Am I the only one worried about the Dippers?

Yep, fuck right off you scouse bastards. I dont mind scousers all that much as a city of people but the fans of both clubs have traits I don't like wether it's the Liverpool fans and their divine right to be up there or Everton fans with their great history, family club bollocks

Someone just posted about wanting rivals you cared about beating ... If it was Fulham in 3rd or 4th, I'd enjoy us challenging them and I was pretty gutted at losing out to Spurs last season and I hope to god we finish at least ten points ahead of the dirty cockney bastards!
Personally I would rather City win everything with every team at their best so no one can turn around and say you won blah blah blah durin the Rags, Dippers, Silva's ect. downfall
Not worried about the dippers . They've made there bed an now they can sleep in it !pmsl if they ever went down
I have no sympathy for either bunch of dippers; I find many of their fans almost as arrogant as swamp-dwellers.

No team has a divine right to be at the top, as we - and Leeds - have found to our cost in the last ten years or so.

I agree it is more satisfying to win when things are competitive, but frankly, after the last 30-odd years...

I couldn't give a toss!
If you could exhume a few Huddersfield fans who remember their team dominating the league in the 20's, maybe they would have some interesting things to say!

I'm not expecting Liverpool to be relegated, or Everton for that matter, but I'm not losing any sleep over their current positions.

I remember not so long ago clubs like Liverpool, given their station in football at the time, wanting to fuck the rest of England off so they could keep all their money and play in some European super league, leaving the rest of us to pick on the bones.

I'm not going to be dancing on any graves, but neither am I that bothered that the poor little loves are having heart attacks about how unfair everything is at the moment.

Clubs like Liverpool were at the vanguard of creating the money means everything state of the game today, and they couldn't give a stuff about teams like City, so yeah, fuck them.
Swales lives said:
stony said:
What a load of sentimental shit. The dippers were once a mid table second tier club before huge investment by the Moores. That's part of their history they don't like to brag about though.

Every team has it's day in the sun and Liverpool's has lasted longer than most. I for one will be laughing my bollocks off, if and when they get relegated.

Horrible club with horrible fans. I'm sure their lovely history will be a comfort to the heroes of Heysel through the troubled times.

Totally agree with this. Those scouse twats can rot. Don't forget those bastards stopped us getting in the UEFA Cup when Reidy was managing us. Cos their well-humoured fans got all English clubs banned from Europe.

I've got no sympathy for the lowlife scum.
It wasn't their fault,its never their fault
brianstrousers said:
It wasn't their fault,its never their fault

It never is the dippers faults, 2 stadium disasters thats just coincidence could of happened to anybody, thrown out of Erope with all English teams not their fault and the best one I heard was that the shell suit clad nob heads that went abroad in the 80's nicking Lacoste and Serio Tachinni stuff also wasnt their fault.

Really makes me laugh how they look to everybody else for the blame, every year around Hillsborough time you get them on North West Tonight welling up saying we want a police enquiry and an apology so they still wont accept it was them.
The red dippers were nothing before 1965. With any luck they'll disappear down the league's and back to obscurity. What I can't wait for is the worldwide support melting like snow in a heatwave. I have had over 45 years listening to the reasons why they are so brilliant and now the writing is on the wall, they are starting to whinge about money in football!
This is the same club that shot up the divisions after trousering a monster wedge off the pools magnates.
Fuck 'em, disaster can't come soon enough.
bluenova said:
Ok. I know you're desperate to launch in with YES! replies, but...

The years with all that Big Four stuff were sh*t. Every season we started knowing that we had no chance of getting anywhere near the league title, and we'd dream of hitting sixth or seventh, and maybe a good run in the cup (also won every year by a Big Four team).

When we were taken over, Everton were looking to be heading upwards, Villa looked like they had some serious money, Spurs had a renaissance and had their sights on a shiny new stadium. Arsenal had the Emirates starting to look like a money spinner. Both dippers were looking at big new stadia. Once you get 8 big clubs who can take points off each other then the league becomes much more open and exciting., we've got Villa's owner tightening the purse strings, and both Dippers in deep trouble.

On the surface it's always enjoyable to see rivals doing badly, and I wouldn't mind winning the odd Champions League before things are evened out....but it's conceivable that soon it'll be us, Chelsea and the rags as the only teams able to compete for the title.

I desperately want us to win every competition we enter, but I'd love to start a season soon where there are 6-8 clubs who could win the league (we'd still be favourites - I'm not a masochist!).

Any other idealists out there?

No, totally not with you there...maybe when we've won 19 consecutive league titles and 6 CL trophies..
dpkmanc said:
No, not with you on the Liverpool thing. Yes, their fans (in my experience) are generally a decent lot but they started all this, being at the forefront of clubs keeping all their gate receipts; in being at the forefront of Premier League starting up and creaming in all that sky money, at the forefront of that group of clubs that tried to carve Europe up amongst themselves in the Champions League, All of this suggest they are a club that have not only been interested in themselves and not the general good of football, but that they have actively tried to make things difficult for other clubs to access the money that has come into football in the last 30 years. So, in a word, fuck them, I hope they go out of business (along with their mates at the swamp).


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