All Time Top 1100 Albums (Aerosmith - Big Ones) P265

Well guys, like a few of you I couldnt get through this album. Its not music I admire.
I wont knock it though, music means such a lot to many people, they obviously have a big following so there are people who really admire this kind of music.
I struggle to decide whether I SHOULD vote on it.
Its easy to say "its shite" and give it 1/10, but thats not really fair.
This stuff appeals to those who love it, who am I to say its shite ? Am I suddenly the arbiter of taste ?

Lol if ever 3 meant 0
Kinda guessing that most may not be interested in answering this (for others it may be sacrilege) but in listening to this have gotten to This Love and it’s bugging me : like the start of it reminds me of someone but i’m not sure who? An Alice in Chains feel?
Kinda guessing that most may not be interested in answering this (for others it may be sacrilege) but in listening to this have gotten to This Love and it’s bugging me : like the start of it reminds me of someone but i’m not sure who? An Alice in Chains feel?
You’re thinking of Rooster by Alice In Chains, but what it actually reminds you of is this:

You’re welcome :)
It's hard for me to explain as I don't like the genre either haha!!

Nirvana and Soundgarden are superb and can provide that hard and loud sound. But if you want to push it harder, faster, louder, nastier and just plain angrier you get Pantera! It's difficult to explain but I think the the melody is there, but it's not obvious. It's in the riffs really but part of the hook is his OTT vocal which is partly why I think it's panto at times!

If you want to feel angry, vicious and fired up and want your head to get caved in, this album does it! I don't know why I like(d) it as I never got into fights, but it's fighting music haha.

If you were playing for City against United and it's 0-0 and we needed to win to win the PL....and we get a can pick a tune to listen to before you charge into the box at full pelt, this is what you go for haha!
Just for kicks I’m listening to Superunknown which I’ve always been fond of (3/4s of it at any rate). Just thinking on the other thread where we’ve been doing Physical Graffiti, and it strikes me as quite remarkable how much (on this record) Soundgarden sounds like Zep!
Just for kicks I’m listening to Superunknown which I’ve always been fond of (3/4s of it at any rate). Just thinking on the other thread where we’ve been doing Physical Graffiti, and it strikes me as quite remarkable how much (on this record) Soundgarden sounds like Zep!
IIRC the Zep comparison was made in some of the reviews at the time. Like you, I like a good chunk of it. i think that there are 4 or 5 tracks that could have been chucked off Superunknown to make it a superb album rather than a good one. And those tracks are probably those that are straying into Pantera territory.
Just for kicks I’m listening to Superunknown which I’ve always been fond of (3/4s of it at any rate). Just thinking on the other thread where we’ve been doing Physical Graffiti, and it strikes me as quite remarkable how much (on this record) Soundgarden sounds like Zep!
So many acts really wanted to be Led Zep, from Marc Bolan to the Sex Pistols.

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