They weren't given any information to think over. Both campaigns were very bad regarding this. The remain camp should have hammered home details, debunked myths and given people stuff to think sensibly on but failed to. The leave campaign was an outright bucket of lies poured over brainless soundbites backed up by a huge misinformation campaign. And to think it was all so unnecessary. Self inflicted wound be fucked. Never known anything so ridiculous. This **** Johnson actually had plans for both camps and picked the one that suited his ambition best. Shameless ****
There was information there if people wanted to inform themselves. Instead, they preferred to wallow in nostalgia, get swept up in xenophobia, and believe twits with glib soundbites. Johnson was and is an opportunist, but too many, particularly in England, fell for it and gave him the opportunity.
I agree with the essence of that though it does rather absolve those on the Left who also wanted Brexit. This situation is what 17,410,742 people voted for, and those who now claim ‘this isn’t what I voted for’ are actually admitting ’I didn’t really think about it’ in 2016.

Leavers on the left were a tiny fraction, the far left thinking was EU rules would hinder a full on socialist agenda (an argument that is hardly a vote winner on any doorstep). Corbyn was in that camp but the man of principle ditched that principle to back remain as its always been the position of Labour voters / members by a significant majority.

Brexit belongs to the Tories without them no other party would have gone near the issue with a barge poll.
This is the brexit effect. For years thick tories wanted to leave the EU but the intelligent ones knew it would be a disaster. This goes all the way back to the Thatcher era where the establishment tories held off the anti EU loonies.

Cameron tried to shut the loonies up with a ref - hoping to win and draw a line under it.

Having voted to leave the loonies have more power, they ousted May and backed Boris and over that time frame decent tories have been leaving in droves, hence why we have a cabinet of lightweight idiots and no good candidates to take over.

Brexit has always been the idiots choice and the tory part is becoming a party of idiots as a result. No doubt the next leader will need the approval of the loonies and therefore we will continue down this road.

One of the most depressing aspects of this last couple of days is the number of people who parrot off the line about Johnson getting brexit 'done' . As though it were even remotely true. He didn't get it done. He barely got it started. Sady for all of us whether you are remain or leave, brexit is a bureaucratic and administrative quagmire that is still going to be being argued about, negotiated and newsworthy for many, many years yet.
There was information there if people wanted to inform themselves. Instead, they preferred to wallow in nostalgia, get swept up in xenophobia, and believe twits with glib soundbites. Johnson was and is an opportunist, but too many, particularly in England, fell for it and gave him the opportunity.
Are you suggesting that EVERYONE who voted leave didn't understand the risks, or were otherwise uninformed?
It is with a heavy heart that I accept that this is time to leave. And so happy to recieve this strong and urgent mandate to put all this behind us, and get down to the business of government, and lead Britain into a bright new future. BTW parliament prorogued indefinitely, nightly news conferences 6.30 submit respectful questions the usual manner.
One of the most depressing aspects of this last couple of days is the number of people who parrot off the line about Johnson getting brexit 'done' . As though it were even remotely true. He didn't get it done. He barely got it started. Sady for all of us whether you are remain or leave, brexit is a bureaucratic and administrative quagmire that is still going to be being argued about, negotiated and newsworthy for many, many years yet.

True - the fact is that we are still not implementing the inward checks on goods. So our customs officails are acting like we are still in the CU. Why? because if we tried to implement the agreement that BJ signed then it would damage trade inwards and reduce supply / bump up prices. The trade outwards is checked and UK business are suffering as a result.

So a worst of both worlds state where brexit is only half baked.

Get the feeling if Johnson tries to stay as PM until September Cummings will publish everything he has on him
Don't forget Cummings is up to his eye balls in this shit show. He was an enabler of liars and idiots and is now trying to come over as some sort of authority on what should have happened and how these politicians were not up to the job. Well plenty of shit happened when he was running the offices of these crooks and he was the one that got them to high office.

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