Alexis Sanchez

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To sell Sanchez to us Wenger will immediately put himself under pressure ,just as Pep would if Aguero was to be sold by us .Also does 50million for a 29 year old make good sense? Personally i think this one could travel through August i just hope other targets are not missed in trying to get him
Not entirely sure why you have put it in your heads that he's pretty set on going to City.

Let me put you in the picture.

If Bayern Munich want him and Manchester City want him Arsenal will push him towards Bayern. Not only that but Bayern are the much more attractive option. Arsenal would take a 10m hit in the transfer fee just to stop him from going to City. Any sort of moved to Manchester City will be blocked by Arsenal.

We're talking about Alexis Sanchez here, not Samir Nasri. Alexis isn't driven by money he's driven by winning big trophies, something Bayern can almost certainly offer him whereas City is more 50/50 as to wether or not big trophies will come being in such a competitive league.

This is Alexis' last chance at a big move as he's soon to be 29 years old, why would he waste his time attempting to win trophies with city when he can be guaranteed big trophies at Bayern?

He either goes to Bayern to win things or stays at Arsenal for the money, because Arsenal will offer him just as much as City.

Case closed.
Maybe he wants to play for Guardiola and stay in the Premier League, but at the moment it doesn't look like he wants a move to Bayern
Leave him at Arsenal until the January window and pick him up for half price, plus he won't be chumps league cup tied.

Anyway, the Arsenal fans need him to come to us. With Clichy, Sagna and Nasri gone for next season, there's no one left for them to boo. Arsenal v City games just wouldn't be the same otherwise.
Not entirely sure why you have put it in your heads that he's pretty set on going to City.

Let me put you in the picture.


Case closed.

Good job you bookended your post so well, now we know it's 100% true; thanks for that.

Mods close the thread please, why bother now that the expert has spoken?
The two operative words in John Cross' latest couched back-page piece today...

Sanchez actually "fears" Arsenal's stance - which is essentially the smell of bullshit, because it can't be disproved - unless Cross has a direct line to Sanchez himself - and in the highly-unlikely case the player is willing to share his innermost thoughts (a world class player at that), then you would have thought the nature of such an intimate relationship would also make Cross privy to the actual outcome of the story - which he has inexplicably refused to reveal to the world and buried the lead!

Arsenal are "determined" they won't sell to City - ah the classic get out of jail free card - it's a timeless indication of intent until the actual reality plays out. Cross isn't writing they "won't" sell to City or another Premier League rival - because that would be definitive - and he can't write that because he's basically making it up as he goes along at present - and this from someone who supposedly is given the inside track at Arsenal.

If that was even remotely close to the truth, his back page "exclusive" would read Arsenal have already ruled it out.

File it with "set to", "is poised", "it's believed", "on the verge of", "it's understood", "in the unlikely event", "dramatic u-turn", "insiders/sources state"
Leave him at Arsenal until the January window and pick him up for half price, plus he won't be chumps league cup tied.

Anyway, the Arsenal fans need him to come to us. With Clichy, Sagna and Nasri gone for next season, there's no one left for them to boo. Arsenal v City games just wouldn't be the same otherwise.
Maybe. I just can't see the sense in keeping him for a year.

Do you guys not notice this trend? Every year there seems to be a rush for one of your big players because their contract is coming up, and every year you guys post about how it's all fine and they'll never sell to a rival and they'll play until they run out, and every year they leave. Surely you have noticed this? Why do you constantly think it will be different every new time?

This will be the first time since Van Persie that there's talk of big stars wanting to leave,
which was 5 years ago, before the big TV deals, and while we were still handcuffed somewhat with the new stadium.

This is why this will be interesting to see how this plays out. We are bad though when it comes to contract renewals, that's a fact.
Ever heard John cross on talk shite? Every time he speaks about "his exclusives" he goes on to say "well that's what I think is going to happen anyway" or words to that effect. A complete and utter kfa, fucking thick as well
This will be the first time since Van Persie that there's talk of big stars wanting to leave,
which was 5 years ago, before the big TV deals, and while we were still handcuffed somewhat with the new stadium.

This is why this will be interesting to see how this plays out. We are bad though when it comes to contract renewals, that's a fact.

no way sanchez stays at arsenal now that wenger is staying imo.
Not entirely sure why you have put it in your heads that he's pretty set on going to City.

Let me put you in the picture.

If Bayern Munich want him and Manchester City want him Arsenal will push him towards Bayern. Not only that but Bayern are the much more attractive option. Arsenal would take a 10m hit in the transfer fee just to stop him from going to City. Any sort of moved to Manchester City will be blocked by Arsenal.

We're talking about Alexis Sanchez here, not Samir Nasri. Alexis isn't driven by money he's driven by winning big trophies, something Bayern can almost certainly offer him whereas City is more 50/50 as to wether or not big trophies will come being in such a competitive league.

This is Alexis' last chance at a big move as he's soon to be 29 years old, why would he waste his time attempting to win trophies with city when he can be guaranteed big trophies at Bayern?

He either goes to Bayern to win things or stays at Arsenal for the money, because Arsenal will offer him just as much as City.

Case closed.
I sincerely hope arse stop him coming to us, that he refuses to go to Bayern, and that you get fuck all when he walks away to us for free in 12 months time. If he doesn't play with as much heart next season cos you lot stopped him going where he wanted then that's a cherry on the cake. Case fucking closed. By the way what does it feel like to pay 2 or 3 times what we pay for season tickets and then lose your best fucking players? Fuck off tarquin
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