Alexei Navalny dead

The west has already heavily sanctioned the ogliarchs. Either way the ogliarchs aren't doing business in the west anymore. The vast majority of ogliarchs are now enjoying themselves flowing money into the likes of Turkey, Dubai and the Middle East where things get complicated and western sanctions don't really reach.

There is also the BRICS relationship where countries are choosing to align with the economic axis of China and Russia. Certainly more African countries are going take full advantage of the investment that will bring them. The west generally has abandoned Africa and a second world order is forming around either alignment to China or the US.

We could sanction those countries but what effect will it really have? We're just going to push them even further towards aligning their economies to China and Russia. In the end we don't accept Putin but we have zero means to do anything about that whilst Russia has so much influence through China. Turkey is probably the most difficult country for us and with what's happening in Israel that relationship will become even more difficult.

Unfortunately the west can't do anything about Putin beyond war and regime change but that can't ever happen because it would probably mean the end of the world.
Ban all Russians from western Europe, send them all back to enjoy their own country. If the UK invaded Denmark, I very much doubt that UK citizens would be able to travel freely around Europe. Make them feel just a little bit of the pain their shitty country is inflicting on Ukraine.
Ban all Russians from western Europe, send them all back to enjoy their own country. If the UK invaded Denmark, I very much doubt that UK citizens would be able to travel freely around Europe. Make them feel just a little bit of the pain their shitty country is inflicting on Ukraine.
All their frozen assets should be confiscated then they’d have fuck all to invest in China, give it to Ukraine.
Ban all Russians from western Europe, send them all back to enjoy their own country. If the UK invaded Denmark, I very much doubt that UK citizens would be able to travel freely around Europe. Make them feel just a little bit of the pain their shitty country is inflicting on Ukraine.
A lot of them have their EU passports thanks to countries like Cyprus effectively selling them in exchange for inward investment so not that easy.
It happened in Romania with Ceausescu and Gaddafi in Libyia.

Im convinced that most Russians don't really care or are they just cowards.

Perhaps the greatest lesson there is in history is than human nature does not change from place to place and from time to time. People are the same.

The German public in the 1930s, the British in the 1940s, the Russians in the 2020s are all the same people, no more or less cowards than each other.

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