all i wanted was a burger

Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

Thanks Joey said:
yousawmestandinalone said:
You're making stuff uyp now because you've lost the argument. I'm not on any high horse, I'm simply pointing out that even tho stuff has gone up a bit, the whole thing will cost a fmaily max of an extra 10 pounds a fortnight for the increase in prices of food and drink (and that only if there's a few of you). You tried to claim it was going to cost 30 quid extra on top of what you already spend and I rightly corrected you as that would mean you were already spending about 60 quid, which unless you're a bunch of right fattiest eating six burgers and oints each, is impossible.

Nobody's on a high horse here bar you, about a price increase. In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a recession. The price of EVERYTHING - EVERYWHERE has gone up over the last 12 months. Do you stop driving cos fuel's 10p a litre dearer? Stop eating bread costs 20p a loaf dearer? No.

You may be quite right in saying that it's only £10 per fortnight extra, but there comes a point in every family's budget when they stop and say "enough is enough" and don't forget you're talking about £10 extra on what is already not the cheapest day out. Do we stop driving because fuel is 10p a litre dearer?...No, but we drive less and pick and choose when we do.
The points you make about fuel and bread have nothing to do with this discussion on food and drink prices at CoMS and the service level. Fuel and bread are necessities to live, City is leisure time. I certainly wouldn't buy a family meal plus drinks at CoMS or City square every time City play, because it's so expensive and from my experience of only the beer, the quality is shockingly poor.
I appreciate what the club is attempting to do for the fans, but when I can buy a beer that actually tastes like beer for £2.50 up the road, why would I pay £3.90 for an inferior product?

The point is, you don't have to. If you don't like the prices, don't buy - there are plenty of others that will.

It's entirely possible to have food and drink before the game, so if you don't like what's on offer, or don't want to pay for it, don't. And stop moaning about it.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

bradmcfc said:
The Food and drink are so vastly overpriced it's a joke. What's the point in the club wasting their time doing all of these surveys, when they just go completely against what the fans are saying?

At the end of last season, the club promised to sort these problems out, and told fans that the food menus would be changed, beer pumps installed, better service etc... and what's happened? fuck all as per usual other than them inflating the prices.

Spot on....just tell us the truth...dont promise something and deliver the opposite!
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

Two pints in The Townley £2.50 each, tastes like real beer.

I seldom buy beer inside the ground just on the night matches when I've come from work in the car. Last season the bar staff were crap. The bars around 117 always had new staff on, this could be due the getting abuse at tyhe previous match and not wanting to return for £x per hour but, I know what the OP means ordering one pint is hard a fcuk sometimes.
all i wanted was a bloody burger

Whose got the food contract? Is it still franchised out? Because if city are running it they should sort it out quickly! The beer is shite the service is shite!
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

yousawmestandinalone said:
Thanks Joey said:
You may be quite right in saying that it's only £10 per fortnight extra, but there comes a point in every family's budget when they stop and say "enough is enough" and don't forget you're talking about £10 extra on what is already not the cheapest day out. Do we stop driving because fuel is 10p a litre dearer?...No, but we drive less and pick and choose when we do.
The points you make about fuel and bread have nothing to do with this discussion on food and drink prices at CoMS and the service level. Fuel and bread are necessities to live, City is leisure time. I certainly wouldn't buy a family meal plus drinks at CoMS or City square every time City play, because it's so expensive and from my experience of only the beer, the quality is shockingly poor.
I appreciate what the club is attempting to do for the fans, but when I can buy a beer that actually tastes like beer for £2.50 up the road, why would I pay £3.90 for an inferior product?

The point is, you don't have to. If you don't like the prices, don't buy - there are plenty of others that will.

It's entirely possible to have food and drink before the game, so if you don't like what's on offer, or don't want to pay for it, don't. And stop moaning about it.

Which is what I'll continue to do and the OP will no doubt be doing in the future.
You're missing the point of the whole thread here though. If the catering staff continue to be so poor and the quality of the product (especially the beer) continues to be so poor and at extortionate pricing, the supporters will vote with their feet and buy elsewhere.
The club is attempting to generate extra turnover and all they'll achieve is a fortune spent on extra facilities but the result will be the same cash turnover on food and drink from the same people who've always bought. In fact, if the people who've always bought also decide that it's getting too expensive, there's a chance catering T/O will drop.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

The surveys/Questionaires that were done regarding our'Matchday experience' were done with the best intentions.
Many people would like to go ,get there early have a drink and a beer with other blues at the ground.Not an unreasonable request and one that the club seemed to want to happen.But it doesnt seem progress has been made in this area particularly in some of the stands.
Yesterday I thought it had actually gone backwards where I was in the CB stand level 3.No pints available only btl of Fosters 330ml at £3.50.
Now if that is progress then someone somewhere on the catering side has got it completely wrong and the club need to look at it now.
Im sure our corporate facilities are amongst the best in the league and im sure the club want 'normal' fans to be happy with the facilities offered but it just isnt happening at present.
Its not a moan just observations and I think everyone who has experienced it will agree 'could do better'
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

r.soleofsalford said:
Bluebird1 said:
I'm in 201 and the guy on the food stand didn't understand 'one bottle of fosters please':-(

probably sue, because he`s use to you asking for a crate :)

Cheeky f****r! It also cost double what I paid in Sinclairs for a pint!

But, I wanted it so had to accept the cost, didn't mean I liked paying it though.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

stonerblue said:
nhsuperstar said:
Ok mate
so at what point can i expect him to understand my request. is basic english something that isnt required until half way through the season?
like i said in the op i just wanted to buy a burger. i didnt want him to ask me if i had had a good day or how the family was. like you say i was at a football match. i just wanted him to understand my order pass it to me ask for my money and give me my change. a polite please and thank you would have been reasonable too but the guy could not even communicate or understand a simple question.
And why shouldn't i expect that at the very least. i'll never buy from a catering outlet again. thats 20 odd games at least at nearly £12 a go. simple maths tell me that a club that cares about its fans and its proposition and also its own business plan should care about these issues.
i'm sure they read this forum and if our message gets through then happy days because it simply isnt good enough.
that is all

I've managed to make myself understood in every country i've been, regardless of what language was spoken. What i can't understand is how you fail to order burger and chips x2. Surely they have a poster of the meal you could point to before holding up 2 fingers? It may require a little patience on your part, maybe even a smile, but there's always a way.
Or are you just moaning because he couldn't speak English?

You,ve hit the nail on the head when you say "what i cant understand is how you fail to order burger and chips x2"
Thats what i cant understand. its a very simple process isn't it yet these 2 guys were completely oblivious to my request. i have no problem with the guys not speaking fluent or very little english at all. we live in a multicultutral city and of that i am proud to call myself a mancunian.
Yes i tried pointing.yes i held up 2 fingers. But still they didn't get it. i have read some posts on here that question my integrity in this and question if i'm exagerating but mate. This did genuinely happen. i couldn't believe it. I'm not exactly blaming the guys and i said to Junior blue i'm sure there are a lot of great staff work there. But there was clearly no or very little training done with these guys. its a simple process of ordering with a very limited menu.
like i said in my OP all i wanted was a bloody burger.
i make reference to one experience and i'm sure others have had no problems but me personally i would never attempt to buy from a catering outlet again based on this. its expensive but its a treat and i accept that when you go to the game it costs. but if others have the same experience and refuse to buy then not only does it make the experience less enjoyable it ultimately deprives the club of important revenue.
After all catering is a service industry and in simple terms the staff couldn't serve me. Surely that is a major fail?
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

corky1970 said:

Yes, but no, but.......

The club went out of it's way to promote the new food and drink offering.
I'm as sure as I can be that certain people off this site were invited to a "great unvielling" of the new offering and were promised a far greater service level.

Well if the club can't get it right for a game where the stadium is only half full, what's it going to be like when Liverpool come to town on a Monday night?

Let's face it, things haven't changed and if the club promised they would, what's the point in contacting it..... again?
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

law74 said:
The amount of money that has been spent on the players is irrevelant to this thread, if the beer and food is priced reasonably, people will enter the ground earlier and some will remain after the game to allow the crowds to die down and thus miss the queus for the bus and the traffic jams.
Put the price of the beer and food up too much and have staff that dont understand what the "customer" wants, then people will go elsewhere for their pre match pie, pint, burger etc and the club wil miss out on revenue.
Simple economics and the law of supply and demand with the price elasticity.

Quite right, if City want more revenue into the club, then sensible prices, better quality, and decent service might help.

A further price hike for the same inferior service/quality will simply reduce revenue, its not an equation that's hard to work out.

The chinese near the mitchell serves very good quality food, with pleasant staff, at normal Manchester prices, as does the cafe on the way up to the ground from the mitchell. I know some of the pubs up their prices on match day, but none charge £3.90, and again the service is better.

My opinion is not moaning, its pointing out (as I did in the fan survey), that better quality/service, and sensible pricing might get me to use the stadium facilities, and hence increase the clubs revenue. It sounds like no notice has been taken as per usual.

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