alex ferguson in sexist insult shocker

bluemanc said:
bitterbilly said:
I despise Bacon face with a passion and don't agree with his knighthood etc but I think this is scraping the barrel,having said that I'd still love it if he got f***** for it though.
As a one off most people would say the same but perhaps this is just the start,he abused Vicky Kloss at the swamp so he has previous.

I've heard about the Vicky Kloss insults and agree he should of been nailed for that but I don't know if the club took it any further.
So 17 years on, a high profile sexism case, and she is now hurt by it? Ok, right!
bluemanc said:
bitterbilly said:
I despise Bacon face with a passion and don't agree with his knighthood etc but I think this is scraping the barrel,having said that I'd still love it if he got f***** for it though.
As a one off most people would say the same but perhaps this is just the start,he abused Vicky Kloss at the swamp so he has previous.

Or subsequent, if you're being picky.
buzzer1 said:
bitterbilly said:
I despise Bacon face with a passion and don't agree with his knighthood etc but I think this is scraping the barrel,having said that I'd still love it if he got f***** for it though.

Whats with the fkin username?

The user name is a personal joke, I'm not a rag and I've held a season ticket for many years, don't let your paranoia get the better of you, I understand you get lots of annoying wind up post on here and that might be the reason behind your post.
What absolute shit this is. I hate fergie (respect him, but hate him), but why has it taken 17 years, a lot of digging and another sexism scandal in football to bring back the terrible memory.

Forget who she is doing it to, it's Bullshit and she is making a mockery of all the real victims of sexism.
bitterbilly said:
buzzer1 said:
Whats with the fkin username?

The user name is a personal joke, I'm not a rag and I've held a season ticket for many years, don't let your paranoia get the better of you, I understand you get lots of annoying wind up post on here and that might be the reason behind your post.

No pal, just asking a genuine question so don't be so erm' Paranoid. As for wind -ups,long time ago, i just had a lot of hassle from certain parties just out of nastiness,not wind ups just out and out nastiness, so drop the fkin bolox Billyboy.
I actually agree with himn here.

Yo me women have no place in the premier league, if they want to watch it fair enough but its a mans game, its played by 22 men, id say most players would feel uncomfortable with a women hanging about the dressing room, i know i would if i played, I think they should just keep out. There's plenty of things for women to do, why do they need to srick their noses in?

I really don't get it.
BigTony said:
I actually agree with himn here.

Yo me women have no place in the premier league, if they want to watch it fair enough but its a mans game, its played by 22 men, id say most players would feel uncomfortable with a women hanging about the dressing room, i know i would if i played, I think they should just keep out. There's plenty of things for women to do, why do they need to srick their noses in?

I really don't get it.
No problem in rugby & he has problems with women,period,& it runs in his family.
When you think about it a few of his players have in the past hit or abused women so it could be a "rag"thing.

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