Album/Band battle No 1 Stone Roses vs, Definitely Maybe

The Stone Roses.

The anticipation at the beginning of I wanna be adored gives me goosebumps.
Can't believe I've managed to separate them nor that I'm going against DM, but Stone Roses edges it at it has the ability to both capture the zeitgeist and be timeless.
citykev28 said:
tonea2003 said:
the stone roses for me as there isn't a filler on it and i'm not keen on shakermaker as much as i've tried

Don't Stop?

Was just about to say that, and to a point Elizabeth my Dear bearing in mind its only a minute or so long.

That said it is one of my 2 favourite albums of all time along with Definitely Maybe, but I'd have to go with Oasis as my number 1. Any album with Slide Away, Rock n Roll Star, Supersonic, Live Forever and Cigarettes and Alcohol on it has to be number 1.

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