Alexis Sanchez

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There is no way Kronke will let a 50 mil asset run down to nothing. Fanciful thinking. Any way you dress it up, it would be 50 mil net profit for the business up in smoke. That wont be happening. Kronke is a numbers man whose priority is the bottom line (not emotion) where as Wenger is just talking with emotion spinning the usual rhetoric. Only one person wins out here and it's the man pulling the strings not the puppet. Sanchez signs a contract or Kronke will cash in. It's one or the other.

We'll soon see. I'm in no way saying that's what's going to happen, just trying to give an explanation as to what the thinking might be behind it if it does happen.

So if Sanchez & Ozil both fuck off, you lose 100 mil but gain 53, by possibly making the Champs League.

Then you have to rebuild the squad possibly Sanchez goes to Utd rather than City, so another team becomes stronger competition, as we sign someone younger.

Complete madness.

It's not just about the Champions League money (I think the Champions League money is up from the value i have given), it's everything that goes around it. Ozil might be more likely to sign a new contract anyway, the new kit deal will be up for renewal next year so being in the Champions League will be important in terms of negotiations for that, secondary sponsorship's, attracting better players, Wenger & Board confidence from the fans etc.

Also I am thinking that Arsenal failed to get CL last season with Özil and Sanchez, so why would they think they will achieve it this season, with the same 2 players in their last season, at least one (Sanchez) being forced to stay against his will.

Presumably because like every club pre season they think they can improve on last years performance. Or would we be better just giving up?
Idea surely is get back to CL, be this years Leicester or Chelsea (no european football), and then either reel Alexis back in with a title and CL to stay or and/or bring on new signings available to replace.

He knows leaving arsenal for City will make Alexis wildly unpopular in the U.K. Everyone who comes to us like this is villified, especially when leaving one of the sky 4.
Why would Kroenke care what Wenger thinks...everyone knows Wenger is on his last legs and Afc will need a new manager in 1 or 2 yrs
Read what I wrote, I didn't say Kroenke cared what Wenger thought, I said he wouldn't want to piss off the entire board. An owner of such a vast company does not ride roughshod over his board of directors. It's not the done thing.
June 13, 2007: ‘It is more down to imagination than anything else, Thierry Henry will be here next year. Can I guarantee that? Yes, of course.’

July 13, 2011: ‘I will be pretty clear about this. For me, Fabregas is with Arsenal for a long time and he will stay with Arsenal.

July 11, 2011: ‘Will [Nasri] be at the club next season? I say yes. There is always speculation when a player has only one contract year to go and has not signed a new contract that he might leave the club. But Samir Nasri is very happy at the club and is committed to staying at the club.’

Although he seems a touch more serious this time: although I put this down to the fact he's just signed a new contract and has also gone a bit mad。

Wenger's peddled the "not being sold" line loads of times in the past mate, only for the player to then get sold. Nasri and van Persie spring to mind instantly and if I'm not mistaken he did it with Fabregas too, so it will actually be a major surprise if he bucks that trend and sticks to his guns on this occasion. You never know, he might well do but there's the issue of Sanchez possibly leaving on a free in 12 months time vs getting £50 million or more for him now to consider and I'd guess that the board would have the final say on that, regardless of Wenger's influence at the club.

I do agree that we need to prepare ourselves for the possibility of Arsenal not selling him though - with Nacho on his way, we will be light up top if Sanchez falls through. It seems to me that City are playing a risky game of gambling on Arsenal relenting and selling to us. I'm delighted with our business so far this summer but with Nacho leaving that's the one position where we're effectively weaker than last season if no-one comes in.

Arsene has history on saying his players are not being sold then the week after they're gone. He didnt convince me in the press conference I saw where he talked about Sanchez.

I see this is more likely to happen now that Neymar is moving (£198m he just isnt worth it, more like a £60m courtinho) and I am convinced we need to buy someone with a a lot more steel and determination in front of all those goals we have been missing.
But Sanchez is too old for the money being talked about now. I know we have to win something soon but a cheap Costa would do it for me. Not sure Pep could or would manage him but he has what we need for a lot less. And it's always good taking a rival teams disgruntled striker, they have more to prove.

Well aware of what Wenger has said in the past, however he's in an entirely different situation now. His position was never questioned back then like it has been over the last year or so, half the fans want him gone as it is and he doesn't have the excuse of "we had to sell" anymore. They don't have to sell, money is as good as irrelevant in this current market, they won't be able to replace him with a similar player. it would be as good as waving a white flag if they did now sell to us after coming out and categorically stating he won't be sold numerous times. He'd look like an absolute clown at a time where his approval rating is at an all time low. I don't possibly see how he could remain as manager if they were to sell Sanchez now, they'd be actual riots. Wenger's clearly determined to see his new contract out and the board don't want to lose him so they'll see losing out on £50 million as a necessary step.

We can live with missing out on Sanchez, we can't live with just the two strikers though. Putting all our eggs in the Sanchez basket would be foolish and almost ruin all the brilliant business we've done so far this summer. Sanchez would win us the league but he's not the only one, there are others out there we just need Pep and Txiki to find one and get him in asap.
You say you've heard it all before from Wenger, but in the past he's always said it from his point of view, "I say yes" or "I believe". This is different. He has flatly said a decision has been made. Now we all know the decision is not just down to him, so it seems to me like the board has decided not to sell him. And as for Kroenke, he relies on that board to run the club as he has so many other interests. No way would he charge in and piss the entire board off by overturning a decision that they've made and has already been relayed to the fans.

Kronke owns 67 per cent. He calls the shots not the "board". Like I wrote before, he wont be pissing up 50 mil against the wall because Wenger or the Arsenal fans have a cry. This is a guy that moved a whole NFL franchise from St Louis to LA for $$$ without a care in the world about any backlash from a whole city, so I doubt he'd lose sleep over Wenger or Arsenal fans crying about cashing in on Sanchez.
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