddam. We could have removed him or tried too without carpet bombing the country and stationing our troops to protect oil fields. Our actions created thousands more terrorists and spread terrorism everywhere, Everyone saw that we didn't go there for humanitarian reasons it was for cooperation profit. Saddam was a evil bast*rd no doubt but Iraq was 100x better under his command. We should have peacefully tried to compromise his removal, he was someone that would negotiate. IS are a different kettle of fish all together and they really do need eradicating

since the Iraqi war neither the UK or USA have benefited from the oil in Iraq, i think that's where you are coming from with cooperation profit' since then its the Chinese that have been sucking it dry, the first time we went into Iraq was after they invaded Kuwait 'to free Kuwait' then some five years later, the chemical weapons may have been an excuse but however Saddam did indeed have these because he used them against the Kurds 'mustard gas if i remember'.
Is it possible to just not give a fuck. The world is fucked, we are all fucked, just ride it out. Enjoy it
CTID1988 said:
Is it possible to just not give a fuck. The world is fucked, we are all fucked, just ride it out. Enjoy it

Well if the massacring of innocent people, including women and children, and the beheading of British men, most recently a man from our own city isn't enough to make you "give a fuck", then how about attacks on your doorstep; in this country and in Manchester? Because that's a possibility if we don't put a stop to this.

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