Wow! This is some thread. I suppose seeing as it died well over a year ago people are now seeing him in a different light.
I have met him, nice bloke and very committed to improving the health of Mancunians. Health Innovation Manchester which I am involved with has his total backing and he takes a real interest in the work, rightly so as it is important. Its aim to be a world leader in the field is well under way and the model is looked on with envy and being copied across the UK.
Those who are against a mayor I take it are big fans of centralised government, what an oxymoron as some of the people who I recognise on the thread are right wingers and that has to be contrary to right wing ideology.
It is right we have a Mayor, a conurbation of Manchester's size needs a voice especially in this London centric country and he has done a good job using his office to get us all that voice. Of course there are areas he hasn't delivered as hoped, its hard when budgets are continually cut but at least we are being heard and plans to make the transport network better are in the pipeline. Homelessness is being tackled albeit it slowly and if you judge a City by how many cranes you see, Manchester is thriving economically.
I say this and he is probably a typical Blairite, I have no time for Blairites normally but Andy Burnham is good for the city and long may it continue. Manchester is a Labour city and it needs a Labour mayor.