And we're supposed to be the bitter ones

hgblue said:
Good point well made by the op. Very funny to watch United fans struggling to come to terms with the new football landscape in which City are a top side and a very real threat. On the very day United broke Liverpool's title record, the majority of the rags who stayed on to watch City v Stoke (to support Stoke) couldn't cope with the sight of a pub full of joyous City fans celebrating, and left quick smart absolutely gutted. There's a generation of rags grown up used to treating blues with a kind of snearing contempt, safe in the knowledge that we weren't a threat and could be easily belittled, and to suddenly (well in the space of a couple of seasons) wake up to the fact that we're now well on the way to being a major force is proving difficult for them. The poor lambs.

Two good posts, first the OP and then this!
citygal1 said:
hgblue said:
Good point well made by the op. Very funny to watch United fans struggling to come to terms with the new football landscape in which City are a top side and a very real threat. On the very day United broke Liverpool's title record, the majority of the rags who stayed on to watch City v Stoke (to support Stoke) couldn't cope with the sight of a pub full of joyous City fans celebrating, and left quick smart absolutely gutted. There's a generation of rags grown up used to treating blues with a kind of snearing contempt, safe in the knowledge that we weren't a threat and could be easily belittled, and to suddenly (well in the space of a couple of seasons) wake up to the fact that we're now well on the way to being a major force is proving difficult for them. The poor lambs.

You know its weird how some of my good friends and even family are dealing with this, they are showing signs of bitterness and nastyness i have never seen before from them, ive had to decide not to talk football with them anymore because its just not worth the abuse, its almost like they turn into diffrent people. haha its funny tho i laugh inside :O)
Same, I used to get on very well with a lad at work but literally every word to come out of his mouth now is a comment trying to belittle city "500m and one cup" etc etc.
I resent speaking to him now......
Blue2112 said:
You've just gotta laugh after reading tonights evening news on the City match report there's not a single mention of United anywhere and why should there be (apart from learning to finish off a game since the Community shield defeat). Yet flick through United's match report and there's a couple of references us and to how they just could'nt allow City to steal the headlines with an 'Anything you can do, we can do better! riposte.

Looking at both sets of fans comments left on the M.E.N. website and of the 13 views left by City fans, they all praise our performance and concentrate solely on us and our result. Turn the page to Uniteds report and there's 5 comments left about us from the 13 views on show.

'You've got to feel sorry for the Bitters, their best win in Premier League history and United go and do that to the Gunners, forever in our shadow'

'I was tempted to feel sorry for the Bitters...but it didn't last lond'

'Just as City thought they were the business, the Red side of town shows who is the real sheriff '

'Just loving that we scored that last goal. One more than ''the self appointed Barca of England'

'Anything City do, we can do better'

There was also some rather silly comment about this being there next generation of Busby Babes which is an insult and a genuine Rag would know better. I found it quite comical and actually thought it a compliment when a Rag mate rang me yesterday from the pub so I could hear all the stupid shrieking voices as the 8th goal went in pronouncing them 'top of the league'...Funny how he never answered as to why he or his pubmates weren't actually at the game at Old Trafford.

Tick follows Tock follows Tick......

I read that too, i found it quite funny, but then the rags have always amsued me :)
Pam said:
charliebigspuds said:
oakiecokie said:

Don't really understand these sort of replies, this is afterall a forum to discuss football and primarily City, if someone wants to post something about City and the rags they should be allowed to do it without being ridiculed and slagged off.

Spot on. The "We Aren't Allowed to Talk About Rags" Brigade are become extremely tedious with this. The answer is to stay off the rag related threads. Hardly rocket science, is it. If others want to talk about and rejoice in our emergence from forty years of being in their shadow, let us.

Correct. its always the same boring fookers telling us were paranoid,yet insist on jumping on a thread in a paranoid fashion themselves,seeking to be-little blues for airing their thoughts on bitter reds-ffs its getting tiresome now..if you don,t like the tread title you can always move on.

I for one read the MEN website report and the OP provides a fair and accurate reflection -there is nothing wrong with sharing the same online and provoking discussion.

As for the pathetic comment about a fellow -poster" wanting to see his name in lights" its time these childish comments stopped...If the OP really wanted to do that i can assure you there are many other topics he could have chosen to do so.Take a look at OP,s post count,spot the warm welcome from Billy Shears,then compare with the silly comments from the paranoid brigade..ycmiu.
The thing with the rags is it's not enough for them to be the best they want everyone else to be sick about it.

If you show you aren't bothered about them it drives them nuts. Seriously...try it. It takes away their reason for supporting them and reminds them of the futility of supporting a team nothing to do with them.
Once a rag, always a rag. The cunts won't behave any differently than they always have done though it won't half upset them when we do knock them off their perch. And we will.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:30 pm --<br /><br />Once a rag, always a rag. The cunts won't behave any differently than they always have done though it won't half upset them when we do knock them off their perch. And we will.
dennishasdoneit said:
Pam said:
charliebigspuds said:
Don't really understand these sort of replies, this is afterall a forum to discuss football and primarily City, if someone wants to post something about City and the rags they should be allowed to do it without being ridiculed and slagged off.

Spot on. The "We Aren't Allowed to Talk About Rags" Brigade are become extremely tedious with this. The answer is to stay off the rag related threads. Hardly rocket science, is it. If others want to talk about and rejoice in our emergence from forty years of being in their shadow, let us.

Correct. its always the same boring fookers telling us were paranoid,yet insist on jumping on a thread in a paranoid fashion themselves,seeking to be-little blues for airing their thoughts on bitter reds-ffs its getting tiresome now..if you don,t like the tread title you can always move on.

I for one read the MEN website report and the OP provides a fair and accurate reflection -there is nothing wrong with sharing the same online and provoking discussion.

As for the pathetic comment about a fellow -poster" wanting to see his name in lights" its time these childish comments stopped...If the OP really wanted to do that i can assure you there are many other topics he could have chosen to do so.Take a look at OP,s post count,spot the warm welcome from Billy Shears,then compare with the silly comments from the paranoid brigade..ycmiu.

The point I`m making is that too many City fans worry about whtas going on at OT and their supporters.
My own perspective is that I couldn`t give a fuck about them and neither should the rest of us.
Unless you believe all thats written !! And obviously some people do.
jimharri said:
Blue2112 said:
You've just gotta laugh after reading tonights evening news on the City match report there's not a single mention of United anywhere and why should there be (apart from learning to finish off a game since the Community shield defeat). Yet flick through United's match report and there's a couple of references us and to how they just could'nt allow City to steal the headlines with an 'Anything you can do, we can do better! riposte.

Looking at both sets of fans comments left on the M.E.N. website and of the 13 views left by City fans, they all praise our performance and concentrate solely on us and our result. Turn the page to Uniteds report and there's 5 comments left about us from the 13 views on show.

'You've got to feel sorry for the Bitters, their best win in Premier League history and United go and do that to the Gunners, forever in our shadow'

'I was tempted to feel sorry for the Bitters...but it didn't last lond'

'Just as City thought they were the business, the Red side of town shows who is the real sheriff '

'Just loving that we scored that last goal. One more than ''the self appointed Barca of England'

'Anything City do, we can do better'

There was also some rather silly comments about this being there next Busby Babes blah blah blah and I found it rather strange when a Rag mate rang me yesterday from the pub so I could hear all the stupid shrieking voices as the 8th goal went in pronouncing them 'top of the league'...Funny how he never answered as to why he or his pubmates weren't actually at the game at Old Trafford.

Tick follows Tock follows Tick......
You could try killing them.

ah, much better :)

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