Alexis Sanchez

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What are you babbling on about? Do you think City would pursue a transfer for six months without an inkling that it may happen? This move is on, and will happen.
I wouldn't be that confident. I bet plenty of times City have been in for players and it hasn't happened. I think it's in Arsenal's best interests to sell, but they are a club under siege who are not well managed. They could easily insist he stays and shoot themselves in the foot in doing so.
Just opinion this,but....
It's very simple,he doesn't have to go anywhere,he's under contract,he can sit where he is and then go for fuck all next year,do they let him do that or do they cash in.......what would you do?

hopefully it comes down to that and then sense prevails. wenger has shown he can be a stubborn old mule though. it would be counter productive to keep him tho against his will and lose the money.

just got to hope the reports of sanchez wanting city are true and if he bascially says its now or in 12m, he comes this summer.

easy to sit hear and say it but if say aguero was pushing for a move and wanted out, i wouldnt want him at city anymore and would sell to the highest bidder
He won them the FA cup almost single don't get a turn around like that unless he's done a deal with Arsenal to let him go imo
He will expect that they let him go, but they are not operating under normal circumstances. They might keep him fearing a fans backlash and hoping that the player's professionalism will give them another 12 months. I think it would be a mistake for them to hold him for 12 more months. They need to move on, and if he stays for 12 more months, they will have two ticking clocks hanging over their season instead of one. We need Arsenal to complete a couple of big signings for this to happen. That will make it more likely and easier for them to do.
hopefully it comes down to that and then sense prevails. wenger has shown he can be a stubborn old mule though. it would be counter productive to keep him tho against his will and lose the money.

just got to hope the reports of sanchez wanting city are true and if he bascially says its now or in 12m, he comes this summer.

easy to sit hear and say it but if say aguero was pushing for a move and wanted out, i wouldnt want him at city anymore and would sell to the highest bidder

The way I see it mate is.....for Arsenal to keep Sanchez for one more season,with the potential fee off us,his wages and bonuses,it's going to cost them probably just north of £60m........FOR 1 MORE SEASON.....can't see Arsenal doing that.
I don't get the notion that Arsenal are worried about a fans backlash, when they've just given Wenger a 2 year contract. Don't underestimate the amount of pressure they were under to change manager.

Plus, it's quite typical of football fans to be ready to riot after losing their star man, and then when the club replace him everything is ok again. Remember Newcastle selling Cole?

Once they get a shiny new toy, the faux outrage will soon die down. For Arsenal, the risk is prevent a player going to City for £50m or he stays for a year and goes to City for free. The business side of it just doesn't add up and that will always come first, especially to Arsenal. Most Arsenal fans, given that option, would say take the money and reinvest it now, as much as they will die inside seeing him in a City shirt. I'm sure they'd love him to go to Bayern but if the player doesn't want to go, they can't force him.

Granted, Arsenal will need to replace Sanchez with a high profile player to shut the fans up. Personally, i'd like to see them get Mpabbe. It gets us Sanchez without a doubt and gives the kid a few years to learn the league for us to go and buy him then instead :)
If we make this happen it will be a huge statement. Arsenal have to to be seen to protest this. I don't see Bayern paying him the wages he wants.
I don't see Arsenal losing £50 million in a year. They love profits. The owners are happy coming 4th every year and making bundles of cash. No way they lose this much on a player.
Unless someone else stumps up the cash it will be the City shirt he is wearing next year.
They can't afford him. The price would rocket.
He would want to play in the CL

I'd say there's no way Mbappe would go to Arsenal.
I dont think Sanchez would be distraught if he ended up at Bayern Munich. I expect that's where he ll end up, just wants a bit more money.
This move was never on. No way would Arsenal sell him to us. I dont understand why everyone got excited, it was always a non starter. Imagine us selling them Aguero! Stupid move to strengthen your rivals to that extent.
No way? It won't be an easy deal but I certainly wouldn't go that far. You're forgetting that for Arsenal's main owner it is always about the bottom line. They could have kicked on and done something at any point in the last few years but him and Wenger have been happier to not spend anywhere near as much as they could have done and tread water in the top 4, just happy that the money has been rolling in. That's the difference IMO, if they wanted Aguero and Aguero desperately wanted them there is a chance our owners would be prepared to lose 50m and take one last year of Aguero for the reasons you state but is it the same for those who run Arsenal? It all depends whether you believe that Wenger and more importantly Kroenke are prepared to do that. Everything I have seen in recent years tells me that they aren't, particularly the fact that pretty much every time they have been in the same position, they have caved in. So if Sanchez wants us and holds his nerve, he will in all likelihood get us.
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