Johnson (13/5) Vs Sunak (even) next week. I think Johnson will win.
There is no doubt that he can win. But why. What a mess they would be. If they have anything about them at all someone will step in and tell him to give it up. Him coming back is no different to LT staying on. Both failed and thrown out by their colleagues.
We are all being manipulated. When Boris made his farewell speech quoting Roman ploughmen , and Arnie quotes, he knew what was going to happen, or at least his unseen backers knew because they are controlling all of this . In a fair and just world Boris shouldn't be allowed to even walk past Downing street yet alone go in. But here we are possibly a few days from him being Prime minister again how stupid are we as a country?
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I think if he gets back in there is a significant chance of serious social disorder and our national standing would be irreparably damaged.

I certainly can’t rule it out, given the fog of madness seems to have descended upon many of the British people who seem to lack any form of meaningful self-respect.
I think if he gets back in there is a significant chance of serious social disorder and our national standing would be irreparably damaged.

I certainly can’t rule it out, given the fog of madness seems to have descended upon many of the British people who seem to lack any form of meaningful self-respect.
The feeling I get is the people are fed up with and angry with the Tories. No matter who becomes their leader and PM I don’t think that’s going to change.
Honestly would be scary if this clown gets back in. I think he would scorch earth to win the next election too.

He'd bring in the 'Only Tweed Clad Arseholes, that like Top Gear and Have Double Barrelled Surnames Can Vote' Bill if it meant clinging to power and saving his ego the indignity of wiping to Tories out at the next election.

I don't see him resigning this time round even if he is found guilty by any one of the numerous inquiries he's facing. He'll just refuse to go knowing his own party won't get rid of him twice. They pratically had to bug bomb No.10 just to get the slug to leave the building last time.

Don't forget the mad **** told reporters he wanted to be PM for the next 30 years.
We are all being manipulated. When Boris made his farewell speech quoting Roman ploughmen , and Arnie quotes, he knew what was going to happen, or at least his unseen backers knew because they are controlling all of this . In a fair and just world Boris shouldn't be allowed to even walk past Downing street yet alone go in. But here we are possibly a few days from him being Prime minister again how stupid are we as a country?
I think in this social media age people are too easily given to conspiracy theories and allow their hearts to rule their heads too readily when evaluating them. I don’t doubt some widely held conspiracy theories hold considerable truth, but I think one has to try and apply cold logic to them. For example, the fact the moon landings were fake simply doesn’t bear any logical scrutiny, given the number of people involved and the passage of 53 intervening years, but on the other hand the notion that LHO assassinated JFK is highly unlikely, given all the circumstances of and around that killing.

On that basis, I believe that Truss’ elevation is likely to fit broadly with your theory. She was that poor, that inept, and made that many egregious errors that it is simply impossible to escape from the notion that this whole thing was planned to a significant extent by Johnson and those that support him. Her rise to one of the great offices of state was precipitated by Johnson and it’s certainly entirely conceivable that she was deployed as a tool to get him back into power quickly. Certainly, once she was put to the members it was a shoo-in that she would win against a more moderate candidate. That vote was never in doubt and therefore if the process could be manipulated to that extent, the outcome was guaranteed.

Any objective observer of this person who was manifestly so ill-equipped intellectually and temperamentally for the office of Prine Minister cannot completely dismiss this notion, given how events have unfolded, especially if Johnson regains that Office so quickly and so grotesquely.

Something about all this doesn’t add up. She really was that bad.

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