Are you suggesting that EVERYONE who voted leave didn't understand the risks, or were otherwise uninformed?
Of course he isn't that would be ludicrous. Demonstrably though, based on turnout for the referendum v all other other elections, and based on what those otherwise non voters were told and the lies peddled, lots of voters felt the need to go to the ballot box when they otherwise wouldn't when they were uninformed. And by uninformed I also mean sold a pack of lies
It is with a heavy heart that I accept that this is time to leave. And so happy to recieve this strong and urgent mandate to put all this behind us, and get down to the business of government, and lead Britain into a bright new future. BTW parliament prorogued indefinitely, nightly news conferences 6.30 submit respectful questions the usual manner.
Don't forget the vaccine rollout
Leavers on the left were a tiny fraction, the far left thinking was EU rules would hinder a full on socialist agenda (an argument that is hardly a vote winner on any doorstep). Corbyn was in that camp but the man of principle ditched that principle to back remain as its always been the position of Labour voters / members by a significant majority.

Brexit belongs to the Tories without them no other party would have gone near the issue with a barge poll.
I'm just not sure that's true, although it depends how left you think 'hard left' is I suppose.
Will he actually be telling the truth if he say's he's resigning? I'm worried about that.

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