My prediction -
Boris to become PM next week
Widespread protests / riots on the streets
General election in Jan/feb
Surely there can't be that many MPs stupid enough to back Johnson, knowing that it would lead to them losing their seat at the next election.

The only sensible choice would seem to be Sunak to try and steady the ship over the next couple of years. It's unlikely to win them the next election but it may well avoid an absolute massacre.
Surely there can't be that many MPs stupid enough to back Johnson, knowing that it would lead to them losing their seat at the next election.

The only sensible choice would seem to be Sunak to try and steady the ship over the next couple of years. It's unlikely to win them the next election but it may well avoid an absolute massacre.
According to this link shared earlier in the thread, he is already over half way to the 100 required to be in contention
Surely there can't be that many MPs stupid enough to back Johnson, knowing that it would lead to them losing their seat at the next election.
The point has been (well) made by others on here that in some constituencies Johnson may save their seats. Some red wall, some where there is a juxtaposition of rural and urban, such as Rossendale and Darwen maybe. He still appeals to a certain demographic. Throw into the mix those seats where a shaved monkey with a blue rosette would get in, inveterate Brexiteers, plus the cult of Johnson, and you are getting dangerously close to 100 Tory MPs, I fear.

Once he’s over that threshold, he’s home and hosed, surely.
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I think in this social media age people are too easily given to conspiracy theories and allow their hearts to rule their heads too readily when evaluating them. I don’t doubt some widely held conspiracy theories hold considerable truth, but I think one has to try and apply cold logic to them. For example, the fact the moon landings were fake simply doesn’t bear any logical scrutiny, given the number of people involved and the passage of 53 intervening years, but on the other hand the notion that LHO assassinated JFK is highly unlikely, given all the circumstances of and around that killing.

On that basis, I believe that Truss’ elevation is likely to fit broadly with your theory. She was that poor, that inept, and made that many egregious errors that it is simply impossible to escape from the notion thst this whole thing wasn’t planned to a significant extent by Johnson and those that support him. Her rise to one of the great offices of state was precipitated by Johnson and it’s certainly entirely conceivable that she was deployed as a tool to get him back into power quickly. Certainly, once she was put to the members it was a shoo-in that she would win against a more moderate candidate. That vote was never in doubt and therefore if the process could be manipulated to that extent, the outcome was guaranteed.

Any objective observer of this person who was manifestly so ill-equipped intellectually and temperamentally for the office of Prine Minister cannot completely dismiss this notion, given how events have unfolded, especially if Johnson regains that Office so quickly and grotesquely.

Something about all this doesn’t add up. She really was that bad.

I remember, back in July, that Dominic Cummings suggested Truss would probably win and be hopeless, so her accession to the post of PM was regarded by Johnson as an easy route for him to climb back up the greasy pole. I take a lot of what Cummings says with a pinch of salt, but I found this analysis persuasive both at the time and now. In my regular phone discussions with my mother of the state of British politics, I've been reminding her of the point regularly over the last three months. The prospect fucking horrifies both of us, by the way.

One thing I would say is that I have no belief that Truss was in on it. I think she totally lacks the self-awareness to have known that she wouldn't be up to the mark and genuinely thought she'd be a raging success.
According to this link shared earlier in the thread, he is already over half way to the 100 required to be in contention
Hopefully they're just the loonies that were always going to support him and that there won't be 49 more.
I remember, back in July, that Dominic Cummings suggested Truss would probably win and be hopeless, so her accession to the post of PM was regarded by Johnson as an easy route for him to climb back up the greasy pole. I take a lot of what Cummings says with a pinch of salt, but I found this analysis persuasive both at the time and now. In my regular phone discussions with my mother of the state of British politics, I've been reminding her of the point regularly over the last three months. The prospect fucking horrifies both of us, by the way.

One thing I would say is that I have no belief that Truss was in on it. I think she totally lacks the self-awareness to have known that she wouldn't be up to the mark and genuinely thought she'd be a raging success.
Hey pal!

Think you are likely correct on Truss’ awareness of any conspiracy for the reasons you’ve set out. Can’t rule out the alternative, but I agree it’s far more likely she was viewed as a useful idiot and was manipulated into certain bizarre policy decisions in order to hasten her downfall.

I fail to see how anyone can dismiss this suggestion out of hand. It certainly explains events as logically and cogently as any other theory, and for that reason should be given a level of credibility.
Tories really are busted if the best they can find is a candidate they threw out a couple of months ago.

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