all i wanted was a burger

Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

This whole thing is utterly pointless. 9 pages of posts. The answer is simple. All stop buying the shite. Problem is, some of you winge about it yet have no backbone or principle to stop fckin paying for the crap. If everyone on here today, who felt pissed off about this, really didnt ever buy anything from the ground again, at least there would be some action, rather than complaints.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

gio's side step said:
This whole thing is utterly pointless. 9 pages of posts. The answer is simple. All stop buying the shite. Problem is, some of you winge about it yet have no backbone or principle to stop fckin paying for the crap. If everyone on here today, who felt pissed off about this, really didnt ever buy anything from the ground again, at least there would be some action, rather than complaints.

Correct, its not hard to work out, though its still a topic that should be discussed on here, because the club do use these forums to get an opinion, but the bottom line is don't use the facilities, and use the better ones available around the ground.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

nhsuperstar said:
stonerblue said:
I've managed to make myself understood in every country i've been, regardless of what language was spoken. What i can't understand is how you fail to order burger and chips x2. Surely they have a poster of the meal you could point to before holding up 2 fingers? It may require a little patience on your part, maybe even a smile, but there's always a way.
Or are you just moaning because he couldn't speak English?

You,ve hit the nail on the head when you say "what i cant understand is how you fail to order burger and chips x2"
Thats what i cant understand. its a very simple process isn't it yet these 2 guys were completely oblivious to my request. i have no problem with the guys not speaking fluent or very little english at all. we live in a multicultutral city and of that i am proud to call myself a mancunian.
Yes i tried pointing.yes i held up 2 fingers. But still they didn't get it. i have read some posts on here that question my integrity in this and question if i'm exagerating but mate. This did genuinely happen. i couldn't believe it. I'm not exactly blaming the guys and i said to Junior blue i'm sure there are a lot of great staff work there. But there was clearly no or very little training done with these guys. its a simple process of ordering with a very limited menu.
like i said in my OP all i wanted was a bloody burger.
i make reference to one experience and i'm sure others have had no problems but me personally i would never attempt to buy from a catering outlet again based on this. its expensive but its a treat and i accept that when you go to the game it costs. but if others have the same experience and refuse to buy then not only does it make the experience less enjoyable it ultimately deprives the club of important revenue.
After all catering is a service industry and in simple terms the staff couldn't serve me. Surely that is a major fail?

reasoned debate breaks out on bluemoon.

Good post 'superstar' and it now seems clear to me that you've run into a pair of numpties behind the counter.

You and me are completely different kinds of supporter. I'm more the half-cut on entry, pint of cider at half time type. No chance of me having a 'meal deal' or anything like that inside the stadium so i have no problems with the quality of catering etc. I just wouldn't expect to get anything half-decent, edible or value for money from inside or outside the ground.
As for the service, i'd say the only way to ensure better levels is to have at least one permanent staff member assigned to the same outlet for every game.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

cleavers said:
gio's side step said:
This whole thing is utterly pointless. 9 pages of posts. The answer is simple. All stop buying the shite. Problem is, some of you winge about it yet have no backbone or principle to stop fckin paying for the crap. If everyone on here today, who felt pissed off about this, really didnt ever buy anything from the ground again, at least there would be some action, rather than complaints.

Correct, its not hard to work out, though its still a topic that should be discussed on here, because the club do use these forums to get an opinion, but the bottom line is don't use the facilities, and use the better ones available around the ground.

Mate, you honestly believe the club give a toss? about what is said on here? and that they are going to listen to the concerns in this thread?
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

Got a lot of sympathy for the staff at the ground.

First of all, let me say that the club have a responsibility to get people in who can do a professional job. In the past, and maybe this season, I have seen examples where they have not done so, either because the person working there is about 13 or because they struggle with communication.

However, I see that as the club's fault, not the person who is trying to earn some (a shit amount) money. The club should ensure they get people up to the job but I don't expect anyone to say "sorry, I'm not going to do your shit job, even though you have asked me to, as even though you obviously think otherwise, I might struggle with it."

Anyway, my main point is that, even though, on the odd occasion, I have received poor service from these stands, I remain patient and polite. It disgusts me the dog's abuse that I see these people, quite often kids, getting from complete wankers at almost every game.

I couldn't give a shit if the person can't understand a word of English, there is no excuse for the behaviour of some pricks. And I don't just mean the wankers who are on the edge of violence with them, I also mean the patronising twats and idiots who start taking the piss or trying to belittle people. Take that attitude with the club if you want (they make the decisions) but it is out of order to be getting arsey with the people who have been shoved into a job out of their depth.

Not to mention that these tossers, who are giving out the abuse or trying to take the piss, are almost always thick as fuck clowns who, if other people took the same attitude, could have the piss ripped out of them every hour of every day for not being as bright as others.

Oh, and yes, the prices are a joke, but I am getting sick of telling people some people at the club are taking the piss and are aiming for a "matchday experience" type of fan and not the traditional football fan.

(PS: not suggesting that the opening poster was acting like one of these pricks, how, would I know, but you have to wonder how they couldn't get across that they wanted a burger)
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

corky1970 said:
Thanks Joey said:
Yes, but no, but.......

The club went out of it's way to promote the new food and drink offering.
I'm as sure as I can be that certain people off this site were invited to a "great unvielling" of the new offering and were promised a far greater service level.

Well if the club can't get it right for a game where the stadium is only half full, what's it going to be like when Liverpool come to town on a Monday night?

Let's face it, things haven't changed and if the club promised they would, what's the point in contacting it..... again?

its going to be shite, thats what its going to be like
so we go back to the club and we feedback our expereinces.its the only way to make improvements, and i assure you.your complaint wont reach some clown who will say " fuck it" and bin it.

they want your feedback !!!

oh and by the way.i dont care if they have posters and a great big fucking pointy stick to point with when ordering a burger and chips, i want the person whos serving me to speak english.they are serving in england , english food in an english clubs stadium to english speaking people.this is the Minimal requirement to offer any sort of service , i dont want to be pointing at stuff like i do when im abroad ..........fuck that !

oh dear.

Owned by an Arab, managed by an Italian, fans player of the year is Argentinian, all the 'glory signings' from all corners of the globe............
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

corky1970 said:
oh and to the OP .

if all you wanted was a bloody burger you should have asked for it rare instead of well done !!

( cant believe im the first one to spot this and post..................result)

yes im a sad fucker

i never even clicked.
cant stop laughing now.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

Thanks Joey said:
corky1970 said:

Yes, but no, but.......

The club went out of it's way to promote the new food and drink offering.
I'm as sure as I can be that certain people off this site were invited to a "great unvielling" of the new offering and were promised a far greater service level.

Well if the club can't get it right for a game where the stadium is only half full, what's it going to be like when Liverpool come to town on a Monday night?

Let's face it, things haven't changed and if the club promised they would, what's the point in contacting it..... again?

totally agree, spot on......the message I am getting from the club, intentional or not, is if you are called Justin and Tabatha, take 2.5 kids in your BMW 4x4 to watch CITY you are welcome....we want you, we want your are the demographic we want! for us normal everyday working fans £3.90 for a pint of ferking piss served by an underpaid undertrained catering staff member is a joke! (I feel sorry for catering staff, dont blame them one bit!)
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

Had a shitty experience myself last night. Bought my lad a season ticket this season (NS level 2).
We went to the Bar & Food Outlet 5 mins before half time. I got my pint then went to get some chips for my lad (Block 236 bar), there were none ready and was told we had to wait for chips.
He then stood there for the full duration of half time waiting for his jockey's whips, while I'm telling him to leave it and we'll get some on way home.
After all this time, he asked if he could have a burger instead, what happened next was a disgrace, the same server sent him to the back of the cue, I seen this and well...........*@%!$~# :o(

Absolute disgrace.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Got a lot of sympathy for the staff at the ground.

First of all, let me say that the club have a responsibility to get people in who can do a professional job. In the past, and maybe this season, I have seen examples where they have not done so, either because the person working there is about 13 or because they struggle with communication.

However, I see that as the club's fault, not the person who is trying to earn some (a shit amount) money. The club should ensure they get people up to the job but I don't expect anyone to say "sorry, I'm not going to do your shit job, even though you have asked me to, as even though you obviously think otherwise, I might struggle with it."

Anyway, my main point is that, even though, on the odd occasion, I have received poor service from these stands, I remain patient and polite. It disgusts me the dog's abuse that I see these people, quite often kids, getting from complete wankers at almost every game.

I couldn't give a shit if the person can't understand a word of English, there is no excuse for the behaviour of some pricks. And I don't just mean the wankers who are on the edge of violence with them, I also mean the patronising twats and idiots who start taking the piss or trying to belittle people. Take that attitude with the club if you want (they make the decisions) but it is out of order to be getting arsey with the people who have been shoved into a job out of their depth.

Not to mention that these tossers, who are giving out the abuse or trying to take the piss, are almost always thick as fuck clowns who, if other people took the same attitude, could have the piss ripped out of them every hour of every day for not being as bright as others.

Oh, and yes, the prices are a joke, but I am getting sick of telling people some people at the club are taking the piss and are aiming for a "matchday experience" type of fan and not the traditional football fan.

(PS: not suggesting that the opening poster was acting like one of these pricks, how, would I know, but you have to wonder how they couldn't get across that they wanted a burger)

Couldn't agree more with you.
i have seen the abuse some of these guys get and it really is unnacceptable.
i'm a civilised professional guy who took his son to the game and wanted a buger and chips at half time and these fellas really did not have a clue what they were doing. i'm not exactly blaming them more the personnel that put them before the paying public without the basic skillset they need to serve people.
of course they are just trying to earn a living and fair play tothem but doesn't the club/catering company have an obligation to serve people properly but also to look after the interests of these employees and minimise the risk of personal abuse by ensuring that they are trained and can at leat commnicate to a basic acceptable level?

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