All Time Top 1100 Albums (Aerosmith - Big Ones) P265

Well I've given it another go.
Good God it's horrendous.

Fair play if you actually like it, but to me it just sounds awful. If it were on the other thread I would have to keep quiet, for fear of offending whoever picked it.

But it's not, so fuck it, its not often I hear music that I instantly dismiss as shite, and even less often do I feel the need to comment on it. Shite is shite, and this is up there with the shitest of shitery.

The singer can't sing, the guitars are average, and the messages they are trying to portray are laughable at best. If I didn't know better I'd think this was a parody band.

Now I don't mind an assault of the senses, a massive wall of sound, energy, enthusiasm and commitment, when it's done properly, it's fucking brilliant, (motorhead spring to mind here) but what I do object to is piss taking.

It's bad, really bad. One of the worst records I've ever had the displeasure of wasting my time on. I can't even think of a single positive.
Ok the cover is pretty good, I liked the picture when I first saw it, little did I know that just a short time later I'd imagine it was my fist and the singers face.
1/10 and that's being generous.
You obviously know fuck all about guitars then, dimebag average haha
To bastardize/ paraphrase from elsewhere, there might be said to be ‘music of the temple and music of the graveyard.‘ Given the title, consciously or otherwise, this album appears to be aiming for the latter. Does it do what it says on the tin? Apparently for a fair few it does. For me? Well, i’d say that the lyrics were instantly forgettable, except I’m not sure I noticed them enough to be able to forget them. The drums? I’m pretty sure I’d have noticed if they didn’t use them at all but other than that, I can’t much comment. Some of the guitar work I could mooch along with and -shock horror - even enjoy at times. But I have a question: As someone who doesn’t really listen to thrash, if I listen to a thrash album that speaks of the power of vulgarity….shouldn’t I be at least a little bit offended here and there? Because I found it so OTT, that I couldn’t help but laugh. Less hard hitting metal, more an actor hamming it up too much, so that I can’t take it seriously. Having said this, This Love, for me , hinted at what music could be created if the band choose another path - not ’great’ but yeah I enjoyed the parts of the song that they didn’t ruin. The bigger plus point of this album? Sometimes when I listen to music it can take me to the opposite of where it’s at - in this case an attempted assault of noise, led me to a quieter, calmer place within. This i enjoy. Not sure I could really credit the band for that but, in a way, the music served a purpose. A score? I think I’ d want my music to be more offensive in order to give it a 1 or 2. A 4 might hint at a greater willingness to listen to it again than I actually have. So, 3/10
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You obviously know fuck all about guitars then, dimebag average haha
Well apart from playing them for 45 years, and repairing more than I care to remember, yes you're
correct, I know fuck all.
Looking forward to reading your review on this album, this thread needs more eloquent posters such as yourself ;-)
IIRC the Zep comparison was made in some of the reviews at the time. Like you, I like a good chunk of it. i think that there are 4 or 5 tracks that could have been chucked off Superunknown to make it a superb album rather than a good one. And those tracks are probably those that are straying into Pantera territory.
Simply couldn't agree more with this. It's 20-25 minutes too long.
Well apart from playing them for 45 years, and repairing more than I care to remember, yes you're
correct, I know fuck all.
Looking forward to reading your review on this album, this thread needs more eloquent posters such as yourself ;-)
So maybe it’s something you don’t like, whatever, to call him average is just wrong though, he’s clearly not which is why people still consider them one of the best metal bands and guitars players there’s been.

can’t be arsed reviewing an album so I’ll skip that bit
And just to add pantera isn’t thrash metal, nowhere close to Metallica if you listen to this sort of thing

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