Alexis Sanchez

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The figures dont add up for a swap deal, I think we all agree on that.

Out of interest, if we buy Sanchez (cash deal) and Arsenal then come back with a cash bid for Sterling, what amount (if any) would you sell him for?
That's what I was thinking. For me, it only gets interesting if an offer of £80m comes in and then, only if we have a replacement that the manager really fancies lined up.
Doesn't he make you fucking throw up.

What a shite excuse for a journalist.

He's unprofessional.

At the end of the day he's a United fan writing about one of the two teams he hates the most.

Imagine a Madrid fan was the local reporter for Barcelona. That's the situation.

However, I'd like to think that if I was the local United reporter, I'd do my best to do a good impartial job.
Anyone who actually bought into James "the rag" Robson's wumming should know for the future not to pay that insufferable twerp any mind.

Similar, John Cross is a con man and the mindless British press who ape his revelations continue to get away with it. James Olley, a trusted Arsenal source, and now Mullock (gets his info directly from City) have both said it's BS. Hope that's enough for people to calm down and realize how stupid this whole thing was and how foolish we were to buy into it.
How is giving away one of our most promising players, who we have been improving for the last two years building for the future? It's the direct opposite.

It's called bullshit. Not everything you ready on the newspaper is do realise that right?
Mullock is a pretty senior correspondent with serious links to the club. Barely ever tweets anything club related. I only trust him and Martin Blackburn as far as club sources are concerned. Robson, Ducker, John Cross and the rest are bullshit peddlers who get more wrong than right.
Mirror and Sunday Mirror are separate.
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