Anyone who doesn't like modern football and all the money in it needs to blame:
1. Those clubs who insisted on keeping home gate money for themselves instead of sharing it.
2. Those clubs who grabbed the lion's share of TV money, leaving the rest with scraps.
3. Those clubs who pushed for and got the Premier League, a monument for unabated greed.
By making top-level football much more profitable, they put out (in effect) a big sign that said 'Capitalists, come get me. You can make big bucks here.'
Once that genie was out of the bottle going back was impossible, short of a total collapse.
It's worth remembering that 'traditional' football clubs were run on buttons. They were typically owned by local 'businessmen' more interested in the prestige of sitting in the Directors' Box than in making money. Indeed, for many years it was forbidden for Directors to be paid at all. Nottingham Forest was, for many years, an actual club, with members and a Committee, not even a Limited Company.
That is no more coming back than drainpipe trousers, trolleybuses and peacetime conscription. It is gone forever.