All Time Top 1100 Albums (Aerosmith - Big Ones) P265

Well I've given it another go.
Good God it's horrendous.

Fair play if you actually like it, but to me it just sounds awful. If it were on the other thread I would have to keep quiet, for fear of offending whoever picked it.

But it's not, so fuck it, its not often I hear music that I instantly dismiss as shite, and even less often do I feel the need to comment on it. Shite is shite, and this is up there with the shitest of shitery.

The singer can't sing, the guitars are average, and the messages they are trying to portray are laughable at best. If I didn't know better I'd think this was a parody band.

Now I don't mind an assault of the senses, a massive wall of sound, energy, enthusiasm and commitment, when it's done properly, it's fucking brilliant, (motorhead spring to mind here) but what I do object to is piss taking.

It's bad, really bad. One of the worst records I've ever had the displeasure of wasting my time on. I can't even think of a single positive.
Ok the cover is pretty good, I liked the picture when I first saw it, little did I know that just a short time later I'd imagine it was my fist and the singers face.
1/10 and that's being generous.
Well this is something different!

I think this album is another contender for him making the list too long!

Funnily enough though, in the early to mid 90s I was mainly an indie kid but I did sometimes venture into metal for something a bit different. For some reason, I seemed to go "full metal" and Paintera were my go to band. I never liked any metal really unless it was practically thrash! I honestly don't know why but I never liked anything like Guns n Roses, Van Halen, Megadeth etc - it had to be hard and fast. Pantera, Slayer and Motorhead as well as Disorder from the Judgement Night soundtrack were pretty much the only metal I liked

I LOVED Walk, F**cking Hostile and This Love haha! I still know all the words to Walk and F**king Hostile to this day!! I spent most of my time listening to 60s and 70s classic rock, Beck, Bjork, Portishead, Underworld, Goldie and of course Britpop....but sometimes you need to make your head bleed and that's what Pantera do. It's full on, edge of your seat raw, vicious power which is designed to make you feel fired up. If I was going into a boxing ring, I would smash the opponent's head in if I walked out to F**king Hostile haha!

So, as I've got older I've not heard this for a long time so I'm kind of coming to it with fresh ears. And it's dated. And a bit panto and slightly childish in parts! The production is good, but it's a bit too clean too.

All that said, the 4 songs I loved still sound pretty raw and powerful. It's a testament to them that 30 years later it's still like a hammer to your ears! The rest of the album is fine, for it's genre, and it's not a genre I like. But I liked getting punched in the face from the music - the album cover sums this album up. That's exactly what it sounds like.

Overall, it's Friday afternoon and it was nice to hear it again.

Well this is something different!

I think this album is another contender for him making the list too long!

Funnily enough though, in the early to mid 90s I was mainly an indie kid but I did sometimes venture into metal for something a bit different. For some reason, I seemed to go "full metal" and Paintera were my go to band. I never liked any metal really unless it was practically thrash! I honestly don't know why but I never liked anything like Guns n Roses, Van Halen, Megadeth etc - it had to be hard and fast. Pantera, Slayer and Motorhead as well as Disorder from the Judgement Night soundtrack were pretty much the only metal I liked

I LOVED Walk, F**cking Hostile and This Love haha! I still know all the words to Walk and F**king Hostile to this day!! I spent most of my time listening to 60s and 70s classic rock, Beck, Bjork, Portishead, Underworld, Goldie and of course Britpop....but sometimes you need to make your head bleed and that's what Pantera do. It's full on, edge of your seat raw, vicious power which is designed to make you feel fired up. If I was going into a boxing ring, I would smash the opponent's head in if I walked out to F**king Hostile haha!

So, as I've got older I've not heard this for a long time so I'm kind of coming to it with fresh ears. And it's dated. And a bit panto and slightly childish in parts! The production is good, but it's a bit too clean too.

All that said, the 4 songs I loved still sound pretty raw and powerful. It's a testament to them that 30 years later it's still like a hammer to your ears! The rest of the album is fine, for it's genre, and it's not a genre I like. But I liked getting punched in the face from the music - the album cover sums this album up. That's exactly what it sounds like.

Overall, it's Friday afternoon and it was nice to hear it again.

Fair play mate, enjoyed reading why you like it, nicely put. We all have albums that are dear to us, and it can be hard when someone slags it off.
I like a lot of the bands you referenced, and I fully understand when you say you need that one band to make "your head bleed"
These would do it, no doubt!
Fair play mate, enjoyed reading why you like it, nicely put. We all have albums that are dear to us, and it can be hard when someone slags it off.
I like a lot of the bands you referenced, and I fully understand when you say you need that one band to make "your head bleed"
These would do it, no doubt!
Haha yes it's not one to listen to for a quiet listen!!

I think Motorhead struck a fine balance of melody, raw power with a rock n roll sound. They aren't - to me - metal, but Pantera are unabashed metal.

It's nice to hear something I've not listened to for probably 15 years or so... I'm probably too old for it now, but it's still good to get your head caved in once in a while :)
Haha yes it's not one to listen to for a quiet listen!!

I think Motorhead struck a fine balance of melody, raw power with a rock n roll sound. They aren't - to me - metal, but Pantera are unabashed metal.

It's nice to hear something I've not listened to for probably 15 years or so... I'm probably too old for it now, but it's still good to get your head caved in once in a while :)
Absolutely mate, nothing wrong with that at all, and if these are your go to band, then fair enough, to be fair, this is the only pantera I've ever listened to, the other stuff might be brilliant for all I know, I can only judge what's in front of me.
You're right of course, motorhead aren't metal, never were, I used them as an example of how loud, thrashy rock can also stir the soul. Even lemmy described motorhead as a rock n roll band.
It's nice to hear something I've not listened to for probably 15 years or so... I'm probably too old for it now, but it's still good to get your head caved in once in a while :)
This is me just trying to understand your point of view. Surely there are bands like Soundgarden and Nirvana that would fulfil your need for something loud, hard and heavy? I know it's each to their own and all that, but there's just such a lack of melody or empathy or anything on this that I struggle to understand how anybody could engage with it.
This is me just trying to understand your point of view. Surely there are bands like Soundgarden and Nirvana that would fulfil your need for something loud, hard and heavy? I know it's each to their own and all that, but there's just such a lack of melody or empathy or anything on this that I struggle to understand how anybody could engage with it.
Not to answer for Mr shin but sometimes we pick an album up early in our lives and it stays with us, however bad other people think it is.
I've got several, as I'm sure have many others

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