Arrogant, egotistical twat ( Trump equivalent ) who has bullshiited his way to a position of power he does not want to surrender , despite the clamour .

An utter **** throughout his priviledged life and career .
Of course he isn't that would be ludicrous. Demonstrably though, based on turnout for the referendum v all other other elections, and based on what those otherwise non voters were told and the lies peddled, lots of voters felt the need to go to the ballot box when they otherwise wouldn't when they were uninformed. And by uninformed I also mean sold a pack of lies
Very emotive subject this Brexit.

The biggest problem prior to the vote was that NOBODY (on either side of the argument) envisaged just how 'cunty' the EU would be over any break up deal.

If the EU had accepted the result with grace then maybe the deal wouldn't have been the shambles it turned in to?

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