all i wanted was a burger

Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

yousawmestandinalone said:
What is wrong with you people? Sheikh Mansour has so far spent over half a billion on buying our club, and turning it round. We have a playing staff we could only have dreamed of 2 years ago and are heading in to the season with a genuine hope of getting CL football and, if United continue to look poor, finish above them!!

The fair play rules are no joke. They will stand and we need to come in line with them which means buying stuff is going to cost more money. Is this not a reasonable price to pay for potential success?

Of course, if you want to go back to a cheap pie, rubbish beer and rubbish football you could try Edgely Park.

FFS, get a grip you moaning shits.
you seem to be missing the point mate, it costs a fair bit to support this team week in week out, people only have so much money and may get priced out of going all together, or getting a ticket then not spending in the ground, where is the extra revenue gonna be then ?
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

timesprout said:
yousawmestandinalone said:
What is wrong with you people? Sheikh Mansour has so far spent over half a billion on buying our club, and turning it round. We have a playing staff we could only have dreamed of 2 years ago and are heading in to the season with a genuine hope of getting CL football and, if United continue to look poor, finish above them!!

The fair play rules are no joke. They will stand and we need to come in line with them which means buying stuff is going to cost more money. Is this not a reasonable price to pay for potential success?

Of course, if you want to go back to a cheap pie, rubbish beer and rubbish football you could try Edgely Park.

FFS, get a grip you moaning shits.
you seem to be missing the point mate, it costs a fair bit to support this team week in week out, people only have so much money and may get priced out of going all together, or getting a ticket then not spending in the ground, where is the extra revenue gonna be then ?

Sorry, but that's bollocks. Our tickets are still reasonably priced and if the whole match day experience costs an extra tenner every 2 weeks, none of us are gonna die of starvation.<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:51 am --<br /><br />Typical of some City fans. Always want to have something to moan about, even when we're on the cusp of something huge.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

nhsuperstar said:
JuniorBlue said:
What a fool that original post is. I'll keep it swear word clean for any children reading. But basically i work for them, i was on hot-dogs near 132 and they've literally had their first experience of working there for catering today. If they didn't get your order right, take it back. It'll get sorted eventually. First matchday experience working for many including myself today, give us a break pal.

Mate its not about getting my order right. They did not even understand what i was asking them for and couldn't even get to the stage of getting it wrong never mind getting it right. plus why would being their first experience make it acceptable that they didn't understand me or couldn't serve me. They work in the service industry for heavens sake. if you do a good job then fair play to you and i'm sure there are a lot of you guys that do a great job. But these guys were clueless and were bereft of any training or direction. My frustration isn't aimed at you.
As for your comment about me being a fool. please could you clarify what makes me a fool just because i would appreciate an acceptable level of service. Especially when i pay in excess of £700 for our season tickets. Over £100 for 2 shirts and almost £12 for two burgers and fries. In your own words please "give me a break pal"

Fuckin 'ell !! Why get so incensed that you have to get home and get your 'complaint' on a message board double quick?

I'm with Junior Blue on this one. If the worker in question is on his 1st day inhis new job then you have to give them some slack.
Whining about 'service' at a football match ?????? *shakes head and sighs*
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

yousawmestandinalone said:
timesprout said:
you seem to be missing the point mate, it costs a fair bit to support this team week in week out, people only have so much money and may get priced out of going all together, or getting a ticket then not spending in the ground, where is the extra revenue gonna be then ?

Sorry, but that's bollocks. Our tickets are still reasonably priced and if the whole match day experience costs an extra tenner every 2 weeks, none of us are gonna die of starvation.

-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:51 am --

Typical of some City fans. Always want to have something to moan about, even when we're on the cusp of something huge.
and if i take my 2 kidz that goes up to at least an extra £30, granted i wont starve but i couldnt possibly afford it.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

timesprout said:
yousawmestandinalone said:
What is wrong with you people? Sheikh Mansour has so far spent over half a billion on buying our club, and turning it round. We have a playing staff we could only have dreamed of 2 years ago and are heading in to the season with a genuine hope of getting CL football and, if United continue to look poor, finish above them!!

The fair play rules are no joke. They will stand and we need to come in line with them which means buying stuff is going to cost more money. Is this not a reasonable price to pay for potential success?

Of course, if you want to go back to a cheap pie, rubbish beer and rubbish football you could try Edgely Park.

FFS, get a grip you moaning shits.
you seem to be missing the point mate, it costs a fair bit to support this team week in week out, people only have so much money and may get priced out of going all together, or getting a ticket then not spending in the ground, where is the extra revenue gonna be then ?

I just dont like CITY or anyone taking me for a ride....dont mind paying a fair price for beer / food / parking but this is a getting beyond a joke! Nothing to do with team or money spent on it...just dont like CITY telling me they are improving my experience in terms of catering and services. I have the right to say I am not happy with off pitch services!
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

timesprout said:
yousawmestandinalone said:
Sorry, but that's bollocks. Our tickets are still reasonably priced and if the whole match day experience costs an extra tenner every 2 weeks, none of us are gonna die of starvation.

-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:51 am --

Typical of some City fans. Always want to have something to moan about, even when we're on the cusp of something huge.
and if i take my 2 kidz that goes up to at least an extra £30, granted i wont starve but i couldnt possibly afford it.

How does an extra pound a pint/burger add up to thirty quid on top of what you already spend? I said 5 - 10 quid extra, taking in to account those with kids. You're only in there 2 hours, I'd struggle to spend 20 quid with myself and 2 nephews. That's with a pint and food for me and juice and food for them.

You're talking mince.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

yousawmestandinalone said:
timesprout said:
and if i take my 2 kidz that goes up to at least an extra £30, granted i wont starve but i couldnt possibly afford it.

How does an extra pound a pint/burger add up to thirty quid on top of what you already spend? I said 5 - 10 quid extra, taking in to account those with kids. You're only in there 2 hours, I'd struggle to spend 20 quid with myself and 2 nephews. That's with a pint and food for me and juice and food for them.

You're talking mince.
i cant afford to take my kidz to every game thats why i said and IF i take my kidz, please read before getting on your high horse
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

seantheduck said:
timesprout said:
you seem to be missing the point mate, it costs a fair bit to support this team week in week out, people only have so much money and may get priced out of going all together, or getting a ticket then not spending in the ground, where is the extra revenue gonna be then ?

I just dont like CITY or anyone taking me for a ride....dont mind paying a fair price for beer / food / parking but this is a getting beyond a joke! Nothing to do with team or money spent on it...just dont like CITY telling me they are improving my experience in terms of catering and services. I have the right to say I am not happy with off pitch services!

You have the basic right to DEMAND at least half decent quality for your hard earnd wedge, at least expect the server to understand basic English, or have the loonies completely took over the asylum?
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

timesprout said:
yousawmestandinalone said:
How does an extra pound a pint/burger add up to thirty quid on top of what you already spend? I said 5 - 10 quid extra, taking in to account those with kids. You're only in there 2 hours, I'd struggle to spend 20 quid with myself and 2 nephews. That's with a pint and food for me and juice and food for them.

You're talking mince.
i cant afford to take my kidz to every game thats why i said and IF i take my kidz, please read before getting on your high horse

You're making stuff uyp now because you've lost the argument. I'm not on any high horse, I'm simply pointing out that even tho stuff has gone up a bit, the whole thing will cost a fmaily max of an extra 10 pounds a fortnight for the increase in prices of food and drink (and that only if there's a few of you). You tried to claim it was going to cost 30 quid extra on top of what you already spend and I rightly corrected you as that would mean you were already spending about 60 quid, which unless you're a bunch of right fattiest eating six burgers and oints each, is impossible.

Nobody's on a high horse here bar you, about a price increase. In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a recession. The price of EVERYTHING - EVERYWHERE has gone up over the last 12 months. Do you stop driving cos fuel's 10p a litre dearer? Stop eating bread costs 20p a loaf dearer? No.

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