all i wanted was a burger

Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

also see the £10 parking fans are getting shafted big time here and entitled to state our views...alot of people not happy, especially as clubd promoting family and off pitch supporter services....

MODS any chance the threads could be merged under Beer, Food and Parking Costs 2010/11<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:11 am --<br /><br />Need thread title....RICHEST CLUB IN WORLD NOW WANTS TO HAVE ONLY THE RICHEST SUPPORTERS!
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

stonerblue said:
nhsuperstar said:
Mate its not about getting my order right. They did not even understand what i was asking them for and couldn't even get to the stage of getting it wrong never mind getting it right. plus why would being their first experience make it acceptable that they didn't understand me or couldn't serve me. They work in the service industry for heavens sake. if you do a good job then fair play to you and i'm sure there are a lot of you guys that do a great job. But these guys were clueless and were bereft of any training or direction. My frustration isn't aimed at you.
As for your comment about me being a fool. please could you clarify what makes me a fool just because i would appreciate an acceptable level of service. Especially when i pay in excess of £700 for our season tickets. Over £100 for 2 shirts and almost £12 for two burgers and fries. In your own words please "give me a break pal"

Fuckin 'ell !! Why get so incensed that you have to get home and get your 'complaint' on a message board double quick?

I'm with Junior Blue on this one. If the worker in question is on his 1st day inhis new job then you have to give them some slack.
Whining about 'service' at a football match ?????? *shakes head and sighs*

Ok mate
so at what point can i expect him to understand my request. is basic english something that isnt required until half way through the season?
like i said in the op i just wanted to buy a burger. i didnt want him to ask me if i had had a good day or how the family was. like you say i was at a football match. i just wanted him to understand my order pass it to me ask for my money and give me my change. a polite please and thank you would have been reasonable too but the guy could not even communicate or understand a simple question.
And why shouldn't i expect that at the very least. i'll never buy from a catering outlet again. thats 20 odd games at least at nearly £12 a go. simple maths tell me that a club that cares about its fans and its proposition and also its own business plan should care about these issues.
i'm sure they read this forum and if our message gets through then happy days because it simply isnt good enough.
that is all
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

seantheduck said:
also see the £10 parking fans are getting shafted big time here and entitled to state our views...alot of people not happy, especially as clubd promoting family and off pitch supporter services....

MODS any chance the threads could be merged under Beer, Food and Parking Costs 2010/11

-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:11 am --


For fucks sake. Piss off with your merged thread shit. It makes no odds having two threads? Jesus Christ, some of you are worse than Hitler.

The parking was always very cheap for match day parking and it's only been brought in line with others. If you're that arsed you could try the bus?
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

The main problem with most of the catering staff, is that they are from an agency and as long as the agency get paid they dont care who they send. How much do you think the agency pay their staff? Prob less per hour than you would pay for a pint.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

The Food and drink are so vastly overpriced it's a joke. What's the point in the club wasting their time doing all of these surveys, when they just go completely against what the fans are saying?

At the end of last season, the club promised to sort these problems out, and told fans that the food menus would be changed, beer pumps installed, better service etc... and what's happened? fuck all as per usual other than them inflating the prices.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

The amount of money that has been spent on the players is irrevelant to this thread, if the beer and food is priced reasonably, people will enter the ground earlier and some will remain after the game to allow the crowds to die down and thus miss the queus for the bus and the traffic jams.
Put the price of the beer and food up too much and have staff that dont understand what the "customer" wants, then people will go elsewhere for their pre match pie, pint, burger etc and the club wil miss out on revenue.
Simple economics and the law of supply and demand with the price elasticity.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

nhsuperstar said:
stonerblue said:
Fuckin 'ell !! Why get so incensed that you have to get home and get your 'complaint' on a message board double quick?

I'm with Junior Blue on this one. If the worker in question is on his 1st day inhis new job then you have to give them some slack.
Whining about 'service' at a football match ?????? *shakes head and sighs*

Ok mate
so at what point can i expect him to understand my request. is basic english something that isnt required until half way through the season?
like i said in the op i just wanted to buy a burger. i didnt want him to ask me if i had had a good day or how the family was. like you say i was at a football match. i just wanted him to understand my order pass it to me ask for my money and give me my change. a polite please and thank you would have been reasonable too but the guy could not even communicate or understand a simple question.
And why shouldn't i expect that at the very least. i'll never buy from a catering outlet again. thats 20 odd games at least at nearly £12 a go. simple maths tell me that a club that cares about its fans and its proposition and also its own business plan should care about these issues.
i'm sure they read this forum and if our message gets through then happy days because it simply isnt good enough.
that is all

I've managed to make myself understood in every country i've been, regardless of what language was spoken. What i can't understand is how you fail to order burger and chips x2. Surely they have a poster of the meal you could point to before holding up 2 fingers? It may require a little patience on your part, maybe even a smile, but there's always a way.
Or are you just moaning because he couldn't speak English?
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

yousawmestandinalone said:
You're making stuff uyp now because you've lost the argument. I'm not on any high horse, I'm simply pointing out that even tho stuff has gone up a bit, the whole thing will cost a fmaily max of an extra 10 pounds a fortnight for the increase in prices of food and drink (and that only if there's a few of you). You tried to claim it was going to cost 30 quid extra on top of what you already spend and I rightly corrected you as that would mean you were already spending about 60 quid, which unless you're a bunch of right fattiest eating six burgers and oints each, is impossible.

Nobody's on a high horse here bar you, about a price increase. In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a recession. The price of EVERYTHING - EVERYWHERE has gone up over the last 12 months. Do you stop driving cos fuel's 10p a litre dearer? Stop eating bread costs 20p a loaf dearer? No.

You may be quite right in saying that it's only £10 per fortnight extra, but there comes a point in every family's budget when they stop and say "enough is enough" and don't forget you're talking about £10 extra on what is already not the cheapest day out. Do we stop driving because fuel is 10p a litre dearer?...No, but we drive less and pick and choose when we do.
The points you make about fuel and bread have nothing to do with this discussion on food and drink prices at CoMS and the service level. Fuel and bread are necessities to live, City is leisure time. I certainly wouldn't buy a family meal plus drinks at CoMS or City square every time City play, because it's so expensive and from my experience of only the beer, the quality is shockingly poor.
I appreciate what the club is attempting to do for the fans, but when I can buy a beer that actually tastes like beer for £2.50 up the road, why would I pay £3.90 for an inferior product?
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

went to bar for me and my mate at half time near 131, got served by 3 people, one took the order 1 pint cider 1 bottle diet coke and served the pint, 2nd worker took the money, 3rd worker got the coke. yet there was a big queue suerly they could have served 3 different people and not 3 serve 1. Plus the "team leader" ( thats what it said on his cap, did the hard work of taking the diet coke out of the fridge.

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