Alexis Sanchez

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There is no way Arsenal will sell him to us. They rather gift wrap him for a quid to Munich this year than sell to us. Alexis would prefer to go there anyways. Plus fuck Sanchez, he had a chance, we have enough fire power up front
I'd say the likeyhood is that this deal will go through. However, i wouldn't say its a certainty just yet, people are using our past dealings saying that we cave in all the time, the only thing i would say is the circumstances are slightly different this time.

Back then, we couldnt really afford to not take the money. We needed to trade players if we wanted to make new signings because the stadium still weighed heavily on us. We couldnt afford to pay the wages you guys were offering, & you guys were selling a vision.

As for Van Persie, what he did with Utd would probably act as a deterrent to Wenger doing the same, rather than seen as a positive thing. That probably hurt him a great deal watching him basically win the league for them.

Now, we aren't under pressure to sell anyone. With the new tv deals & new sponsorship deals, we are a lot more financially secure than we were back then. Add in the fact that the board & Wenger have never been under as much scrutiny, it's a big summer for them, & they need to get it right.

After saying all that though, Wenger usually at somepoint will take into consideration the players wishes. He tends to think of the man, as well as the player, so i think it will all hinge on discussions Wenger will have with the player personally. If Sanchez kicks up a bit of a fuss...ala Van Persie's open letter after his meeting with Wenger, i think he'll probably get his wish. That way it sort of absolves Wenger of the blame & puts the focus on Sanchez himself. If Sanchez accepts that he stays, then i can see Arsenal keeping him regardless if he signs a new contract or not. That way they can think about replacing him next year, rather than have to do too much in one summer.

I will be sad if he goes, but there will be no fume from me. I'll be intrigued to see him at City, & how he fits in. He's indulged at Arsenal to a certain extent, he basically plays when he wants (which is all the time), he is allowed to do what he wants on the pitch, hold on to the ball, lose possession etc as we know he is capable of the spectacular. He is the main man, the focal point of our team, & although he does get frustrated with team mates at times, he seems to enjoy & thrive on that role for club & country. It will be interesting to see how he fits in with what Pep is hoping to do, whether Sanchez has to adapt his game to be a more a team player to do what Pep wants. I think you lose a bit of what Sanchez is all about if that's the case, so i cant see him posting the same numbers as he does for us, but with you guys the responsibilites would be more shared out anyway as you wouldn't have the same reliance on him that we have.
Free his ass and the goals will follow.
Case closed!
Not entirely sure why you have put it in your heads that he's pretty set on going to City.

Let me put you in the picture.

If Bayern Munich want him and Manchester City want him Arsenal will push him towards Bayern. Not only that but Bayern are the much more attractive option. Arsenal would take a 10m hit in the transfer fee just to stop him from going to City. Any sort of moved to Manchester City will be blocked by Arsenal.

We're talking about Alexis Sanchez here, not Samir Nasri. Alexis isn't driven by money he's driven by winning big trophies, something Bayern can almost certainly offer him whereas City is more 50/50 as to wether or not big trophies will come being in such a competitive league.

This is Alexis' last chance at a big move as he's soon to be 29 years old, why would he waste his time attempting to win trophies with city when he can be guaranteed big trophies at Bayern?

He either goes to Bayern to win things or stays at Arsenal for the money, because Arsenal will offer him just as much as City.

Case closed.
Your salty tears will be savoured most.
This will be the first time since Van Persie that there's talk of big stars wanting to leave,
which was 5 years ago, before the big TV deals, and while we were still handcuffed somewhat with the new stadium.

This is why this will be interesting to see how this plays out. We are bad though when it comes to contract renewals, that's a fact.

You never have or ever will be hampered by your stadium. It's been used by your club as a reason to not spend the money that they earned by fleecing your fans with the highest season ticket prices in the country, and you lot have all swallowed it hook line and sinker.

Your club cares fuck all about winning and only wants to keep raking in the cash and spending the bare minimum.
Signing of Sanchez will be the end for Aguero
Sanchez in and Aguero out would make no sense whatsoever - probably the reason it's not going to happen.
We want to win things we have both in the squad next season.
Signing of Sanchez will be the end for Aguero

I agree! I can't see how we'd keep Aguero if we got Sanchez. Plenty seem to think it's doable though so we'll just have to see. That said, some people also think Mbappe could be signed as a rotation player and that it would be good move for Jordan Pickford to come to be our reserve goalkeeper.
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